Midi controllers for efficient plugin control.

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Glass, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. Michalis11

    Michalis11 Newbie

    Jun 16, 2018
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    If you want to control plugins like hardware then

    - Is better if the knobs/controls are close to the plugin. Not on the desk and the plugin on the computer monitor
    - The control must be automatically transferred when you select a plugin and sync the values of the selected plugin to the controller
    - When changing presets/patches on the hosted plugin, the controller should sync automatically
    - Need to think about how many controls you need (4? 8? 32? more?)
    - Save and recall mappings and the state of the plugin as presets
    - Easy interface to show clearly which parameter is mapped on the controller, display the parameter name
    -Touchscreen is better
    - DAW agnostic, the controller will work regardless of DAW because the controller does not go through the DAW but the wrapper plugin.

    Only one controller does the above and does it well

  2. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Lucky you are. That's the solution I'd like but P1 is quiet expansive at 238 € here.

    FLRIZDARKK Producer

    Oct 19, 2021
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    I would get 2 controllers: one dedicated to plug-in control and one for mixer control.

    For mixer you need a controller with motorized faders as it’s 1000% better and removes the trouble of retweaking them at the start of a new project or loading a old project. Something like Behringer X Touch should suffice without breaking the bank or Faderport as it’s native and it has the best support with your DAW (will save you a lot of time).

    As for plugins you need a controller with a lot of knobs and a few buttons to map yourself. Now ideally you would want the controller to have endless rotary knobs so you can spin them as you’d like without again resetting them. Something like Behringer BCR2000 (tho it has been discontinued maybe you can find them on eBay etc - still the best imo), X Touch Mini (has 2 banks meaning you can use up to 16 knobs)
  4. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    Yeah, it was 299.- here. I got it as a christmas present and still use it a lot. Only disadvantage is you see every finger tip on that shiny surface, so it looks super dirty after 2 mins of use.
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  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    What is your experience with the 40mm faders? Ain't that bit short?
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    try using "flying faders" and "behringer" in the same sentence. this time without laughing. :guru:
  7. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    They're 45 and surely could be longer, but i never needed total precise 0,x values and if so i could change their value range.
  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thank you for your patience and answers :bow:
  9. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    Of course. That's why we are here.
  10. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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  11. Alchemy

    Alchemy Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2016
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  12. Glass

    Glass Member

    May 3, 2020
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    Nice seeing this thread gaining traction! Thanks everyone!

    My understanding is that for whatever reason Novation currently favors Ableton Live above all. I was ready to purchase an SL MKIII for the intended use I've described, but then I found out Studio One (and seemingly pretty much every DAW except Ableton Live) integration is virtually non-existent and it just wouldn't do the job. Nektar offers deep Studio One integration and I think that's where I stand at the moment.
    TouchOSC looks interesting, if it provides parameter control for whatever plugin is in focus, along with the proper value names on the screen then it's something to keep in mind. If that works on Studio One and whenever I get a tablet that is... ;)

    Thanks for your input.
    Yes, going with a Fadeport8 is an alternative I consider, especially because of the Presonus eco system. However, I can't help but think this is mostly a nice Transport + MCU protocol console-like device dedicated mostly to mixing rather than the best “hardware-like"/hands on VST control experience possible I am after. I can't find much info on virtual instruments control other than these two videos:

    After watching the first one I am not very sure about the "instantly load the template of whatever is in focus" + screen providing enough info aspect I am after, the guy has to press several buttons before Faderport locates the plugin he wants to control. Also, while the motorized faders are certainly great, a set of 8 encoders (along led rings) omission is certainly a flaw for a product in this price range. You can basically control just 8 parameters before going the page route and some parameters are just better controlled with encoders. More info/links/videos on VST instruments control in particular would be really appreciated.

    1+2: Studio One has got the deep integration treatment but Nektar told me I can only have one page without Nektarine (which I'd prefer avoiding too...). Still my best bet at the moment AFAIK, the only thing I am actually quite concerned with is the fact that Panorama P series (and I'd prefer going P rather than T because of the colour screen, 8 more encoders and above all, the motorized fader) after 10 years will probably stop being supported sooner than later ...and what then? But yes, it certainly has my attention above anything else at the moment.

    @Moleman + @Michalis11: Yes, I am aware of the MP Midi Controller. I mean, apart from the fact its completely out of my price range, while definitely something interesting, something just doesn't sit right with me. First of all I'd prefer to stay away from any kind of wrapper, especially from a newcomer manufacturer. I just don't like wrapper dependency. Then, I don't know... It practically looks like someone with soldering and programming skills placed encoders on a tablet or something. For the money they ask for it, I'd like some faders as well some modular potential. You know, something you could put together that would resemble an actual synth, with common stuff such as some faders for ADSR envelopes etc. I just feel like the idea is interesting but we're not quite there yet if it makes sense. Could be totally wrong of course, do you have personal experience with this?

    Really appreciate the fact you understand how I am mostly after plugin control rather than mixing which is why something like Softube's Console 1 (although probably great for what it is) wouldn't do the trick.
    When it comes to Faderport, please see my reply in the second quote. Faderport8 is within my price range but I am not sure whether it is suited for plugin control. X Touch looks really interesting and I think pretty close to what I am after, but I can't understand whether there's a way to receive proper plugin information on its screens (parameter names and values). Does it even have a way to communicate with Studio One? (i.e integration...I see Logic mentioned everywhere so not sure about that). Basically, I think that if X Touch had the Faderport's Studio One Integration or If Faderport had encoders + led rings, it would fit the bill perfectly.
    Behringer BCR2000, yes discontinued but no screen therefore no visual feedback at all. It seems its getting a spiritual successor though, see below.

    About the second one...well...Behringer has a rep for announcing things a bit too early and I need something now.. :P Definitely something to keep in mind though!
    X Touch though looks pretty interesting, please see my reply above and let me know whether you know if there's any kind of integration with Studio One or a way to get visual feedback on its screens for the plugin currently in focus. Cheers!
  13. Alchemy

    Alchemy Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yeah, Behringer has a tendency to do a lot of weird stuff, both good and bad, no doubt about that. I used to have Studio One but left it for Logic before i got the X-touch. I've had it running daily for 5 years and it does not disappoint and runs steadily. In regards to Studio One I think you'd better have a look at this video that might answer some of your question:
  14. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    All generic MIDI controllers with a fixed layout of controls have the same problem: Knobs and buttons feel like hardware but the layout doesnt.
    Using a touch screen is somewhat the opposite: You see what you're doing, all parameters are shown and updated in realtime and the knobs and buttons are where they belong to. But no physical controls.

    After trying an almost infinite amount of MIDI controllers, only three of them have stayed with me:
    - A rather cheap Windows tablet with a choice of synths and effects that work well under touch operation
    - An iPad with Lemur (lots of free adaptions available on the web site)
    - Maschine MK3 (which only makes sense if you can live with the ecosystem it depends on).
  15. Christiano82

    Christiano82 Noisemaker

    Nov 12, 2018
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  16. Oneeyedstan

    Oneeyedstan Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2021
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    I love my P1!
    got it used for $80. the problem with the nektar P-Series is that the rubber knobs get sticky with the time. so i invested $15 in aluminium knobs from aliexpress and made a total makeover.

    Attached Files:

  17. djru5h

    djru5h Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    I use a Behringer X-Touch (Full) with Studio One 5 and with a mapping I found on the Presonus forums I can assign the 8 faders and encoders to the plugin of my choice while the controller is in plugin mode.. The mapping also makes the faders and encoders pageable x 8 so thats a total of 64 assignable faders and 64 assignable encoders.. Thats more than enough to cover my mapping needs.
  18. odiza

    odiza Producer

    Sep 7, 2017
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    Did you put a white plate on top?
  19. Oneeyedstan

    Oneeyedstan Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Light blue paint!
  20. Christiano82

    Christiano82 Noisemaker

    Nov 12, 2018
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    Updated Mapping - All FL Studio Mixer channels 1-125 (Volume sliders and Panning knobs) available on Internal Mode:

    Setup - Global - Global Channel (1-16)

    and Project Template with Fruity Mute 2 plugin linked to buttons under sliders on all 125 channels

    Have Fun :yes: