Avid closed Pro Tools First Application

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by Voekit, Nov 8, 2021.

  1. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    i know avid is a dik company, but they are still a company, and they need to make money, I'm pretty sure if they go with a more user friendly practices, and open the software for more people through some kind of deals and a rent to own type of payment, and if they make more cost effective hardware that makes sense to people they will make more costumers and therefore more money, nowadays the full avid path will cost a leg, and most people won't risk going with it, but if they do indeed offer discounts and bundles with more realistic deals that get's people attention, avid will rise again, they're still stuck with the "Pro tools is industry standard therefore we are a premium company and we offer only premium hardware" attitude and it is costing them a lot, they're hardware are either dated compared to other options or you're paying way more for a similar product... nowadays computer are way powerful than old ones, so their dsp hardware isn't what it used to be... people aren't interested in this, as going with a powerful machine is cheaper and makes more sense in the long run... many companies do offer daw controllers they are of equal quality and equal feature if not more and still CHEAPER than avid's offering...

    So basically this is the beginning of the end of Avid:

    DSP hardware are outdated => don't make sense anymore.
    Good Daw controllers options are everywhere => Avid controllers aren't as interesting as they used to be.
    Pro Tools as a daw isn't the Industry standard anymore => people are actually abandoning it.
    Pricing is still premium for a non premium product => does not make sense to people anymore.

    Avid is dying, and the sad part they aren't even acknowledging this... hope they take measures to save daws, as Pro tools is my favorite daw for mixing but only on a PC, they day i switch to a Mac (if it ever happens) i plan on working with Logic...

    hope someone from avid reads this.
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  2. boing_cr

    boing_cr Noisemaker

    Jul 22, 2021
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    I don't want to start a DAW war...but damnit, I really feel sorry for voluntary PT users -- people who use it by choice, not because they have to. Because, I genuinely feel like there is no way someone could prefer PT over another decent DAW like Reaper, etc., if they spent a reasonable amount of time learning the other DAW, and how to do equivalent things (and so much more). So I feel like they're missing out without knowing it...

    PT is slow, clunky, buggy, non-portable pain in the ass. It actually makes me angry that companies can produce such crap (I'm a software engineer, so it hits home a bit more).

    Let Avid die.
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  3. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Being a PT guy, I'll admit I've been playing around with Reaper, it's progressing so fast feature wise it's going to knock a good deal of the competition out of the water, a good deal of studio guys are making the switch, I think Avid is probably on the way out
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  4. Xeraser

    Xeraser Producer

    Dec 9, 2020
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    Japari Park

    About damn time.

  5. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    For the last 10 years they've been saying Avid is on it's way out etc... and there still here.
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  6. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Avid started over 30 years ago with editing technology for television, and graphics software for tv too.
    There is more to to them than this product.
    Way more.
  7. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    maybe Fender will buy it? or Carrier furnaces, because they need one of those
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Fender already bought PreSonus Studio One.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2021
  9. Xeraser

    Xeraser Producer

    Dec 9, 2020
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    Japari Park
    There's Media Composer which is like a lovecraftian monster version of Premiere and is just as hungry as one of those monsters.. There's Sibelius, which is the GIMP of notation software.. except that you even have to pay for it.. There's the hardware side.. Which is frankly even more disgusting than the whole "Pro"Tools ordeal.. But hey, old and totally not jaded "audio engineers" who were in their prime about 20 to 40 years ago speak well of them.
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  10. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    i like PT, but its held back by archaic money hungry AVID, such a shit company.
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  11. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    I think it has potential to be a better program than it is, but Avid keeps firing their programmers, and when 500 different people work on the same thing, you're assured of problems, to be honest, I'm surprised it works as good as it does, I think if Digidesign hadn't sold out to Avid, Pro Tools would be a different program than what it is......IMHO, It does suck that Avid pulled PT First, now no one can use the R2R crack to use The first license version.....
  12. jota

    jota Newbie

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Sorry but you are wrong in the professional part of bussines:

    DSP hardware are outdated => don't make sense anymore.
    (Record, mix, retakes without think in latency issues... is the prefessional wants. You can not say to your client... wait a second I need to change the buffer size because bla, bla, bla... Or... wait I need to make a bounce, for record the new vocals, cause the 170 tracks session with all the fucking plugins.... cant work at 64 bufer size.
    And in the Atmos MIX Film industry there is no competition.

    Good Daw controllers options are everywhere => Avid controllers aren't as interesting as they used to be.
    Maybe in the consumer, but in the Professional there is not control surface like D-Control / S6... so well integrated with software.

    Pro Tools as a daw isn't the Industry standard anymore => people are actually abandoning it.
    The Professional sector cant not abandone the Standart, because they have 15 years work in this software. Imagine the need to recall a Song or a Film...
    In addition the knigthmare for a professional that have all this time full of work and need more time to learn a new tool, at level that he have after 15 years of pro tools.

    Pricing is still premium for a non premium product => does not make sense to people anymore.
    For Professional budgets its not expensive if you compare with the profit that returns.

    In the consumer part I totally agree with you.

    Sorry for my english.
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  13. Xeraser

    Xeraser Producer

    Dec 9, 2020
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    Japari Park
    Do you realize just how silly that is? Changing buffer sizes takes what, 2-3 clicks in most DAWs? Also, 170 tracks sessions? WHO does that? Surely the amount of time spent trying to find what you need in such a large project - even if properly organized - far exceeds the time it'd take to bounce parts of said project for streamlining purposes.

    Yamaha's CL and PM series?

    Both industries are abandoning PT. And they will keep doing so. This isn't 1999 anymore. The market that PT revolutionized back then has moved on - it has no need for PT anymore. The myth that learning a new DAW is a "nightmare" is one that jaded audio engineers who are years and years past their prime and expiration date keep perpetuating - perhaps due to Stockholm syndrome, perhaps due to getting paid by Avid.. or perhaps out of the will to gatekeep when there isn't a need - one that has stemmed out of disdain for anyone who doesn't agree with their archaic ways. Credentialism is a sad joke - and yet it's a system that people dare not question. The title of "industry standard" is one that companies are willing to buy and defend with all sorts of dishonest tactics. After all, there's money to be made.

    The issue isn't whether professionals can afford it or not. The issue is that PT has become garbage and isn't worth its pricetag anymore. Like every other Avid product.

    Funnily enough, "Avido" means "greedy" in Italian.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
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  14. jota

    jota Newbie

    Apr 27, 2021
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  15. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    I don't mind Pro Tools as a daw, probably because I have used it so long. The stability issues (running out of cpu..blah, blah,blah) drove me nuts though. I have been moving slowly to Reaper which is a great daw, especially for stability. I feel that if Avid really put some effort into PT, it could be so much better. I have a friend on Avid's advisory board and they don't even listen to the board members' request.
  16. pon_pon

    pon_pon Ultrasonic

    Dec 20, 2015
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    I live in the countryside, near several farms, here farmers work with old tractors, their only tools are a hammer and a can of oil . . . They have heard of drones and electric tractors, but it will not be in their field where you can ever see them . . . they do not plan to learn more, and the only thing you can do if you want business with it is to sell them the same but a little better, without scaring them, without them having to learn anything else, because they will not do it . . .
    Reaper? live? Studio one? ha ha ha ha
    which programs are better? and... Who cares? If you come to my studio you bring me your ideas and projects in protools, to compose in your room use what you want, but in my studio protools is used. And that's how all professional studios are. And by professional I mean, a studio with a "woman" at the entrance, one or more maintenance technicians, several recording rooms with several projects, a warehouse with material and a person in charge ... in this type of studios, protools is the king . . . sorry.
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  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Many people are daunted by the subscription and licensing services becoming prevalent. This seems like stating the obvious to some people.
    Many larger studios who have separated their studio computers from their internet computers, now have the added inconvenience of validating their software either weekly, monthly or quarterly - or worse - every time they want to use it (offline). Too many companies in their bid to protect their product forgot the people who buy it.
    It does not matter what anyone thinks of any manufacturers product, the moment any piece of software forgets who their software is targeted at, is the beginning of losing a proportion of their user base.
  18. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    erm.... pardon?
  19. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    yes, but we haz xvx avid super duper 64 bit driver.
  20. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    Touche' I've been playing around with Reaper though, and have to admit I'm impressed with it so far
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