What UVI Sounbanks are worth keeping so far for you?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Brendan, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    The libraries shared are the one members received from UVI.
    If numbers dont coincide with their webpage, then they never coincided.
    Or, I suspect that these numbers are from the old Falcon version, and in this version, the samples are better compressed in the library files.
    There may be other explanations, but I dont like speculations, I like facts.
    If you have a proof of a real sample rate difference, not just you reading numbers and interpreting / inventing explanations, please , send it to me by private message, and I'll do a post about it.

    Anyway. We should get back to topic, which is What UVI Sounbanks are worth keeping so far for you?
    Not, what's your conspiracy theory about supplied libraries.
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  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I think a lot of those soundbanks are worth to be kept if one needs sound from the genre or Range of application they are made for.
    But you know what: It's > 100 preset banks now and I have only tested those I have owned anyway before and three or four others.

    From those first impressions I would keep:
    Ravenscroft 275
    B5 Organ
    Inner Dimensions
    OB Legacy (script processor seems interesting)*

    Others like Toy Suite I won't keep if I were short of disk space. But who knows, probably my Granddaughter likes sounds in it. So I keep it just in case :yes:
    Generally I would like instruments more that are directly programmed for Falcon as a synth and not so much that use it more as a sample player.

    One of the people commenting the review apparently helped with the creation of OB Legacy...
    [Answer #6 in the comments]

    "For OB-Legacy I treated my OB-X, the OB-Xa and the Matrix-1000 for a whole week working vacation in Paris. Work was done practically day and night. The sampling work at UVI is extremely complex. The basis was not only the raw waveforms but rather self-created sounds that cover a very wide sound spectrum. From these basic sounds the UVI sound designers programmed partly whole new sounds. In my opinion, the Oberheim character is hit here more authentically than it is possible with virtual-analog software only.
    Of course, it does not replace an OB "Dinosaur" but here the legendary sounds are made available and affordable for many users.
    A video with a small sound selection [...of a real Oberheim...] can be found here:"

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
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  3. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Well, I just finished downloading everything that I could grab. I also learned about a few new sites that I've registered on and can use in the future. I've got about half a Terabyte of DATA backed up in duplicate as I found an old USB2 HDD that had about 400GB spare. Thanks.

    I also found a few sites that are mirroring the sis site and give links to the cloud, some of them quite fast. I've really learned about premium link generator sites and one thing I've really learned is not to use HyperDebrid as they are a scam site that don't answer emails and don't give you your money back. It was only a fiver, but I've not been able to DL a single link. LOL. I also signed up at another site that I won't mention and that cost me a tenner, but they removed the links to the UVI stuff as that would have eaten in to their bandwidth too much. A little bit burned but all is good.

    So I've now got nearly a hundred expansions that take up about half a Terabyte of HDD space. This is going to be fun. I imagine I will delete at least a third of that, and put a third of it in to my 'Essential' folder, and keep the other third 'just in case'.

    Most of the demos I've heard sound a bit lacklustre. The synth stuff I mean. I think the sample stuff is where this plugin really shines so far, but I can't say as I haven't even installed it yet!

    I'm not looking for absolutely knock out sounds, even sounds that can fit in a mix are good for me, so I'm sure I can find some use for these. The big problem for me is if I really fall in love with this stuff, then I might need to buy it. I won't ever deal with the hassles of this copy protection system, I don't think, but I might be tempted to pay for a few of the sound packs or expansions I use. There's a lot to get through.

    And there's silly old me thinking that 20GB of samples/presets for Alchemy's sample banks was big!

    Little did I know. I'm going to be brutal with my listening to these. I'm probably not alone in that I've feverishly spent the last week just DL'ing stuff where I could. But if I can take this nearly 400GB of stuff down to even half that, I'll be happy.

    So far, from what I've heard from demos, the sampled stuff of real instruments is a lot better than the sampled stuff from synths. But as always, I'm prepared to be amazed, as much as I am to be underwhelmed. If I only find a few nice sample packs, I'm happy to buy the best of them that I will end up using in my own music. I think that's only fair and maybe a bit of a salve to any of the devs out there that spent their time making up these masterpieces - perhaps you will sell a bit more on top - I hope you do - no one wants you or your family to go hungry. I'd be even happier if you could gain more again by this release.

    It's been a crazy week after Black Friday and I haven't even thought about let alone downloaded and installed all the goodies I bought then. It's time to draw a line. I'll probably grab the odd sample bank or expansion that gets my goat from now on. I'm still seeding a couple of them now. I was only holding out for Digital Synsations v2. Now I've got that, it's time to take a listen to the rest of them.

    It better be good after all of this.
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  4. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Oh sure... Make me download more of these big libraries! Lol Definitely time for me to grab another big library drive.

    I missed the boat on that one the first time around, so I'll have to wait for now or find a torrent, maybe. Edit: rutracker to the (very slow) rescue
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
  5. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    last thing i'm gonna say about this: after having looked into this i can say with 100% certainty that he is comparing the filesizes of the packed/compressed/zipped files, as mentioned in the info line of the release on the sistersite, to the unpacked/uncompressed/unzipped files, as mentioned in the specs on the uvi site. rutracker doesnt look at the actual size of the content of a torrent, the info is, i suspect, entered manually. proof of this is FE the drone torrent, the filesize mentioned on rutracker is different from the filesize of what really is in the torrent. and since the torrent contains the unpacked files and the info is from the zipped files, as listed on the sistersite, there is a size difference.

    besides that, simple math also disproves any theory about downsampling from 48khz to 44.1khz
    17.52GB (1kb=1024 bytes) of audio at 48khz is about 27 hours and 13 minutes which is 16.09GB at 44.1khz.

    so yeah, i have to agree with @justwannadownload's conclusion
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
  6. birdboi

    birdboi Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    So far I have basically kept every single FALCON expansion, not the soundware stuff, but everything that you can find in Falcon Expansions in their site.

    Im still debating to myself if its actually worth getting drone or not
  7. Taos

    Taos Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2021
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    I may be in the minority, but I love the synth stuff.

    PX-V8 is kick ass, as well as PX-Memories
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  8. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    I agree. This stuff kicks Arturias ass, big, beefy well sampled. Combine it with native Falcon synthesis and scripts, heaven.
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  9. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    BTW, I'm running the Falcon crack on a Mac, in Parallels Desktop through Vienna Ensemble legit, piped to Logic Pro and it's working great.
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  10. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    depending on what you DLed there are doubles like, keysuite.
    it has all pianos/keys that where sometimes available as a separate DL.
    the same with some synths.
    then there is stuff like neo soul vs attack, do you need both?
    so, there can be sensible cuts without over aggressive deletion:wink:
  11. chamun

    chamun Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    If you get a big hard drive, uvi soundbanks are just a hudge presets collection when you need real specific sound (vintage synth, ambience, toys, cinematic, orchestral etc...) just like kontakt
    and you can get all previews and have them well categorize in nks with freelancesoundlabs!
    Then you can favorite your sounds by type, you can have the sounds you like by category instead having thousands presets to choose.
    Best workflow for me with hudge libraries
    So all soundbanks are worth keeping haha
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
  12. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    I don't know whether it has been discussed already, but my general feeling is: why use a huge multi gigabytes library of some sampled synth patches when I can use a 10 megabyte virtual recreation and there is no difference in sound quality? Or is there a genuine difference (modelled virtual analog vs sampled)? Sure, if you have a real synth in front of you, this might be another story, but I'm not convinced sampled synths sound better than modelled virtual-analog ones.

    To me formats like UVI and Kontakt (or their free alternatives like SFZ and Decent Sampler format) are great for accessing the sound of sampled acoustic instruments, not for synths. Vital, Surge and U-He freebies (Tyrell, Zebra CM - magware, Bazille CM - magware) cover all my synth needs anyway.
  13. chamun

    chamun Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Yep that depend of your musical type, but if you're looking for vintage synth I find some uvi soundbanks way more accurate than arturia or other virtual recreation. But it should be a matter of time, soon hope we'll get better emulations with computer evolutions.
    It can also be a pleasure to have on fingers the sound of real machines.
  14. suckajim

    suckajim Member

    Sep 7, 2015
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  15. scarsstiches

    scarsstiches Producer

    Mar 24, 2018
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    AcousticSamples impress me again, first with their guitars and now with Vtines. Beautiful to play and finally something that convinced me step away from Keyscape's Rhodes (which has been hard to beat for me no matter what else i try).
  16. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I've no idea what you are talking about! :rofl:
    I must have missed something, sorry.
    A 50 GB piano in Kontakt, or a 1 GB piano in Falcon..hmmm...:wow:
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I will keep the ravenscroft, sounds so good and for double size it hits the acoustic samples on the back easily.

    I will keep Atmospherics, probably Digital Synsations, FM Suite,

    I need to have a look at Drone, JP Legacy, Emulation, Synth Anthology andsome smaller ones.
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  18. scarsstiches

    scarsstiches Producer

    Mar 24, 2018
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    For those wondering about the size of those pianos, UVI (and its soundware partners like AcousticSamples and VI Labs) use lossless Flac format for their files.


    - Ravenscroft: 5.32 BG (Flac) which equals around 25 GB (wav)
    - Austrian Grand: 3.62 GB (Flac) which equals around 17 GB (wav)
    - UVI Keysuite Acousitc: 13 GB (Flac) which equals around 56 GB (wav)
    - AcousticSamples C7: 2.41 GB (Flac) which equals around 15 GB (wav)

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
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  19. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i'm running it on bootcamp on my 2015MBP with audiogridderserver to my 2017MBP with macos and running FL studio

    *mic drop*
  20. Chaindog

    Chaindog Platinum Record

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Well, I haven't looked into all of the libs yet. But so far by now, I'd definitely keep the Acousticaudio libs (although they tend to give me some CPU Spikes from time to time, especially when using pattern mode) , Meteor, Asteroid, Emulation II+, Program24, Drum Designer, Beatbox Anthology, Ravenscroft 275 and the Keysuite libs.
    Need more testing for the other ones, as there are so many libs.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2021
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