What UVI Sounbanks are worth keeping so far for you?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Brendan, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    How come you didnt even LOOK if it had attack and deep paramters BEFORE you post this?
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  2. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I've been tryin Ravenscroft, and boy..

    I can see where the good rep comes from..
    Such an incredibly Clear, Clean and Direct sound, very Homogeneous, Refined and responsive..

    Very well made instrument all around indeed :yes:

    It's certainly more refined than True Keys,
    altho the German/Bechstein has some interesting Color/Tone as well..

    I don't know why,
    but the Ravenscroft Demos I seen years back didn't sound This good,
    and they all had some kind of digital/artificial character on the attack.. :dunno:

    But yeah, nothing like that on this version.

    If I had to define its Qualities, again it would be the absolute Cleanness and impossible Clarity,
    and how Homogeneous it sounds in terms of Dynamics..

    The Dynamic layers blend together very very smoothly,
    and so it's a very Refined and responsive instrument.

    Piano in Blue otoh is a completely Different instrument,
    much more Colorful, Moody and "imperfect" if you will..

    It doesn't have, even remotely, the same kind of Clarity that Ravenscroft has,
    and it doesn't have the same type of homogeneous refinement of the dynamic layers..

    However, you got to freaking Love the Color, Timbre, and sheen of Realism it has..

    It would be hard/impossible to put in words,
    but the Timbre and Dynamic response of PIB has something very Special, Unique and very Realist about it.. :yes:

    Like, you can play Soft and it's got a certain Character,
    then you play a little bit harder, and the instrument "wakes up",
    letting more of that Steinway snap/shine come thru..

    And it does so in such an Authentic and almost Magic way..
    I don't know why, but the Color, Character and Timbre of PIB is very Special,
    and it has a certain element of Realism that no other piano library has/will probably have.. :yes:

    That being said it's not Perfect tho,
    it could have been better if more Dynamic Layers were recorded/included,
    like it could use at least 3 more layers between mf F FF FFF, and why not some other on the lower dynamic registers..

    However the sweet Color, Character and Realism of that piano makes it be just one of a kind. :yes:

    So yeah all in all,
    Ravenscroft would now go on my Top pianos list. :yes:

    It has this almost Impossible Clarity and Cleanness, (most other libraries will sound very Artificial if presented with such clarity)
    and it's very a Refined/homogeneous instrument.. a true technical marvel :wink:

    Perhaps it could be a little bit more, say generous with the Mid/Low frequencies,
    it's not as full-bodied and Warm as other piano libs.. but well, it delivers in so many areas,
    and I guess one cannot have Everything at the same time, right..

    So it doesn't replace PIB, which is still my favorite..

    Or Noire which even tho it's also one of a kind, and a very Featured and Versatile instrument,
    in terms of Color/Tone it would actually be much closer to PIB than it is to Ravenscroft..

    But yeah, Ravenscroft is a magnificent instrument,
    and they can all three Coexist on the top of the list :wink:

    (ofc there's so many piano libraries I haven't tried yet,
    but I talk of what I know in this actual moment..)
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
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  3. scarsstiches

    scarsstiches Producer

    Mar 24, 2018
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    True keys are okay but they improved their know-how in sampling vastly since then and the labor was Ravenscroft (and lately the Modern U). What makes the Ravenscroft so good is that the VI Labs team also worked extremely closely with Ravensrcoft pianos to make sure the plugin reacts/feels/sounds the same as the real thing. Ravenscroft Pianos even endorse the plugin on their website and they even made a customized Kawai VPC-1 to go hand in hand with VI Labs R275.

    So if you want to go all in (digital) for full immersion, you can buy the modified VPC-1 and play the Ravenscroft with it.
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  4. scarsstiches

    scarsstiches Producer

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Also, it's important not to confuse VI Labs with the makers of the Keysuite Acoustic (UVI). Totally different teams, one based In the US and another based in France.

    UVI tend to use far less velocity layers in their pianos and decide to use very effective and smart scripting to spread the layers so the piano feels very dynamic. All the pianos in their Keysuite Acoustic for example have 8 velocity layers max (some have 5). Ravenscroft on the other hand has 19 velocity layers. True Keys have around 18.
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  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yep Modern U is certainly up there with Ravenscroft too.. :wink:

    Same type of Clarity and cleanness,
    same smoothness of the dynamic layers, and overall level of perfection..

    Whatever they do to sample this pianos, is clear they had a similar approach in Modern U,
    so in terms of quality is pretty much at the same level, it's just a different instrument..

    And as far as Uprights go,
    certainly one of the best/most perfect.. one of a kind :wink:

    (btw it seems PIB has only 8 velocity layers,
    so the difference in dynamic smoothness with Ravenscroft is understandable.. )
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  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    For those - like me - who are no piano players, a direct comparison of the instrument played would be interesting...

    It's iOS but I think the sampled material may be the same?
  7. nyaa13

    nyaa13 Producer

    Jul 21, 2019
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    Yeah it's very good and one other huge advantage that it has, is that It also sits very well in the mix especially in metal genre songs from some quick experimentations that I did so far.
  8. ALEK23

    ALEK23 Ultrasonic

    Jul 5, 2021
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    The 48Hz sample libraries have been resampled to 44.1 the sampled oscillators have been resampled and the effects have been altered it's no wonder people are moaning it's nothing like the official release you get what you pay for.
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  9. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Thanks for the heads up. I'll make sure to check if I can actually use it then.
    BTW Drone is out and it's 15GB. Naah, it's not that useful.

    'Fuck are you on about? These are officiall libraries. Only decryption keys are cracked.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
  10. ALEK23

    ALEK23 Ultrasonic

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Well you must be right eh and that accounts for the smaller library sizes the hacked Falcon 2 itself is smaller by 200mb.
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  11. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    You talk bullshit, you know that? There's no plausible way to resample the libraries, they are bloody encrypted. One have to reverse-engineer the R2R emulator and build it as a standalone packer-unpacker, and it's only the least-effort way.
    And the 200mb accounts for all the protection UVI put into Falcon which now isn't there.
    I hence highly doubt your claim that "legit" libs weigh more and conclude that you have a personal interest.
    Are you a UVI employee, or a buyer's remorse victim?

    Also where's muh facepalm rating?
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Not exactly different: My original bought Falcon factory Lib is 1 052 338 971 bytes. R2R's LIb size is 1 052 338 971 bytes.
    And all my bought Libs of the same version are exactly the same size as R2R's
  13. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yeah that's a good topic on its own..

    One could have different needs/requirements in different situations, it's not the same:
    a piano for Practicing/learning,
    a piano for Live use,
    or a piano for Recording/Producing a track..

    I only use them for Practicing/learning, so I want more of a full bodied, clear and wide sound,
    with lots of detail and presence, but also with a good amount of natural room resonance..

    For a Live use I imagine one won't need as much room, but more Presence and clarity..

    In a Mix it would depend on the musical style, and also the production and mixing style ofc..

    But I can see how Ravenscroft could fit on a Metal track :yes:
  14. Karate Grownup

    Karate Grownup Producer

    Jul 4, 2020
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    There are actually some really nice synths and I would say you can replace them with VST synths. UVI did preserve some of the character of the original, which you don't get from VSTs.

    But, I failed to find a way to delete samples from banks. If it's impossible to delete them like we can do with K libraries, it's a dealbreaker. Imagine, you liked like 10-12 patches, but you have to keep 20GB just for the sake of those few patches. Makes no sense whatsoever.
  15. ALEK23

    ALEK23 Ultrasonic

    Jul 5, 2021
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    Just an independent like you with no affiliations except this account.Every UVI library i have downloaded is smaller check with the UVI site
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  16. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed

    edit: let me guess, you checked the size of the release on the sister site against the listed size on the uvi website. ever heard of file compression?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
  17. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    At the moment, I would say that the following are worth keeping:
    - Austrian Grand
    - Emulation 2+
    - IRCAM Solo instruments 2
    - Key Suite Electric
    - OB Legacy
    - Ravenscroft 275
    - World Suite 2
  18. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Emulation 2+
    Super 7
    OB Legacy
    UVX 80
    BeatBox Anthology 2
  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I was actually wondering the same thing: Not sure if it's possible since everything is contained in one single ufs file...
  20. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i noticed i do have 1 bank, vintage legends, that has all the presets and wav files showing in folders. might be an older format that had to do with mach five. only thing is that it's not listed on the UVI website anymore.
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