Computer Music for Disabled People

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Diabulus in Musica, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Don't worry Catalyst, I have a account (it's like alldebrid!).

    Thanks anyway! :mates:
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  3. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    "Another way could be to have a virtual keyboard interfaced with my brain so I could play music directly inside my mind, but I don't think something like that is available at the moment!"

    And you would be wrong suprisingly!

    Brainwave to midi conversion, been around for nearly 20 years now :mates:

    "By assigning specific MIDI notes to correspond with bandwidths of your brainwave's Hertz and power, you can trigger notes, chords and play samples."
  4. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Diabulus in Musica, damn, that's really sad. I wish they would make a device that reads the music inside our head and pushes it into sequencer - that's a dream i had for the last 5 years. :sad:
  5. johanna

    johanna Newbie

    Oct 22, 2013
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    I know how it is, well, a bit.
    There is composing techniques that could suit you very well, if you would like it. YOu don't need to have something kinda Beethoven ear...
    Just tehnique of writing music.
    can you imagine melody line? Logic: Tonic, SubDOminant, Dominant. I am sure that you know how this chords sound almost in any key. or remember in which keys are your favorite songs and associate them with some chords ( and notes of these chords). ...something kinda colors of keys. OR E key is like Orange or f minor blue, very blues... Just color on every key. Somehow to find for few keys colors that associates you with that sound. SO when you need dominant in A MAjor you think that you want something orange there, in melody. FInished melody is : A chord ( few notes), SubDominant ( D MAJOR chord is some color that suit to you and you think about color notes of chordes) and then :P ORange notes. Every chord is key or scale, every scale is one sound with color mood/ association. Their relation is only based on which composition tehnique you will use/ logic.
    MY point is that you always know how few chords ( actually three, which is almost everything in music in different keys/ scales related) and you know how almost all keys/ scales sound(look like) thanks to colors/ asocciations that you see so you can remember and then everything is happening in your mind. Now you try listen with your iner ear and being that sounds and try to think about logicaly to put them on time, rhythm patterns.
    COUNTERPOINT tehnique here is greatest.I am telling too much only because you are not in position to play anything or try to see how it sounds. And you must be fast/ precize in typing or telling someone. Listen music -someone practising lessons for example, enough to get associations with colors and to remember specific sound. Then in memory just make music,... start with easy things.

    NOW you need to write it easy. YOu can do it in FInale, mouse pointer on notes, but it is easy only if you already know all melody and rhythm. Extract it as MIDI file and that's it or for one hour to find friend who could write music and tell him everything that you made in your imagination before. There is some plugin for handwriting recognition, but music must be very nice written and I didn't try it.
    IF you want chords to write or countermelody, here, you only need a bit more knowleage and imagination, nice memory. BUt if you can see it visually and if you can think about everything, sing whatever you can, try rithmicaly and remember most things then there will be no difference if you can't play music!
    At begining, there will be troubles but you can do it this way for sure and you can go more after, to more complex music.

    Wish you a lot luck, you will need it.
  6. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Just to add a few lines more to the brainstorming...

    I´m not a 'gadget guy', and I´m not into pure electronic genres so much. I compose most of the time with my acoustic guitar and transfer the melodies to virtual instruments via the piano roll, BUT there´re some little toys that maybe you could try when you are tired of the back and forth process on the piano roll.

    I tried a Kaossilator once, borrowed by a friend (the small yellow old one). It´s a really easy thing and you just need one finger to find inspiring lines with it. It has a small looper so you can layer elements quickly and build easily solid main ideas. He moved recently to a newer version (black sci-fi looking thing) and said it´s really inspiring and complete, the looper is splitted into 4 channels and you have tons of great sounds and filters, so you can treat elements and record them independently, and if I remember well, it supports midi, so you can route every separated line into your daw once you have something you like, record it, and keep working in the track with your daw as you always do.

    I´ve also tried a few Nintendo DS music apps, very similar to any sequencer and really easy too and good sounding, and some looping devices. I don´t know what music you´re working on, but I´ll recommend any of these things to somebody who is trying to compose and get inspired away of the computer (at least in part). If I were your neighbour I will borrow you all these toys so you could give them a try. They´re expensive here and hard to find, BUT maybe not so much in your country. Maybe there are tons of similar ones that work well and somebody here could recommend *yes*

    Maybe by finding a few melodies, a beat and a bassline on a little thing like them you are ready and have a solid base to start arranging a song later in your computer without starting from scratch and note by note on the piano roll. I hope it helps, and I hope you get better :hug:

    All the best.
  7. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    HEY man check this out.

    DJ Fresh & Mindtunes: A track created only by the mind

    My link
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah I posted that one already but nice of you to be thinking of ways to help. :mates:
  9. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Sorry didnt see that,anyway my brother is in the same position as our friend here,he played guitar,bass and he was singing also but 4 years now he is sick and cant do nothing by him self and he is only 30 years old.I am trying to find something that can help him but he is in a very bad position right now, so you see i am very sensitive about our friend here.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm really sorry to hear that mate, that must be so difficult to bear for both of you. There are a surprising amount of people here living against all odds and as much as it's inspirational it's also demoralizing at the same time. :(

    GangamStyle put up an interesting link that might be of interest: If you can afford it then maybe it could be something to explore. I really think that the future is going to bring some interesting developments because I've been reading some fascinating studies and they bring the promise of a better life.
  11. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    That's amazing! :wow:

    I'm wondering if it will works with a more complex music like a symphonic soundtrack...:break:

    I hope to see as soon as possible that device!

    I didn't know this technique, I will try!

    Thanks! :mates:
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I don't know what neurodegenerative disease you have but if there's hope for these surely progress is being made on whatever ails you my friend. I've posted the text here to save you the mouse clicks. Let me say now that though that we're probably still years off because in this study there were problems with toxicity but the main point is that they're taking those first steps to truly understanding and treating it. I know it's a bittersweet kind of thing but I believe we'll see some serious progress in the coming years:

    Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Treatment Hope as Pill Halts Neurodegenerative Disease in Mice
    Scientists are hopeful they can develop a pill to treat neurological diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

    Researchers at the Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit at the University of Leicester say they were able to halt neurodegeneration and restore protein production in the brains of mice with prion diseases, a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders. The pill was used to block the pathway leading to brain cell death and prevented degeneration.

    The researchers had previously identified a major pathway leading to brain cell death in mice. They found the build-up of misfolded proteins in the brains of mice with prion disease over-activates a defence mechanism in cells, which switches off the production of new proteins. This normally switches back on, but in mice with prion, there was a continued build-up of misshapen proteins and the switch stayed off. As a result, brain cells die because proteins essential for nerve ending survival stop being produced. By blocking the off switch the team was able to restore protein production and halt neurodegeneration.

    Published in Science Translational Medicine, the team orally administered a drug-like compound against the pathway to mice with prion in a bid to block the pathway in the same way. It entered the brain in the bloodstream and halted the disease throughout the whole organ. However, the side effects included weight loss and mild diabetes as the drug damaged the pancreas.

    Study leader Giovanna Mallucci said: "Our previous study predicted that this pathway could be a target for treatment to protect brain cells in neurodegenerative disease. So we administered a compound that blocks it to mice with prion disease. "We were extremely excited when we saw the treatment stop the disease in its tracks and protect brain cells, restoring some normal behaviours and preventing memory loss in the mice." Mallucci said they are a "long way" from developing a drug that can be used in humans because of the side effects, but the potential for drug therapies in the future is now a "real possibility".

    Hugh Perry, chair of the MRC's Neuroscience and Mental Health Board, said: "Misshapen proteins in prion diseases and other human neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, also over-activate this fundamental pathway controlling protein synthesis in the brains of patients.

    "Despite the toxicity of the compound used, this study indicates that, in mice at least, we now have proof-of-principle of a therapeutic pathway that can be targeted. This might eventually aid the development of drugs to treat people suffering from dementias and other devastating neurodegenerative diseases."

    Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson for the Alzheimer's Society described the study as "hugely exciting". "This is a promising development as it shows this biological pathway is a potential target for new treatments. However, it is important to note that this study was carried out on mice with prion disease and so it is not clear how applicable it is to humans with diseases such as Alzheimer's.

    "What we need now is further research into potential drugs which can target the same pathway. Whilst the ability to stop neurodegeneration in its tracks would be hugely exciting, we are still a long way from seeing a drug which is suitable for human use."
  13. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    :rofl: Weed is always the solution
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's a fucking resilient plant. :rofl:

    It used to be a fuel, hemp (rope, clothing), smoking. It's nature's little miracle.
  15. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I feel your pain. Ever consider just using a microphone and using a plug in to map the tones to midi? Then even if you have to do piano roll it's much easier, and since your doing it with your voice you still get some feeling of fluid control
  16. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    This thread gets every day more and more interesting given the fact conditions might be reduced to their possible minimum and that "what to do" is the core of engineering

    Lazy fingers or wounded ones ....fingers at the end :headbang: the ones are so communicative
  17. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    i m sorry for your condition,when i first read it i thought i could look for information in jason becker's site,since he s affected with a serious disability as well,but it didn t keep him from writing music,and i rememebered that in his bio it said that he used a music writing software that allowed him to control it with ht e movement of his eyes,unfortunately the name of the software isn t written anywhere.Now browsing jason s site ,i read his reply to a person in a similar condition and he said that he uses logic and tells his caregivers what to do,which doesn t seem very helpful to me.then i re read your post and it seems that uour problem is deleting the notes u don t like,i don t know what software u use but but with a porgram like sibelius u wouldn t need to delete notes,u just get back and overwrite them.obviously u have to do some tricks because it might happen that u delete a whole cord when u want to replace only one note,so,my suggestion is tu use sibelius with multiple staves and assign a note to each staves rather that writing a chord on a single one,it s safer in my opinion.
    i hope this helps,and good luck
  18. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Well is not only a matter of deleting notes, it's a matter of let my creativity flows. I mean...when you play a piano you don't have to think at which notes can sounds good one each other, just move your fingers on the keyboard and your creativity will do the job. When I'm composing I have to think first at which chords can sounds good one each other because I can't play a keyboard. Now, I think I have a good knowledge of music theory so I know (more or less!) what chords (or melodies) I can use but even so it's a frustrating process! I need something to unleash my creativity...!
  19. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    have u tried to insert the notes in the piano roll,then loop playback after higlhighting the notes u re not sure of so u can move them while the programs plays them over and over?
  20. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Can you move your legs and feet?

    You could use something like a modified organ aka bass pedal