Not impressed by Falcon, am I the only one ?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by trz303, Nov 29, 2021.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    How do you know their music "sucks ass?" Was that necessary? There are musicians from all styles on this site and all age groups, some better than others and some not. You use Reaktor to make music? Great! Great tool. How would you feel if a musician who had mastered their musical instrument came on and said "Oh, you use Reaktor, so you cannot play a real instrument, that makes you a bullshit musician who couldn't play shit if they took your computer away" ??

    You wouldn't, nobody would like it but the point is it's unnecessary. Some people like aesthetics and others can take it or leave it. Choices in instruments or aesthetics doesn't make anyone better or worse, only different.
    Beat16 just likes to try and help people.
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  2. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    It does already seem to me that this place is a bit of a free-for-all in regards people being nasty to each other.
    So I'm glad you have just said what you said.
    But already I can see I may have to think through multiple times before I post, so as not to trigger certain types.
    Bit worrying.
  3. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Talking about specific libs, I really like the uvi world 2, all the uvi pianos, virharmonic and some cinematic sound generators and synths in general, but to be honest, all of those libraries are things that I can live without.
    I was expecting EW as I said many times specifically their vocal and choir libs and... The opus Hollywood orchestra.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I don't see that particular comment about "anyone's music" meant to be nasty, though. He meant that people will often focus on the wrong things and then wonder why they never improve. Which is common.
  5. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I'm seeing they are a big footprint, but only because of the mic options...not the velocity layers etc.
    If I could have Bechstein Digital or Soniccouture pianos in Falcon, I may feel different.
    Does anybody know what the biggest and hopefully best acoustic piano, preferably a Steinway D, is for Falcon, please?
    These were bread and butter tools for some people; still pretty special.
    Just old, though.
    I mean, it's Strezov for choirs now, no?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Not really. I figure everyone's opinion is valid to them and you should speak it if it is important to you.
    I think if you care about your music and the people in your life, it is really quite simple. Treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself.
    I see no point in calling someone names. We've all done it at least once in our life but as I said, it truly is unnecessary. It gains nothing but the same in return. :) It certainly does not gain anything good.
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  7. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    You must be talking not about the person who specifically said to one person that his music sucks ass, but about someone else.
  8. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Of course. Standard.
    It's just that even that doesn't seem to work here always.
  9. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Those aren't mutually exclusive. :chilling:
  10. reignerrr

    reignerrr Ultrasonic

    Jul 9, 2017
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    i was about to make a thread exactly the same, falcon sucks
  11. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    What does it suck? Is it ass? Or something else? :)
    I just wanna know which is the best concert piano for Falcon, then I can make my evaulation...
  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    There are several - lots actually - The Italian is good with dynamic settings adjusted and the Key Suite is also good. I prefer others but they have their usage. Others may use them exclusively.
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  13. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Thank you.
    But comparing to the best of the best for Kontakt, there must be one that has a load of velocity layers and can compete with The Hammersmith or something else up at that level?
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Unlike a lot of people on here I can truthfully answer you with more time rather than a snap judgement. I have not spent enough time on it as yet. I am still doing one at a time. I like the Italian for it's gentility. The Yamaha C7 in the Key suite is comparable so far. The Steinway model D will be the one that shows most in the Keysuite how good it is and I have not got to that. I try them in different scenarios to see where they excel and where they do not. Your favourite in Konatkt may not be mine which is cool and they way it should be. If I think it is exceptional and worth a try I'll PM you when I get to it over the coming week.
  15. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Oh okay. Sounds like Key Suite will be the direction I'll investigate then. Thanks again.
    If you were to know the amazing specs of what are considered by most to be the best pianos for Kontakt, and were to test their amazing playability and sound, then you could ascertain whether or not to put time into that for me or not!
    Because I have high standards since The Hammersmith and Bechstein Digital's C.Bechstein Digital Grand.
    And neither are perfect! As most things like this.
  16. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    You can't be and won't be impressed by Falcon until you test out the greatest VI Labs soundbank of all time:
  17. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    However I edit those still won't sound like a piano!
    Wow, those cowbells are 8 years old as a library.
    @Pauluz doesn't get the joke!
    Pal, I'm asking about pianos and somebody posted cowbells!
    How would I edit them into a piano, eh? :winker:
    So, thanks for the Dislike!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2021
  18. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Ok, I got myself Serum Massive xywz Nexus Plexus Omnisphere Avenger Dune Diva Hive Zebra Spire Falcon Spire Kontakt.. and another couple hundred synths samplers romplers etc that I don't remember the name of.. all the libs, expansions, extensions, presets...

    Now I'm ready... How do I make that Calvin Harris lead? Quick, want to be famous ffs...!

    *some random guy on audio forum, lets call him bax..:
    Well, you take a saw, put a tad of LP, some detune and glide...

    Thats it?! What about Tiesto? Garrix? SHM? Guetta? Diplo..?!
    Well, you take a saw, put a tad of LP, some detune and glide, pitch env maybe...

    Thaaaats it? you never use anything else? not even a square..?
    Oh yeah, but only to play Sandstorm. By an artist called Darude...

    ... :suicide:
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    This is totally correct.... the nuances of a pianist performing the exact same piece each night will never be identical. Different emotions, occurrences, levels of concentration and more affect not just the amplitude but differing timbres. No matter how many samples, how great the microphones, the engineer and every environmental factor being accounted for, it cannot capture natural human randomness....muscle usage, one finger playing the adjacent key not quite as on and so forth.
  20. F.L.O.W.

    F.L.O.W. Producer

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Well of course it doesn't "capture" that.
    That's down to a great pianist playing the most responsive and fat Kontakt libraries.
    IE However well I play on Art Vista Virtual Piano, or Tonehammer Emotional Piano (both very old libraries) doesn't truly matter because they aren't responsive enough IE not enough samples.
    Still usable though; just not for certain work.
    I can get the feel you describe.
    But only with the right libraries.
    And it doesn't involve having to have the best Doepfer keybed money can buy!
    Just attuning to one's own keybed.
    Like how an acoustic drummer just has to attune to his or her mesh kit.

    You agreed with something I said, that neither are perfect.
    But it wasn't do with what you are saying at all.
    It's just little things that only a pianist may realise.
    Did you try them both?
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