Omnisphere blanking on reload after save on Ableton

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Ziggal, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. SansUT117

    SansUT117 Guest

    I am not even sure if it's an actual timebomb. The fact that a lot of people say they don't have it while another lot also say it's been happening since 2.6.4 version (1.10 on Stylus) implies that it's something completely different. In my case it only really happens when I save *one* time with the Windows UI of Omni/Stylus open, after that even saved multis are completely empty, but as long as I save with the windows closed the issue never appears in the first place.

    The fact that legit users also have this problem probably indicates that it's an issue with the program itself and not with the cracks.
  2. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
    Likes Received:
    i think there might be different reasons for the same problem which might make it even harder to fix. but one is authorization / crack / timebomb related for sure. re authorization /deleting authorization files is the first fix that spectrasonics staff tells people who report that problem.

    also vkdanilovz version doesnt have this problem at all as it seems. Only @Blanche Neige says something about it. so id like him to clarify what he meant when he said "Presets randomly vanish when the DAW is opened." everybody else is reporting that with danilovz version finally there is no more patch loosing going on.

    And danilov even said explicitly that he fixed those timebombs and also alegedly told a user that R2R have not been able to fix the timebombs in their latest 2.8.1 release.

    So i think while the "normal" patch loosing / empty loading omnisphere problem is a timebomb there actually might be other rare problems that also lead to omnisphere loosing patches..
  3. SansUT117

    SansUT117 Guest

    Well I am gonna check Danilov's version then. But if it actually works I actually hope he does the same for Stylus because it's mostly annoying there where the main idea is to mix loops and elements.
  4. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
    Likes Received:
    check it out and report back if it still looses patches. but be sure to properly uninstall omnisphere before.
  5. SansUT117

    SansUT117 Guest

    Okay, I just tried his version and it works wonders. Except for one thing: it doesn't seem to create the Zmap.index files for Trilian and Keyscape so I had to reinstall a previous R2R version of those to create them and now it reads them. I have been playing for a while and the presets are still there after cloning the channel, saving, loading the project file over and over again.

    The only problem I have right now is that I can't load the Bob Moog patches because of the problem I mentioned with the Zmap.index but besides that, it works amazing.

    I really hope Danilov can make those fixes individually to Trilian and Keyscape to retain compatibility with old Project Files but if that's not possible.... well, I hope he does it for Stylus at least.
  6. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Theres a new version on AZ from Danilov where he stated he fixed that exact Problem you encountered with his other version. check it out
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2.8.1c FULL Update WIN FiXED
    vkDanilov | 30 November 2021 | 820 MB

    Previous release bugs:
    ► Sometimes when you reload a project, patches are still reset
    ► Spontaneous change of patches
  8. LightSound

    LightSound Ultrasonic

    Jun 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    For a beginner!-) You have the language "well hung"!-(
    The kind of language that does well anyway I will have the solution it will embarrass me to give it to you _*_
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