Master guide for the UVI Falcon & UVIEMU release - Installing, Generating Licenses & More!

Discussion in 'Software' started by frozensnow, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I've been seeing a lot of confusion on how to get the UVI Falcon release by R2R together with UVIEMU and/or how to get UVIEMU to generate licenses for libraries you might or might not own. In addition, this guide will answer the most common questions floating around. This guide is aimed at those who prefer a step by step guide.

    If you have any questions or concerns for doing all this, first check the Frequently Asked Questions section below. If your question isn't answered, feel free to post it below and I will try to help out wherever I can.

    Downloading and Installing UVI Falcon + UVIEMU:

    Unfortunately I can't help you download the release. As per the rules of the forum, you won't find links to warez such as this on this forum. But a guide on installing UVI Falcon & UVIEMU is certainly possible, please take a look at the following post by @BEAT16 which goes in depth on the basics of installing the release as well as how to install libraries that were generated by UVIEMU. Do you want to learn how to dump them yourself? Continue reading.

    Generating Licenses from ILOK Protected libraries

    The following sections below will guide you through the process of dumping a license from a library you own, as well as potentially getting files ready for sharing. You don't need to do this if you just want to use UVI Falcon + R2REMU. Follow the guide in the post mentioned above for instructions, that's all you'll need to do. The following is for the people who want to use libraries they paid for.

    What you'll have to install/have:

    • The UVI Falcon release by R2R
    • UVIEMU, which should be included with the UVI Falcon release
      (Again, for an in depth installation guide of the release, please visit this link)
    • Any library in .ufs format
    • The ILOK License Manager with your license activated on your machine for the aforementioned library.
    You need to install both the R2R UVI Falcon and UVIEMU release, you can't install just one of them. They work together. You can install the R2R UVI Falcon release to a different folder, however, if you wish to keep your legit version installed.

    Getting things ready:

    After installing everything, load up UVI Falcon from the start menu. For this guide I recommend using the standalone, as it's easier to start and stop.

    If you've put your library in a location that Falcon can find, you will most likely get an error that tells you that it can't find a license for a library. This happens because by default in order to improve performance, the release disables loading the loading of ILOK licenses or any of its dependencies.

    If Falcon found your library, please skip the following section and continue with "Loading and dumping the license"

    If SoundBanks aren't found:

    If Falcon doesn't find your library, you may not have put it in the right folder or it's not part of its search path. You have two options to solve this:
    1. You put your library in a supported default location such as C:\Users\<YourNameHere>\Documents\UVISoundBanks - You may have to make this folder as on my end it wasn't there.
    2. You can add a custom SoundBanks folder by clicking the wrench icon in the top row, next to "Default Multi" and clicking on "Preferences". Under SoundBanks you can add a new search path.
    If Falcon still can't find your SoundBank, check the Frequently Asked Questions section for more things to try.

    Loading and dumping the license:

    The following section only applies to libraries that came with an ILOK license. Did your library not come with one? Then you should be able to use it and share it without doing all this. If it did come with an ILOK license, in order to load these protected libraries in Falcon, you'll have to tell the UVIEMU to allow it to load ILOK licenses first. Then, afterwards, you can disable the loading function. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds and it can be done with the following steps.

    1. Close Falcon
    2. Press your Windows Key + R at the same time to open up the "Run" Prompt.
    3. Type regedit.exe and press enter. You will need administrator privileges for this.
    4. If you have regedit open, browse to the following location:
      Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TEAM R2R\R2RUVI
      Pro tip: You can copy and paste this in the address bar and it will go there instantly on Windows 10/11!
    5. If you're there, you should see 3 entries (ignoring (default)) in the right panel.
    6. Double-click on "DumpLicense" to open it up and set its value data to 1
    7. Double-click on "UseILokLicense" to open it up and set its value data to 1
    8. All 3 entries (ignoring (default)) should now be 1
    9. Do not close regedit, I recommend just minimizing it for now.
    10. After you've opened Falcon, it should open a dialog box with a message stating that it has generated a license. One dialog box will open for each license it generated.
    11. Take note of the messages in this box. It will tell you that it has generated a file with an ID - which you must remember if you're planning to share the library as it is tied to the library - in C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R
    12. When all the messages have shown up, and you've taken note of what was activated and where, you can try out the libraries and see if they load and work.
    13. If they work, you can close Falcon and open regedit up again.
    14. Set the values for "DumpLicense" and "UseIlokLicense" to 0 again. Don't touch the "UseR2RLicense" property unless you know what you're doing.
    15. You're done. You can now share the .ufs based library and the accompanying license file in the R2R folder. These are fully standalone and will work on any machine now. No personal data is in them.

    Some final notes:

    • If you have done all the above, you can optionally open the ILOK license manager and unregister your licenses from your machine or uninstall it completely, it isn't needed after you generated the licenses.
    • Did you generate a license but forget the ID? Go to the C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R, set the view to "detailed" and sort files by "last modified"! The file with the newest date is the one that was generated!
    • Loading a library is easy. Double click on "Empty" underneath the Parts tab at the left side in Falcon. This will open up a preset browser for you to go through your soundbanks.

    Gotten this far?

    Congratulations! You've successfully used UVIEMU to dump licenses and made your libraries portable. Falcon will now load your libraries without the need of ILOK.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Q: I already own a plugin with ILOK protection, UVI Falcon or a library/SoundBank, am I going to lose my license or get in trouble if I do anything listed here??
    A: No. You're fine, here's why:

    • Nothing is altered. Dumping licenses or using this release will not void any warranty, break your other licenses, or alter how ILOK operates. It's completely safe and ILOK's license manager isn't going to get altered by it. When you generate a license for your library, all that happens is that a request is made to check for your license, and (from my understanding) this is decoded and dumped to a file.The files generated by this release do not contain personal information. There is nothing that leads back to you.
    • You don't need to use your main system to test it out. If you prefer, you can do this all in a virtual machine or on another system if you want to. Install Ilok on that system, download the license and then disconnect internet if you are paranoid and want safety. It'll still work.
    • You can keep Falcon installed if you own it. You can choose to install this release next to it by changing the installation path. That way you can run either or both at the same time and go back and forth.
    • You can go back at any time by reinstalling UVI Workstation/Falcon and uninstalling this release and the acompanying UVIEMU. Nothing is lost during this process.
    Q: I bought a Falcon library but don't own Falcon, can I still do this?
    A: Yes.
    All you need to do is follow the guide above, you can use your library in the UVI Falcon & UVIEMU release. No money is lost.

    Q: Can I get this working on MAC?
    A: No/Maybe. Unfortunately, while you may find a way to run this UVI release under a mac on your own or on other guides - for example by running it through bootcamp - this is not an officially supported thing to do, even as a legit user, and thus license generating and getting this release to run without bugs is beyond the scope of this guide. You won't find support for it here since I can't help you troubleshoot it without buying a mac myself.

    Q: I have installed a library but it's not showing up or it doesn't work, why?
    A: This can have multiple reasons, but you can try to do the following:

    • If you've not yet done so already, restart Falcon or your DAW, things only update on a relaunch of Falcon. This includes registry changes.
    • Are other libraries you install detected? If not, verify you've put things in the right location. Within Falcon, make sure the SoundBank path is set correctly.
    • Are you have an issue with the license not being detected? Make sure you've put it in C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R and that UVIEMU is installed.
    • Try reinstalling UVI Falcon & UVIEMU.
    • If you moved your libraries to another drive, it is possible that Falcon can't find them for some reason. To fix it, follow this workaround.
    • Still not working? Check if your library consisted of presets and didn't come in a UFS container, you will need to manually browse to these presets. They aren't a library that can just load up. Use the other options within the browser panel to find them.
    Q: Can I just share the ufs library with a moderator so they can generate a license for me?
    A: No, UVIEMU can't dump a license that doesn't exist on the system as the library itself is encrypted. It requires a real license by someone (such as you, the reader) to generate the data from. After it has read the license once, it creates a tiny file that has enough data for the contents of the library to be read without including any personally identifiable data. For that reason, sending just a library won't work. Note that two users buying the same library and only one generating a license will mean that the license works for both people. After all, the data by UVIEMU is not user specific and works regardless.

    Q: How do I share libraries with the community?
    A: Sharing libraries with the community is very much encouraged, it helps us all. To share a library, put both the library's ufs file, the generated R2REMU file and where possible a manual in pdf format in a rar or zip file and send it using your favorite file hoster (such as the ones listed below in the post by @bobdule) to either @Olymoon or @jkst so they can verify it and publicize it. You can do this 100% anonymously if you want and the community will be thankful for it!

    Q: Libraries take a long time to load, specifically when at 100%!
    A: This is normal. After some digging I found that the keygroups are built up until 100% and at 100% the samples get loaded. Libraries that are very heavy on samples will take a long time to cache. Falcon does not contain batch resaving - a feature that remedies this in Kontakt - and samples have to be loaded every time. There's no fix for this behavior, sadly. Even moving the libraries to a fast NVME based SSD from what I have found, still cause delays in loading.

    Q: I have moved my libraries to another drive but Falcon can't find them.
    A: Sometimes Falcon will be unable to find libraries on other drives. First verify the path isn't longer than 255 characters. Windows programs don't like folders that are extremely long and nested in locations. If this isn't the case and things still don't work, follow these instructions.

    Thanks for reading!

    If there are any questions, comment them below and I'll do my best to answer them!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2021
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  3. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    google drive and mega are dailly bandwith limited. the sharing will be quickly cut.

    you can use
    it will enable to share big files without the bandwith limit joke. even if the links are 6 days long limited from a free account.
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  4. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    this guide needs more gifs and emojis
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  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    This flickering of the gifs makes us very troubled and devalues the postings. You can read them much better without gifs.
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  6. Prendergast

    Prendergast Producer

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Beat, you shouldn't take everything too serious!
    I guess he was just joking / ironic.
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  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    So, if I understand , it means that each one have to "prepare" the library in his own computer with his own ILok license.
    It's useless to send just a library right?
    It must be sent pre-activated by the original owner with his original license, using R2R method, so it works on other computers.

    Am I right?
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  8. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Great question, yeah that's correct.

    The UVIEMU can't dump a license without there being any license to base it on to dump, if that makes sense. You could compare it with a rar file with a password. You can send it to someone who owns a different archive opener, but without the password they can't get in. You need to have the password and only then can you read the contents and/or include the password with someone else. This is what UVIEMU does, the password is your ILOK license, it reads it and generates the key for the library from it so that you don't depend on ILOK anymore. The only difference is that instead of you giving the whole password/license (which would be tracable), UVIEMU doesn't give out the license, it just gives out some a tiny bit of data from memory that Falcon can use to load it up. Just enough to unlock the library.

    Basically, a user that owns a library dumps their license and sends out the uviemu and library file, the uviemu is contains a basic ID (from what I can tell) that lets Falcon load it. Without this, the library stays encrypted and won't work.

    EDIT: I have added this as a question in the first post, because people may be wondering why they would even need to do all this.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  9. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I've updated the guide to be more in depth and answer more questions than just those relating to license generation, as well as contain workarounds and more information on problems you might encounter, hopefully this answers all questions I've been asked in PM and found elsewhere. If there's more questions, I'll update things accordingly. :wink:
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  10. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    You don't need to uninstall legit Falcon - just install R2R Falcon in a different folder!
    To create the r2ruvi file you should use the standalone version - it's faster and easier then (well, for me).
  11. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    That's great to know, I'll update the first post to reflect this. Thanks!
  12. Jonny Dames

    Jonny Dames Newbie

    Nov 28, 2021
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    Could I get some help with having .ufs files on an external drive? I have the soundbank preferences pointed to the location on my external where I have the .ufs files located, but Falcon doesn't find them. I'm on PC. If I move the .ufs files to C:\Program Files\UVISoundBanks they will appear in Falcon, but I don't have enough space left on that drive to have them there. Has anyone else had problems with Falcon finding the .ufs files on an external drive? If I've left out any crucial troubleshooting info, let me know. Any help is really appreciated! I'm usually pretty good at getting these types of things to work but I've been struggling with this one for a few days. I've also already followed the steps in the helpful walkthroughs in this thread and others.
  13. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Interesting, could you tell me what the path to the new location for the library/libraries is/are? Did you put the ufs file it in the root of the drive or in a folder structure?

    You can link the folders to the new location if you'd like. This may resolve this.
  14. Jonny Dames

    Jonny Dames Newbie

    Nov 28, 2021
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    The path I specified on the external drive, and this might be the problem, is D:\VST Plugins\UVI\Falcon
  15. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    This is cool and useful, but wont dev change protection? i don't see how this guide is gonna last?
  16. Jonny Dames

    Jonny Dames Newbie

    Nov 28, 2021
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    I somehow fixed it on my own just now...thank you for the quick response!
  17. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Say What??? after installing the R2R Falcon put any of the librarys in C/programdata/ UVi Falcon folder example Cameo.ufs then license file that comes with it in R2R Folder open falcon use wrench select preference sound data point to c programdata/UVI Folder Done Deal
  18. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I noticed you already solved it, great! What ended up being the solution? I'm sorry it took so long to write down my workaround, but for future purposes, anyone who runs into issues with libraries in other folders on other drives, try the following:

    1. Move your libraries somewhere else temporarily. Perhaps on another drive in a folder. For the purposes of this I'll be using D:\UVI\Libraries
    2. Press the Windows key + X and search "Command Prompt as Administrator" or "Powershell as Administrator" and select this. If you're using powershell, type in cmd.exe to launch the command prompt shell inside of this window. This may reduce issues.
    3. Type in the following commands and hit enter. Don't forget to change the path highlighted in blue to your location of choice:
      setx DOCS %USERPROFILE%\Documents\UVISoundBanks
      rd "%DOCS%"
      mklink /d "%DOCS%" "D:\UVI\Libraries"
    4. Verify if the files are present in the documents\UVISoundBanks folder. If they are, falcon should now load the libaries from the D drive. This method doesn't actually store the libraries in the Documents folder. You can verify it worked by going into properties and checking the "location" tab. It should show D:\UVI\Libraries

    Aditional info on the commands:
    The first command sets a variable for DOCS, so we can use it later. In our case it sets it to the UVISoundBanks folder in the Documents folder.
    RD removes the folder in the documents folder. This is why in step 1 I tell you to move the files to the new location *first*
    MKLINK creates a link between two locations. The first path is the location where you want the link to go to, and the second is where the files are stored. This method works because it tricks software to look at the C location. You therefor don't need to change any paths in the settings of Falcon.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
  19. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Part of this guide may be inaccurate if this happens, and I will update it accordingly. However, many of the principles regarding the installing and usage of the UVI Falcon release by R2R will still work. Users can still download and use third party libraries with it at that point.

    UVI Falcon has multiple library folders you can use, but sometimes putting things on C drive isn't possible due to space limitations for example. The location I listed in the guide will work, but putting things in Program Files\UVISoundBanks works too. It's personal preference where you'd want them. I feel documents is the least intrusive as Program Files is write protected and ProgramData is hidden if you don't enable hidden folders.
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  20. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Thanks for the walk-through.
    I didn't have the time to try to install the main app + 1 or 2 soundbanks, but I have a question.

    Question :At any moment of the whole procedure, from installing the main app and libraries to opening Falcon in a daw and opening a soundbank and playing 1 note, IS IT required to connect to the internet...or go to uvi website and create an account...or use the ilok license manager to create an account with email/pass and connect to uvi...etc etc ?

    I ask this, because in the past, there were some releases (like, I think, some of the latest waves stuff)that required the user to create a real account, download everything. then, apply a patch, then, disconnect.. etc etc..)

  21. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Thanks, glad you like the walkthrough!

    As for your question:

    If you plan to install libraries from the sister site or that have been cracked already, AKA they include an R2RUVI file, then you don't need to connect to the internet, install the ILOK license manager or do anything special. The release will work out of the box. Install the UVIEMU and R2R UVI Falcon, and move the files in the right places and it'll work.

    If you plan to generate a license for a library you bought, then you do need the license manager. That's what the main section of the guide above is for.

    Hope that clears it up a bit.
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