The last omnisphere R2R (2.8.1c) has again the recall preset issue (time bomb)

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by Blanche Neige, Nov 26, 2021.

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  1. Diamz

    Diamz Ultrasonic

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Appears to be both. If you look at the recent r2r Windows release, a lot of users are experiencing this issue. If you look at the recent Moria release thread or others for Mac, the problem is also present. The Mac keygen patch tool is from old builds. It generates the same response for Trilian, Omnisphere and Keyscape, but I have found the only way to get the newer versions activated. This includes the latest pre patched Keyscape and Trilian releases by r4e, I believe. Think this may be part of the problem.
  2. Diamz

    Diamz Ultrasonic

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Though I know this is a separate thread, I believe the same issue is affecting both platforms.
  3. SansUT117

    SansUT117 Guest

    I do have to agree that the temporal solution of Saving the Multi and Presets doesn't really work. Because that simply saves the volume and panning values but not the patches themselves (Which is what I assume because of the same issue) and it's now affecting Trilian and Stylus as well, even after doing a clean installation on W10, and I tested it on both Reaper and FL Studio.

    But surely being childish about it and insulting people isn't a good way to ask for help.
  4. Blanche Neige

    Blanche Neige Newbie

    Feb 15, 2019
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    I"m not here to ask help but to restore the truth about a situation. I'm realy pissed of about the all fake news and bad solutions about this time bomb.

    You know what? :) I can export presets fxp with the vkDanilov omnisphere... Or with R2R that was impossible! If it's not the proof of a protection never broken by R2R!

    Spectrasonic has put a protection which is planned for people to lose their patches without warning them that it is a protection or that will happen.
    Very perverse.

    Some spectrasonic employees hanging on the forum, never said it was a time bomb while they knew it very well. Very perverse.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
  5. SansUT117

    SansUT117 Guest

    Btw I just went around testing how the timebomb happens and it only occurs if you save in any way or form your Project File with the Omni/Stylus window open. If you close the window and THEN save, it will recall presets with no problem. I tested this mainly on FL Studio and that's the "solution" I have for myself. It works but I had to turn off the autosave so it doesn't caught me when I am editing the patches.
  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    So you're on a mission?
    I understand now.

    That said, all your conspiracy theories about Teams bought by companies not to crack their product are that, conspiracy theories, nothing else, so please , don't say you are on a mission to "restore the truth".

    Also your extremely demanding and ungrateful tone is out of reality.
    R2R owe you nothing, remember that.

    Given that this thread have no other objective than to demonstrate that you are right, we can close it now. As you are obviously not interested by the answers.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
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  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I recalled a few omnisphere patches in Ableton Live 11.0.12 on windows 10.

    and they recalled all without blank screen and sound played for me without problems. must been an issue with your systems or the way how you installed it.

    Or maybe its just with specific patches from specific libraries?! (Like i wrote in other topics, if this is really protection related, then it is highly that it is maybe bound to specific patches or actions on the user side.)

    using Trillian, Omnisphere Libraries and Omnisphere 2.8.1c (R2R)

    for my purpose this just works.
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