wandering around the web in search of something new, I accidentally stumbled upon this sequencer who has anything to say about this? here is their website https://www.zrythm.org/en/index.html
its for linux, nice! "Zrythm is currently in alpha. Most essential DAW features are implemented and we are working towards a stable release". a compiled installer goes for 5 gbp. without money you could try to compile for yourself, then some plugins are missing. if you manage the build... but the manual is only in the paid version. not for everyone, those "free as in freedom, not beer" idea.
Ahh LiNUX only 5$ or 15$ for everything is a good price tag. I would like to try it if it were for windows too. any ideas how to clone the repo? https://git.sr.ht/~alextee/zrythm i would like to take a look at the code, maybe i can learn something.
Code: git clone --recursive https://git.sr.ht/~alextee/zrythm Note there's a lot of dependencies not as submodules so there's a lot of work to be done to build it, looks like.
sorry, i dont know. i found the online code browser only. first time i saw this sourcehut pseudo-git but you could download the current release https://www.zrythm.org/releases/ these should be the source bundles.
Weird, works fine for me: Code: phumb@foobar /q/clones $ git clone --recursive https://git.sr.ht/~alextee/zrythm Cloning into 'zrythm'... remote: Enumerating objects: 91466, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (291/291), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (169/169), done. remote: Total 91466 (delta 134), reused 197 (delta 122), pack-reused 91175 Receiving objects: 100% (91466/91466), 110.19 MiB | 569.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (67088/67088), done. Updating files: 100% (3387/3387), done. phumb@foobar /q/clones $ cd zrythm/ phumb@foobar q/clones/zrythm (master) $ ls AUTHORS COPYING.CC-BY-SA-4 git-packaging-hooks/ PACKAGING.md subprojects/ VERSION CHANGELOG.md COPYING.GFDL HACKING.md po/ tests/ CONTRIBUTING.md COPYING.GPL3 inc/ README.md THANKS CONTRIBUTOR_CERTIFICATE_OF_ORIGIN data/ INSTALL.md resources/ tools/ COPYING doc/ meson.build scripts/ TRADEMARKS.md COPYING.CC-BY-SA-3 ext/ meson_options.txt src/ TRANSLATORS phumb@foobar /q/clones/zrythm (master) $ head README.md Zrythm ====== [](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/zrythm/?utm_source=widget) [](https://builds.sr.ht/~alextee/zrythm?) Zrythm is a digital audio workstation designed to be featureful and easy to use. It allows limitless automation through curves, LFOs and envelopes, supports multiple plugin formats including LV2, VST2 phumb@foobar /q/clones/zrythm (master) $ git --version git version 2.34.1.windows.1 Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2021
I'm at a loss, someone added linux to the name from the download section, if you select free also, the site is multilingual for almost all countries, and in the DAW itself, can similarly choose Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2021
rather, it is a collection of DAW lol, n-Track Studio, Tracktion, LMMS, Ardour, SoundBridge, Podium, Ohm Studio, DarkWave Studio. For linux qtractor, MusE Sequencer, Rosegarden