Mirrors at sisters site / reupload behaviour needs to be discussed.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lukehh, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    I've only just started looking in to JD. I already had it installed and had a quick look around earlier, but I could see no HyperDebrid functionality. I looked on the HyperDebrid site and there is no mention of JD either, so I guess they don't work together. I'm very new to this. I'm not a massive downloader. I already own so much software, and I tend more towards synthesis than sampling.

    I spent a few good hours going through all the different premium link sites, and I only ended up randomly with HyperDebrid because they allow you to sign up with a VPN and also pay with paypal. It's not the money per se, it's more the fact that those paypal resellers look well dodgy. Did I mention I'm new to this?

    For the amount of dl'ing I do, I should just get a RG account and be done with it. That works with JD as others have described in this thread, so that seems like a very good option.

    Real-Debrid looks great and I'm sure it is, but they force you to use your real IP address to sign up. I have my internet network set up so as if my VPN is not active, all connections are blocked, and it's a real pain to set it back, then set it back to VPN again.

    I remember using HyperDebrid a few months back and it worked fine for 1GB file sizes and all for free. You had to jump through the advert loops, but that was just a few minutes of clicking. This time around even with a paid account it will not dl a single file. I hesitate to call it a scam, but it's not looking good so far. I'm assuming that they are having some kind of technical hiccup and it will all start working fine in a few days. But they should say so, so far all the STATUS of the various hosts is just bogus - nothing works. No big deal. It was only a fiver.

    I'm also not that bothered about dl'ing large libraries for Falcon. There's enough to be going on with in the base package and the few libraries I've managed to grab. I'm taking a longer view that if I really like this software, I may (MAY) actually jump on board with ilok, but that is a very long shot. I'm happy with Halion 6 and Kontakt and my other dozens of paid for synths.

    I've been looking around the internet in different places and already a few of these libraries are cropping up in other parts. Thing is, they are getting taken down there too. UVI are really on a mission it would seem. Just get rid of the ilok and let me pay for the synth dammit. They'll make even more money as they won't have to buy in to ilok. It really would be interesting to see how much money they have lost through cracks like this versus how much they have lost by pissing off potential customers like me.

    Anyway I've got a couple of computers on the go with different IPs via VPN and it's a bit slow but I'm gradually getting what I'm after. I only want to check out the Digital Synsations (which I have 2 licenses for btw) expansions, but it's about 25GB. I can see me deleting that very fast if it doesn't knock me out. In the meantime I'm just randomly grabbing the smaller sized expansions to help me get an overall feel for the ecosystem that is UVI Falcon. I can't even dl the stuff I own a license for without a frigging ilok account.

    Sure this is a bit frustrating, but it's a good learning experience for later if I really need to get something quickly. I guess I won't be using HyperDebrid again, whatever solution I end up with.

    I'm sure this stuff will be on torrent later anyway, it's only a matter of time now it's out in the wild.
  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Normally this indicates that JD could'nt reach the server that the file is stored on.
    UL uses a form of load balancing for their servers. If files are mirrored to the servers there may occur an error so that a file is not (yet or not any longer) reachable. If you restart the JD download the load balancing scheme will most likely select another server an the download may work. Check it out
  3. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    don't they (HyperDebrid) have a site where you can input your links
    and they in turn convert them to (their) link, like.. everything goes through their servers
    that way you are less likely to experience dumb drop outs.

    other than that just open JD
    and try to input HyperDebrid with your login
    if it works, it works!
    if not, ce la vie

    for falcon, get the expansions, and leave the other big libs be (for the time being)
    the expansions give you a deep insight
  4. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I hate ul and rg, so ancient BS, these days I just wait at "Russian" tracker for the forum members to upload at actual fast non limited servers or grab the torrents. Have always worked fine that way. The one for uvi is already there and members already upload at faster file lockers for expansions in the forum. Really no need for this ul, rg and ancient download speed restrictions bs anymore.
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thanks @twoheart, I've already tried everything, 6 hours download at DDownload, although I have an account, is really a bad result for the company Uploaded.
  6. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i use uploaded and rapidgator through jdownload on real-debrid. i downloaded all of the multigig falcon libraries from the sister site at speeds of 50+ mb/second. most of them took a couple minutes or less. i really don't need anything faster than that. what are the faster file lockers, and how fast are they?
  7. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I also prefer Torrent, but bear in mind not everyone can use it..

    In Spain for instance you can use it all you want,
    in fact we pay a tax in every hdd/memory/disk/phone to theoretically account for it,
    so private copy is OK, but making profit is ofc illegal..

    But in Germany you cannot use Torrent, or you'd have the authorities on your neck,
    and will have to pay a sum for every little shit you downloaded.. :yes:
    (roughly speaking I donno the exact details)

    Other countries might also have restrictions/taxes or even legal consequences, criminalizing users etc.. :yes:
  8. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    that's another great thing about real-debrid. you can download torrents to their encrypted server, where they are converted to files that you can download just like files from uploaded or rapidgator or any other file hoster. and it is way faster than torrents. if it is a popular file especially, they will convert it to downloadable files in less than a minute.
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  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Please, show the example. Post mirrors to better file hosting services where mirrors are allowed. :wink:
  10. Noizey98

    Noizey98 Ultrasonic

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Downloading anything over a couple gb with ul or rg is damn annoying anyway, nevermind when the stuff gets deleted...

    Do the uploaders really get that much of a kickback to mess with it?

    Props to team V.R for just putting all their shit in google drive lol
  11. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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    It is not always the hoster's fault. Recently, there are more and more providers that throttle or even block. The solution: change the DNS name server.
  12. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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  13. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    I also use JDownloader with Real-Debrid. I put in the "new" links and let it run overnight. I woke up to a few CRC errors, and reset them. On one 36GB package, the only CRC error would not correct, as links were down. Very pissed. BUT, I found a new source at a certain site I've used in the past. that has their own download/upload service, which can be slow. Luckily, someone made new links in RG & UL. Am redowning the whole 36GB again, as the files have larger links, with no problem. Although I am not a fan of the site, it has saved my wrecked downloads when links on sister site go down.
    I expect future EW files will go down immediately, so I will have a possible backup.
  14. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Yeah that's how I'm using HyperDebrid, just copying and pasting the link. It goes round and round for 30 seconds or a minute then tells me to try again later. I've given up on it now.

    I also tried that method with premium with JD but it will not accept HyperDebrid as a host - it's not supported yet!

    I'm going to do as you suggest and just check out the smaller expansions for now. I just want to get Digital Synsations dl'd because I own a license for it.

    Thanks for the tip with JD though, I'd have never figured that out by myself. It'll come in handy with the next host that I pay for.
  15. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    The "No mirrors" thing is the most dreadful thing I observe on sister site apart from trap drum kits.

    I just look around elsewhere if its a must have or wait till it gets out russian friends put it on torrent. I don't know about elsewhere but filehoster business is pretty shady, links don't work randomly, government bans them regularly. Even if they themselves work, leechers don't work. Free leechers secretly give corrupted downloads when adblock is enabled. Rapidgator is perhaps the only filehoster my government trusts, even uploaded doesn't load. Katfile etc. never ever work. I consider a zippyshare mirror as a God's blessing and move on with my life.
  16. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    strangely that is banned in some places
    Free leechers? jd is pretty cool!
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2021
  17. Martin Garlix

    Martin Garlix Member

    Mar 30, 2021
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    Just go the russian way
  18. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Sorry, Olymoon but at posts who allow mirrors there are enough mirrors. I also didnt say that there should be mirrors allowed at the moment a post is made. But take a look at the releases I mentioned. Only rapidgator left or in case of HOFA-PlugIns every link is gone. Reload requests are ignored so this release is gone forever at sisters site. As I said, there should be a rule, that after 1 week mirrors should be allowed if the original links are gone. As I also said, I can understand that suppliers want to have the chance to get their expenses back. But when you look at the statistics of releases you can see that 90% of all views (and I guess the users also download when they view the release) are done in the first 2 days after the release. With the R2R releases, it's not at all clear to me how anyone can claim to be the only one earning from them by not allowing mirrors. OK, he had to do the work of uploading but does this justify a perpetual mirror lock? I think not.
  19. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    define annoying.

    yesterday, i downloaded a 16gb library for falcon. here are the steps that i took:

    1. copied the 20 links for uploaded from the peeplink
    2. jdownload automatically grabbed all of the links from my clipboard and assigned a folder on my hard drive to download the files to. i clicked the button to start the downloads
    3. jdownload handled the downloads and then did a hashcheck to make sure the files were error-free,and then automatically extracted the files for me into their final format to install.
    i mean, i actually had to click two times to download 20 files and extract them into a usable format.
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  20. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    The problem is, that today all UVI Library links at uploaded are gone. Only Rapidgator is left...and I guess they also got a takedown notice. So because at these releases no mirrors are allowed and reupload requests are ignored, they also will gone within the next 1-2 days. There is a rule, that every release must have free mirrors....OK, you can download free at uploaded and rapidgator but its impossible to download such big releases when after 2-3 days everything is gone. Even if they will be reupped the archives are not interchangeable to the parts you downloaded so far. So for free downloaders its impossible to finish these downloads.
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