R2R 10k

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by keyone1a, Aug 31, 2021.

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  1. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    Vengeance has better plugins than Avenger

    In general, what everyone is waiting for is not clear for what purpose,
    if there is a better replacement ...))

    I read this forum -
    and I just don't understand 99% just delirium, or is that what I think?

    everyone asks for UAD - WHY ????
    There are more flexible products.....)))

    I would be very happy - if people wrote more specifically and to the point ...
    It is desirable that there are at least some precise questions,
    more facts and examples. Then all sorts of ignorant manufacturers would not come to you...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2021
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    FLRIZDARKK Producer

    Oct 19, 2021
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    It’s most likely cuz you posted that photo of that GitHub repo that said community hardware donations or something like that which a lot of people assumed it’s UA since there aren’t a lot of DSP only plugins
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  3. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    I think the reason people want UAD is it's considered the "holy grail" of plugins, never mind the fact that there's other plugins out that do as good, if not better than the UAD stuff, it's more of a status quo thing than an actual useability thing, UAD is both overpriced and overrated... IMHO.....
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  4. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Although many UAD plugins are quite old, some are still regarded as the closest representation of their analog counterparts. Also, it would be quite a feat to crack a plugin that is DSP hardware reliant.
  5. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    It was an accident,
    and now it has caused incidents, I have only an indirect relationship....:"((
  6. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    I agree that would be a feat.

    But even Acustica Audio, providing "analogue in VVKT (aka FFT+MT array)"
    - Lozenges from analog equipment, it is easy to prove, and you singled out in a conversation with Giancarlo

    I also spoke with him privately and they are going to change some things.

    But not everything old is bad
    For example, the 32bit processing of Buzzroom plugins is amazingly good)
    I think they can be compared with McDSP, and UAD
    (if you port the code to 64 native, with some changes, it would be better)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2021
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  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    like UAD.. yeah!!
  8. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I do not know if it was intentional or not, but it worked.. Generally mods stop people from spreading any false info... maybe they were shopping..
  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well I have heard that Cubase is cracked and it was entirely outside this forum , from very from credible people.
    Also recently I was proposed with some questions about cracking Cubase, but i cant tell from whom was that question since i promised to be silent about that, and that person is absolutely credible in that McFACT world...
    (Why do you think Steinberg changed their protection? because of user demands??? NO ! They could do that long time ago, but they were uncracked so there was no point doing that, now when they are totally defeated they changing the game)

    But for sure it is cracked, now if that is from R2R or some other team idk, now who will be faster in releasing it.... We will see :D
    I know this is not a request thread ,but it would be neat and nice if R2R cracked Cubase, since in info for Auto tune pro or some other WIBU app they listed the most of protections and never have said that McFACT is still undefeated, earlier that was case in every big release....SO.... What are you waiting guysssss :D
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
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  10. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    And about UAD... Let forget what i have said :D
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  11. HammerTiMe

    HammerTiMe Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    IMO, if we talk about R2R as skills and means, they have serious possibilities to release UAD (as native products).
    But reality is something else, and frankly I have no idea if it's really feasible.
  12. HammerTiMe

    HammerTiMe Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    However, after Softube and Falcon, I honestly am too happy, and all that will come from R2R is just a sweet and generous bonus. Obviously the ultimate dream is Pro Tools Ult, but I understand it's prohibitive, so I'm happy with it.
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  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Of course they can do that... Remember Team H2O have done "HARDWARE DONGLE emulation based on driver level" and that was 15yrs ago i don't know exact release date of Cubase SX...
    Imagine now, in 2021 , with old hardware, and newer hacking resources and more power than ever....
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  14. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    @ Hennessey -
    I agree with what you said, I think so ... :D

    and someone said that there is open source
    (Someone might have stolen it, I have no idea)
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  15. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    I am happy with their every single release, just to clarify, myself and all of us, owe them a lot ,if nothing, just to pray for their good health and long life!
    But what i am trying to say is that, some thing are just not logical, but all teams have their principles and we will see, ofc if we are all in good health with this COVSHIT19...
  16. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Just saying...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
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  17. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    I'm with you guys. Since R2R releases Auto-Tune Pro in January 2020, the rise of R2R has been a resounding climax. Obviously we are talking about the greatest team of all time, so they have always been the numbers one from 2013 onwards, but what the last two years have done, I find something sensational and unrepeatable. So now that we make assumptions about R2R's new ventures, we're just doing it to celebrate their amazing work. They have already been offered the best softwares in the world. They should only be celebrated IMHO.
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  18. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    Are there limitations on the number of plugins that can be loaded based on the card used? Feel free to PM with more details as I would be interested.
  19. Prinz Eugen

    Prinz Eugen Guest

    I will say there are
    But you won't need this information)

    some actions are illegal, and I ask you not to buzz about it
    please..... :D
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  20. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Like i said there is no limitations...

    EDIT :
    I am not familiar with UAD, and i have not desire for that like for AA plugins, so i never have talked deeper with my friends for that matter... I know they have it, use it, and that is all...

    Like @Prinz Eugen have said there is a lot better alternatives, and i think that also.... We have plugins more than we need... For me PSP plugins are like treasure, Arousour is my workhorse comp. FF for Limiting and EQ, Relab for reverb, sometimes TCelectronics, Overloud plugins brings some nice color sometimes which i need, even if i have installed most R2R releases, that is what i am using, with Cubase stock plugins... Since i am not mixing engineer, i dont neeed no more... For me are essential VST instruments, and just additional cracked Cubase to have stable version in my home studio, since in studio i am working i have legit one...That's all. But MONO and ZAKA Cubase is working good, but i hate that DC shite, and sometimes don't wont reopen projects because of no reason.... Only thing i lack is Autotune EFX since v1 doesn't work on Windows 10, for my needs it is better than the pro version, it is easy to tweak and i get results i want in no time...
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021
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