All UVI is not more than 1tb. I have almost all UVIs libraries (no 3rd party) and is around that space.
i don't know if it is safe for me. on my ilok the are several applications registered. Apart from that Falcon is Top of the Top. Can do almost everything. There are days that i wish i had more time to get involved with falcon. It can swallow you really. I will still stay with by bought version and not goin to sell it so i get the R2R. Definately worth every single euro spent to it. Enjoy it Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
As someone who has shared a few libraries for UVI just now myself, you're fine, there is no personal data contained in whatever you share and it won't affect your ILOK account at all, if you want help sharing stuff, let me know, I'll gladly give advice as to how you can remain anonymous. In addition, there's no way for the ILOK client to know you have the legit version of falcon installed or not, as R2R's emulator only intercepts calls from its modified client. I wouldn't be doing this myself if I were afraid of repercussions either.
its been described as, the emu will create automaticity the necessary keys without disturbing the licensing system. but it is explained in the accompanying pdf ahh... mr freeze already on it but wait maybe till tomorow, oly asked to stop buying till they sorted out what is missing, or connect with olymoon to get the info you both need ;)
The instructions in the release explain that you can switch from your ilok to their authorization because its has better performance * No iLok driver is required to run. * Has better performance than legit. ---------------------------------------- Additional Function in R2R Edition : * Support EDEN encrypted SoundBank by emulation. You need one R2RUVI file for one library. * Legit SoundBank owners can generate R2RUVI with our emulator. You can use all UVISoundBank and Falcon Expansion you have. It's even possible to share them! there's an included pdf inside that explains the technical of why theirs runs better, explains to the registry level. pretty easy to understand how to switch your legit libraries. and R2R and releasers say its safe to share them Buy and share UVI or Falcon libs. We prepared nice prizes for your lovely share! See included text. edit: after reading your post i understand and yes it is a lovely instrument. The instructions are pretty reasuring, you can keep your existing license it tells you how. Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
@Jameshow im not sure how big it will get, but probably pretty big when they start adding the EW libraries
there is a guy on this board, who claims he has about 4tb of uvi/falcon Libs, i don't know how manny other 3rd party devs there are and where. maybe even some mach5 stuff, (some where able to be shared between motu and uvi)
Guys, leave Titan alone. He already told he won't share what he already bought, and that's absolutely fine. If you buy some falcon stuff NOW because you want to participate in that game, that's a complete different decision than just give away stuff you paid for earlier just to fulfill some leechers wishes.
congrats on your tb of more of the samey old sounds circulating around for years. banks like kontakt,nexus,avenger,omnisphere etc. And you even count the size of that pile )) TB hard disks are good for people working with large data, redundant for musicians. One cannot access and use professionally terrabytes of sounds, it's just jerking around, simple as that.
Part of East west's subscription gives the option of a Hard disk so an educated guess says it is the East West libraries that comprise of around 6TB or more
well, considering my first imac computer was maxed out at 4GB of internal HD it would support, and the ram was maxed at like 325, i would say we've come along way since then edit: i saw his post too. well, it might be a good time for some to look at hardware Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
@odiza agreed, and i edited my post to reflect that. i wanted to leave the post as a descritpion going forward but i guess i could untag Titan to leave him out of it