Dudes listen.. I`m not salty at all.. I was just expecting Pro Tools Ultimate because of all the hype.. And you know what i`m on MAC and use Cubase/Ableton so i don`t even really care about this releases because i know R2R are more focused on WIN.. I just thought it would be great to defeat AVID cunts.. that`s all.. you can can keep all these new UVI libraries and fill all the hard drives you want.. Like i said i have more plugins and libraries that i would ever need!
I am getting all the Falcon uploads while I can. I will do the same with eastwest when it hits. This is not only a great technical achievement, it's a great social achievement. Read the text file. R2R is inviting general public into their world and laying out some scene rules (no dupes) for non sceners to participate. It looks like they might even be working with other audio groups to get the libraries released if I read it right. Thank you, R2R. Your skills and generosity are unmatched.
Yes, R2R when released Pro Tools AAX UNLOCKED, he talked about Gong, thus tying the talk to Black Friday. Hope there is Pro Tools these days from R2R.
Well, I hope they prove me wrong on this, but I don't think they've fully figured out an emulator for the Pace protection yet, or a way to completely bypass it, they did figure out how to use pro tools with a first license and limited features, that took some genius level thinking in itself, I'm glad they dropped UVI even though I have no use for it, but in the DAW category, they still haven't surpassed Audioutopia....imho
There's always a reason you're missing something, R2R said. I honestly think R2R has dominated PT Ultimate, but for some reason he hasn't released it yet. From their huge fan I respect their decision, hoping these days are magical for PT.
To be honest I´ve expected some newer plugins from Neural DSP or Slate Trigger but thanks anyway. Somobody will enjoy the libraryes for sure.
Hello to the world! Nothing bad in mind, but you really should wait and be gratefull... If nothing, just bare in mind that Team R2R have to prepare and upload THE WHOLE EW Cloud, couple hudreds gigs of data and that is not an easy task, it requieres some time and we are in GAME SHOW!!! BTW, BF just stated, like 17hrs ago, in stores like 9hrs ago, so this is the vry begining... They have given a lots of clue what will be releases, so that means maybe most of iLOK stuff we ever seen in warez world, but that takes time.... So please! LONG LIVE TEAM R2R THE AUDIO-WAREZ LEGENDS!!!!
Thanks infinitely to R2R, however I was unable to download even one of the UVI Libraries, and I imagine EW libraries will be a total disaster for me. However, I am extremely happy for those who have been able to do it. So I'll pass this time, if there are hundreds of Gbytes to download with these slow and fragile hosts and links, this R2R event doesn't make much sense for me. Thanks again R2R
Absolutely yes, everything works great, but the big libraries of a few hours ago I could not download them, I always get broken links, even if I am a premium user. And even if some links are generated, they are very slow, and often crash or are corrupted. It's not R2R's fault, in fact they are as wonderful and generous as ever.
Uploaded links, i guess. My advice would be choosing rg on those files that don't work. And imagine how many ppl are downloading the same stuff right now
Agreed, UVI is great if you're into EDM or Trap music, but if you're a musician who plays instruments instead of programming synths and samples, they're not of much use, I'm glad a lot of people got what they've been hoping for, and I'm like you on sticking it to AVID, I'll keep my fingers crossed that someone will eventually crack PT, Audioutopia accomplished it once, it can be done again in the right hands, and I think if anyone has the knowledge it takes, that's R2R......
I think the design is magical, but a bit like SPL, worth buying if you have money and a good PC or MAC whether you like it or not Despite commerce He knows how to do things with a touch of talent .....;") Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2021