Adult cam sites addiction question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Nov 24, 2021.

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  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    If one of the following sentences applies, it makes sense to consult a psychological-therapeutic expert.

    - I get racing heartbeats and fear that I will die.
    - I feel sick and there are no medical reports.
    - I avoid doing certain things that I would like to do.
    - I have one of the following fears: of contact with other people, of large spaces, of confined spaces, of authorities,
    in front of certain animals, among others.
    - I have problems falling asleep and staying asleep.
    - I often bother with thoughts that I don't think I can talk to anyone about (nightmares, feelings of stress, feelings of guilt, feelings of hate ...).
    - I feel listless, exhausted and constantly overwhelmed.
    - I am in a stressful situation of upheaval (death, unemployment, divorce, separation, accidents ...).
    - I am often dejected and do not enjoy life.
    - I think of suicide sometimes.
    - I live in a difficult relationship; it takes my breath away.
    - I'm addicted - to alcohol, drugs, food, hunger, love, games.
    - I cannot live without certain rituals (e.g. constant washing, locking up, ...), although these restrict my life very much.
    - I want to make better use of my development potential and don't know how.
    - I want to improve my relationships (and I need feedback on my strengths and weaknesses).
    - My children need my support and I often feel overwhelmed by it.
    - I can't cope with my sexuality.
    - I often can't make up my mind and that torments me.

    Addiction Counseling
    Addiction is a chronic disease, involving cycles of relapse and remission. Professional help is often required to break the cycle.
  2. samsome

    samsome Guest

    1-2 days ago i took the measure of cutting out the debit card i used to use on the site that might help, will see if i mess up again

    i basically seen that account as a fucked up account for my hopefully now i don't have access to do that
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    good idea. can you also delete your account or something, cut all strings lose?

    Block the page might also work. There are also lists of porn pages to block via host file.
  4. samsome

    samsome Guest

    the funny thing is, i even asked the site support to block my IP and they don't have measures to do that..they only can close the account but i can easily open another one in 1 minute which i did many times.

    i need a kind of irreversible action, not block and then be able to unblock again

    they said to seek counselling

    so hopefully they will make changes towards this, i asked them to mention this matter to their management
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Getting rid of porn addiction: advice and help

    For a long time porn addiction was considered a marginal phenomenon, today it is a serious illness: According to estimates, around half a million people in Germany suffer from it. Ascending trend. But what can be done about a disease that is as shameful as no other?

    Admitting one's addiction is not only the first step, but also a prerequisite for healing. But many of those affected either hide reality completely or act mostly invisibly in secret out of shame. So they get entangled more and more in a sexual double life, and that takes its toll at some point: While the entry into addiction is characterized by high feelings, both private and professional obligations are gradually neglected. A vicious circle begins. But where can those affected find help? And when does porn addiction have to be treated professionally?

    First aid for porn addiction

    "If you want to fight your porn addiction yourself, you need willpower. That is an important basic requirement, because without it a cure is not possible," says Heike Melzer, neurologist and sex therapist from Munich. According to the expert, addiction is indeed a chronic disease, but there are ways and means to overcome it in the long term:

    1. Inform: In order to be able to understand one's own behavior, information is required. There are many articles and publications on the internet that deal with the topic of porn addiction.

    2. Isolation from the addictive substance "porn": Withdrawal is also inevitable with porn addiction. For example, special filter software or apps that monitor your own porn consumption can provide support. In addition, behavioral therapy methods help, such as learning what are known as "thought stops". Clarity about external and internal triggers that can be bypassed if they are transparent, deletion of addictive material, Conscious use of the smartphone and clear "off times" etc.

    3. Self-help groups: The feeling of not being alone with an addiction can comfort and help. In almost every major city there are self-help groups that work very appreciatively and not in a stigmatizing way. Those affected can openly and anonymously exchange information about their porn or sex addiction and support one another.

    4. Increase self-esteem: The self-confidence of those affected is usually very weak and that cannot be changed overnight. But trust in yourself can be actively promoted, strengthened and learned. For example, by looking for a new hobby, trying out different sports, or developing your own skills. Nice side effect: the activities distract from the addiction.

    5. Relaxation: Porn addiction often leads to internal stress, tension, and impulse control disorders. It is therefore important to consciously improve cognitive performance and to be mindful of oneself and one's surroundings. Various types of relaxation, such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness exercises or autogenic training can help to release pressure and to be able to focus better.

    Porn addiction therapy can help
    Porn addiction is now recognized as a compulsive sexual disorder by the WHO as a disease and can be both diagnosed and treated by therapists. This is important because many sufferers are often unable to get to the causes of the addiction. These are often in the past and are in unconscious contexts that can only be revealed and treated as part of a therapy.

    Similar to dry alcoholics, many former porn addicts are no longer able to consume pornography to a normal extent after successful therapy. Repeated use is often the beginning of a protracted relapse. Nevertheless, sex therapist Heike Melzer gives reason for hope: "Addicts can find their way back to a self-determined, mindful and binding sexuality and also learn or even build up their ability to relate. A very worthwhile project to be healthy and attractive in the long term."
  6. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Empty mind be devil's workshop.
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  7. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I have never paid for my pr0n, but this "webcamming" makes it a whole lot more complicated.
    it's defrauding your brain in having a genuine social interaction,
    my first advice would be to switch to regular porn instead first, so indeed stop paying too take that element out.
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  8. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    2 thing that stands out to me lately, is that most guys with this problem are not bad looking.
    20 years ago, I had a feeling that I was more likely to predict who is going stay a virgin for at least some time in the future.

    And another interesting observation I made with talking with guys that have this problem,
    is that some of this guys really have high standards of how a girl should look. which is strange in a way.
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    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    If you are addicted getting laid isn’t going o change anything.

    I know guys who ended marriages with kids because of porn addictions that verged into extreme fetishes. Most of them had very attractive spouses, and weren’t bored with them, they jus couldn’t stop for a myriad of mental reasons including self loathing and a bit of masochism.

    You can try counseling and should help a bit, but it’s only going to help you be okay with you and that’s something lovers generally find attractive as well.

    Back in the day when I used to run around we had a few axioms, that might help with the other predicament.

    Maybe I ain’t pretty but I ain’t shy.
    You never know until you ask.
    If you go fishing and you pull enough NOs out of a bucket sooner or later you are bound to get a YES.

    The issue isn’t finding people to takedown, the issue is you and if you are unable to fix that then there is nothing wrong with seeking some medical help to find out where things can be better.

    think of your body like your car, you brain drives, if it’s broken you can try to fix it yourself, if that doesn’t work you can check the internet for advice, if that doesn’t work go see a mechanic.
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  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    OMG finally I know the English translation of "pagafantas". Very useful when using Tinder :rofl:
  11. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Escorts are expensive, as well as call girls if they r still alive, cam sites are free
  12. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    absolutely yes, but to answer @samsome s question i cant just say, "i just wanna fuck, fuck fuck thats all" that will make it sound like i am a misogynist, I am not, and i dont want to give that advice to anyone to be one.
    U r absolutely right. Age does matter, relationship stuff happens mostly when u hook up with women who are above 28 or 30, well not all. But its not their fault there are so many factors may be their biological clock is running out, issues facing family of friends nagging all the time to get settled. Being a man in 30s, the shit i get from people who ask me "hey when are going to finding the one for u" or "when are u going to settle" what the crap holy f***ing shit balls, i m sure some day i will snap, beat the crap out of the next one who asks me that question with a tire iron. I just cant imagine what women have to through, their world is much more sinister than men's, im sure.

    I ve read most of the comments here saying its hard to get out of addiction, well it may be but not as hard as u think it is.
    First, if u really want to get out of it u need to understand urself. Like ive already said u need a sound mind.

    Thats a nice thing, but take it slowly, do not completely stop everything that will eventually pull u further into the habit.

    Think of a tire tube, every tube has a weeker point and that is where the burst occurs when u when u fill it too much pressure, but u cant just release the air beyond a level a hope to drive ur vehicle with a flat do u? it will destroy the tire completely beyond repair.
    Try to figure out your weekest point, like when where and how, what triggers u to that activity or may be at what time, or what activity triggers the thought.
    When u figure this out u will have a better understanding of urself and will help u to snap out of the thought when u want to, in short it helps in ur self control.
    To make it even clear, we dream while sleeping, but u must have experienced it once or many times that, U are fully aware that u r dreaming but still continue because its nice, but the moment u realize the dream is turning into a nightmare u open ur eyes and wake up.
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  13. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Alpha-Male do not Cuck to Webcam Hoez and do not Simp to Twitch Thots

    The World has become cucked, men are feminine soyboys. scared to be manly

    A real man does not refer to his "Girlfriend" as a "partner" like Larry Wheels does. because he is a Beta-Male
  14. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    'I've always thought legal addictions are a great way to create a business. Starbucks is a wonderful example."

    -Nolan Bushnell
  15. samsome

    samsome Guest

    dude what i hate about this.....

    is people calling themselves alpha or whatever

    i am very sure that during sex there's men so called beta that turn to alpha......and the opposite

    but there's too much hype on youtube nowdays on youtube...alpha this....alpha that...its really a headache just to think about all that

    its just a matter if u're shy or not, before/during and after sex....and all is fine
  16. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I just want to chime in and say how nice it is to read through some of these understanding and supportive comments. I don't have any addictions (well...apart from maybe old rack synths and single malt scotch), but in all seriousness its really awesome to be able to see people provide encouraging words in a non-judgemental manner.
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  17. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021
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  18. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    So true, I can relate so much lol
    I often answer "me getting married with a woman? I wouldn't do that even to my worst enemy" leaves them quite fucked up for a day or two :lmao:
    You mean love is overrated :rofl:

    Now seriously, love is important but I think is idealized by many people
  19. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    there are artists who are able to do the "garbage collection" in your spirit, Estas Tonne goes into my mind first

    who can make strong the right, clean up your playlist
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2021
  20. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Well I assume you don't want to relay my message exactly as I said but if you want a more detailed answer then don't bring up strings free fucking around female friends you don't want to run the risk of losing. When there is a chick you meet, don't want to date but only want to fuck, then just let them know you aren't looking for a relationship but you are open to have some fun with nothing more.

    Other things you can do are one night stands after a club or bar then end up ghosting them lol or even worse online

    Having said that, don't act a fool when you find out shes getting hit elsewhere and you suddenly catch feelings because it's not a relationship. Shes out there getting hit more often than you are hitting it.

    After all of this I still don't recommend it lmao!
    If you think you will find a steady chick in an environment like that then think again, it's only just for fucking. Not for looking up a future ole lady. Know that you will leave that environment as empty handed as you came. But, your balls will drain.

    Having understood all that. Have at it and don't bring the crazy ones home. That's the trickiest part. So I recommend hotels, motels or holiday inns for all of them cause majority of bitches are not alright in the head! Some of them expect a husband from a ghosting event.
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