Adult cam sites addiction question

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Nov 24, 2021.

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  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    SOmething along to this

    I've also been going through this last years

    But i want your view on something

    I never got laid before in real life (given i'm mid 30's) and i think thats why i had a big urge towards this

    My question is, is there a chance men who have sex in real life also be addicted to something like this?

    I mean if a guy is bored with his current relationship I MIGHT understand it but again its online and doesn't compare to the real thing of course

    but would men who use real escorts or any such things i don't think they would also be addicted to something online like that?
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  3. No Doz

    No Doz Producer

    May 15, 2021
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    the answer is definitely yes. addiction is highly dependent on individual chemistry and personal impulse control, and it isn't defined by your sexual status. hundreds of millions of people view porn regularly for a wide variety of reasons (many of whom are sexually active and / or in romantic relationships)

    how much of a toll porn is taking on your day to day life and your ability to function is up to you to determine, and i'm sure there are resources you can look into that will help you evaluate if your habit has crossed the line into problematic territory. but i wouldn't correlate your porn use with your sexual status or feel any shame surrounding it. it may be A factor but it likely isn't THE factor, if that makes sense. i'm sorry to hear that you're struggling, best of luck!
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  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Howdy @samsome, it's better to meet and meet real people in a real world. Digital makes you lonely. It is much better to meet up with others to do sports or meditate for example. Try to find out where you live what other people do in their free time. If you have other problems with your psyche, it is advisable to visit a therapist or doctor to find out what is missing.
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  5. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    There is nothing standing in the way of addiction to anything for anyone. There are no gates or rules. Addiction has no time to discriminate, it eats every motherfucker that's in it's way.

    If becoming a respitory therapist didn't make you kick ciggs to the curb then what makes you think sprinkling your dick with water will cancel your subscription to nudie magazine day?

    Kicking addiction in the dick takes multiple years worth effort going uphill on expert mode no matter who you are and what you're trying to abandon.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
  6. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    I am facing a similar addiction as you, also my current status its the same as you, except i am 28 yo. I do gym and a pretty active life, but i have this darkside of an addiction that its very hard to control.
    You fell in a hole of pure darkness that maybe you wont escape anytime soon, once you found your addiction, its very unlikely you will be totally freed from it, even if you find a girlfriend.

    However, not all addiction like these are bad, if you cant stop watching it even when you know you must do more important stuff, then its bad.
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  7. IfItAintBaroque

    IfItAintBaroque Noisemaker

    Jan 12, 2017
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    I have a pretty active sex life but I to suffer from a porn addiction...been an on and off issue for me for years/really since I first discovered porn. Watching porn for me a lot of times is more fulfilling and exciting than the real thing. So yeah when you do have a girlfriend or friends with benefits situation I can almost guarantee you'll still feel the need to watch porn because it's just different.

    The only positive for me is that if I'm actively doing something else/have things to do it's not something I constantly think about and it hasn't impacted my relationship with family or friends but it's something I'm very ashamed of and don't talk about. Nothing has really worked for me because it's just so dang accessible and there is so much variety you can always find new things. I've been able to go for a couple months without it but it's required so much discipline/limiting access by locking my computer and phone in different rooms when I have free time and when I feel the urge forcing myself to do interval training to basically exhaust myself out of the urge but sadly I've always eventually fallen back into the trap.

    But yeah I can definitely relate and feel for you. If it helps just know that you're not alone and there are so many people suffering with this that want to stop but just can't. Sounds so cliche but just something you have to manage day by day. For those that can totally break free of the addiction I'm guessing the fix is unique so probably good to try strategies from others but can't imagine there's a one size fits all solution... Most of the time you'll just replace one addiction with another sadly. I hope you find something that works for you! Stay Strong Brother!!!
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  8. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    simps are craving womens attention cuz of their momma complex, it's basically an easy and accessible dopamine kick to donate a buck while playing with your fleshto... i mean soundtoys on your laptop :thumbsup:
  9. samsome

    samsome Guest

    how you mean the term simp exactly?
  10. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    @samsome i cant help it but laugh at that dude in the video omg, have no idea.
    "Addition" internet has a word for every thing these days "Porn Addiction" what a load of BS. PPl do it bcauz its an easy way. Is there a "Wanking addition" because humans have been doing that for millions of years. Does not mean addition, everyone does that, but what matters in how often, and most live cam shit can lead to that, its a form of Voyeurism, what makes it into addiction is the interaction the user essentially thinks the person on the other end is interacting with them.
    I havent used any live stuff so not much idea about that

    Yes, but less often. Bcauz 50% of the work is done and of course you cant do all u like with any woman, First She has to like it to be into it for that Two have to find a woman who likes it.

    Well in my case i try not to get into a relationship, bcauz these days me getting laid (not that very often) somehow takes me into or near or in the vicinity of a relationship and 4 out 5 times i have to make myself a bad guy to get out that, and also i dont want to hurt someones feeling.
    I gotten hard to find a one night stand, atleast where i live.

    But to answer your ? even if i was in a relationship or not doesn't make me addited to porn. Yes i watch when bored or when want to wank. May be bcauz of my taste to porn or maybe for me atleast, most of the porn these days are crappy.

    Going to gym does not make u not addicted or quit from any addiction, Only a sound or powerful mind can help u overcome any such things. Well if u r addicted, u have Music to turn to, listen, work with it make something new, keep yourself engaged to making music.
    If u r much into that live shit, slow it down, but not entirely. Well for one, they are creators too they too have to make a living, they need to get paid too :)

    i want to answer this but dont really know how to keep it short.
    I was and am a DJ for 12 or so years, so escorts and getting ppl of such wasnt tough to me, Yeah escorts are nice but your wallet will not be.

    I think its better off being addicted, A few times I ve seen women go off one day with someone, the next time i see mostly a day or two after they have hand marks on their necks or the least have seen them walk funny, not all agree to that but the ones do..

    Finally for humor when i saw the video posted this was running in my head Porn, Porn, Porn, Porn, Porn, Porn, Glasses Porn,:hahaha:
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  11. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    N E G R O L A N D
    hang wit me I'll help u get some
    all these words mean nothing. u need a wingman who understands

    real positive interactions with femalez is very good for the spirit
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  12. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    beware of online sex or you will end up with a virtual std
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  13. hoffy

    hoffy Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    here's how to avoid spending money on camgirls who don't care about you:
    spend all the money you have on VST, sample libraries to share on audioz (we do care about you!), and ketamine.
    get food.
    go visit an escort and get some REAL LIFE PUSSY!!

    one root is better than 20 wanks!!!!!
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  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    First of all it's good for you to talk about those intimate problems

    I don't know if it'd be any help, but there's a movie about a boy who have no problem getting laid but still enjoys more watching porn. "Don Jon". Good cast.
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  15. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Your advice got more intoxicated each posted letter lol
    Make it perfectly clear you only want to fuck and you aren't interested in any more than that.
  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Actually in these days people and girls in particular are more open to that. Depends on the age and background though
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  17. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Being honest about your intentions is so much better than her expecting a diamond ring but the only ring you brought came with your condom.
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Tbh i would be to stingy to pay for something like this.

    I mean without doubt, you can find lots of professional porn stuff online and amateur stuff without paying a single cent.

    But it is definitely very hard to beat this addiction. Do you have somebody to talk about this? Therapist or something?!

    (I have not read what other wrote about this ...)
  19. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Very hard to beat any addiction when you don't replace your old bad habit with a newer, better one. You end up falling back into your addiction when that time is spent just thinking about your old addiction. But it's possible.

    Look at Steve-O, least likely person I thought could ever get sober. Does it like a champ because he spent his time inside comedy clubs watching standup in his new free time away from drugs. But if your mind is still consumed thoughts of your addiction then you're more likely to relapse again.
  20. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Definition of Simp = "It is when a male is overly submissive to a female and gains nothing from it. So overly submissive that other guys cringe and feel ashamed when seeing them" according to the Urban Dictionary. I don't see what it's use by that person has to do with the rest of the discussion here.

    Addiction is a bastard. Regardless of what the addiction is. It's a very powerful drive. But I'll say this - rather addiction to porn than to anything dangerous or really destructive like drugs, gambling, exaggerated thrill seeking, pedo urges etc. At least porn addiction is something that doesn't mess up life for other people, or actually endanger your own life.
    My saving grace is that I tend to tire of something fairly quickly, then move on to something else. At least I don't get stuck in the same rut forever! These days I just find porn an embarassment, can't watch it. The urge/desire left me, thank goodness.
  21. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I think the better way is to find the root of the addiction. Without killing the root, you will likely run into an other addiction, which is maybe "milder" than the current one, but you will always be at risk falling back in the one you have started with.

    for porn addiction there are several roots you can find, most them are ofc lack of a soul-mate, loneliness or even something like the lack of responsibility. Anyway, i am no therapist, so take this with a grain of salt @ OP.
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