Jay-Z becomes most Grammy-nominated artist of all time

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Peter Gabriel, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    How is this garbage even possible?

    The rapper now has 83 nominations to his name, with 23 wins overall, pushing him past previous top-spot holder Quincy Jones who has 80 nominations.

    Jay-Z’s new title came after he was nominated for guest appearances with Kanye West on the latter’s album ‘DONDA‘ as well as the late DMX.

    Paul McCartney previously tied for second place with Jay-Z’s wife Beyoncé but now sits firmly in the spot after gaining two nominations in the umbrella rock category. He now has 81 nominations – just one more than Jones.

    Following Jones and Beyoncé are Stevie Wonder and late classical conductor Georg Solti, tied with 74; and film-music composers Henry Mancini and John Williams, tied with 72.

    So the top 2 Grammy nominees are talent-less pawns that couldn't tell the difference between a major or minor?
    I know Quincy Jones would have something great to say about this Joke on the music industry.
    How can the top 2 not be actual musicians?
    This just puts the Grammy's down with even less credibility that ever!
    Boooooooooooo (rant over!)

    EDIT: This post has nothing to do with Hip Hop or really even how much Jay z is undeserving. It has
    to do with how messed up the industry and awards are.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
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  3. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Its all controlled and rigged.
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  4. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I mostly do not agree with Grammy and don't understand how these system works. But what do you mean by actual musicians?
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  5. Yahweh777

    Yahweh777 Newbie

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Cry more
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  6. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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    last i checked, the voice is an instrument. :dunno:

    it was bound to happen one day. no one stays at the top of anything forever.
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  7. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    N E G R O L A N D
    he is indeed a pawn but a more special one

    Watch this

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  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest


    The record for the most Grammy Awards won in a lifetime is held by Georg Solti, a Hungarian-British conductor who was music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra for twenty-two years (1969-1991). Nominated is one thing, winning them is something again.
    And most musicians in the Pop and contemporary industry would likely never have heard of him.

    It's unlikely a majority will ever agree on who won versus who might have deserved to win, but the records remain. It used to be primarily a peer award but it changed.
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  9. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    So, while I agree that Jay-z being one of the most Grammy nominated artist is a bit strange, I do think the elitist condescending attitude towards artist or genres that aren't your preference to be unnecessary. This seems to be a common placed thing on this board... if you don’t favor the genre, (usually any modern pop or urban music) then it’s all trash or subpar.

    The truth is this, whether you can appreciate it or not, Beyoncé is one of the best female vocalist/artist of the last 50 years. I am not a Beyoncé fan, but to make a statement like "talent less pawns" who don’t know the difference between major and minor makes you sound like a bigot. Jay-Z might not be a high-level musician, but Beyoncé is a different story. She has had extensive musical training, going back to the black church (a training ground for some of the world’s greatest musicians) If you ever listened to a small fraction of her work, you would know that. She has been working in the industry since she was a child, and has always been a high-level performer amongst her peers.

    As much as I respect the Beatles, they were not particularly great singers or musicians, neither was Bob Dylan or many of the heroes of old that receive regular worship here. Beyoncé would certainly sing circles around Paul McCartney, and her writing and vocal arrangements are top notch. Again, I don't consider myself a Beyoncé fan, but she definitely has put in the work, and to diminish her accomplishments or talent just because you aren't a fan is ignorant as hell. That is my opinion; but with that said I respect that you are also entitled to yours.

    But really you should check out her album “4”. It’s a great fucking album… along with Destiny’s Childs last studio album.

    And yes, the industry is mostly fiction, fraternal and paid for, Boohoo. Lol… most of this already know this, its a game that rewards high level players, some talented, some not so not talented.

    Maybe if we would spend more time making the music that we want to make, instead of hating on the uber rich or successful artist who already doing the same, who knows, you might be nominated for a Grammy yourself one day.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
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  10. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    I agree 100% that the voice is an instrument. But a few "yeahs" and a couple of "Yo's" and a "jigga" don't really deserve an award in my opinion. To me the album that which your avatar is based on is far superior than any of the output that these two have done in the past twenty years. But of course this is just my rant and opinion.
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  11. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    N E G R O L A N D
    nah stop it now
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  12. Peter Gabriel

    Peter Gabriel Platinum Record

    Feb 16, 2020
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    I knew someone would take this approach. I happen to love Hip-Hop/Rap - in fact me and the "genre" go way back.
    Probably why this upsets me even more!

    - KRS -One - Zero
    - Jay Z - 23

    And as far as Be-yawnce goes------ she is pure product and never wrote a song or lyrics in her life (50 songwriters per song is product not art.) and if you see a credit in her name that just means Jay-z bought it. As he employs the same business practices that Celine Dions husband/manger used to use. Some body else writes everything but the singer gets writing credit because thats the deal if you wanna get on a sure fire record and get paid.
    She ain't no Aretha. But then again just my opinion and rant.
    P.S. Check my previous posts to get a better feel for me cuz I think you got me all wrong. I love many musics and have very diverse taste - I am no bigot! I just got taste:cheers:
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  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    This an interesting rave. As far as the not trading the old for the new I agree totally, but nobody that cares about music as a whole does. I avoid the debates on what is better or who is better because it all comes down to personal taste which should be different.
    All music has value to the person(s) who like it. Each will end up with its own place in musical history in 200 years. Whether that place is a chapter or a few paragraphs is anyone's guess.

    The checking the playllists began to infiltrate as far back as Bush. I think you'd have to blame everyone who has been in charge since for the woke, the P.C, the over abundance of everything sounding much the same. None of them since really did anything to change it no matter who was in the main chair, with music i.e. or changes that slowly came in almost unnoticed.
    I do not think any music dies out as long as people like you and others play it, put it out there and create newer variants of what you love.
    If you ask yourself what your parents thought of your music as a teenager against what you think of what is happening now, it is not too different. In every teenager age bracket there are rebels and the music that typifies what they believe to be their cause has always become popular. Even Frank Sinatra 80 years ago was considered a rebel and not music to many people. That seems ludicrous, but that part is the way of the world. This must and always will change. It does not mean we have to like it, but there is no stopping it. It does not mean anyone has to stop loving what they love though. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2021
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  14. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Music is kinda like porn - you know it when you see it.... Every award show is a social justice political statement these days, so don't let the Grammys get on your nerves. They've already lost all credibility. Just look at their ratings.
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  15. Audiozer

    Audiozer Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2018
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    Did Grammies exist when Quincy started? Paul, John, George and Sir George?

    Unless they introduce a "retroactive-winners" category, I would just move on with your life and not worry about it.
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  16. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Competitions are for horses, not for musicians.

    I don't know about this whole story but for people that think rappers are rabble, my inbox is open for your beats and bars. I couldn't care less for that jack off fuck fest also known as Grammy so I'll just leave some noise to cheer you up: JAY-Z - The Story of O.J. - YouTube
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  17. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Looking at the grammies is like looking at any talent reality tv show where the judges are the labels who have special interests.
    They end up telling you have you haven't got it because you aren't a good fit to push their brand so you go home thinking you aren't talented since you didn't know the show was a live demo performance for labels not a real talent show.

    I don't know why people watched that garbage, it wasn't even funny after william hung. If it's on tv and they have to tell you it's real by calling it reality then you know it's more staged than politics.

    TV rebranding itself as real is like facebook calling itself something else and saying it doesn't sell your data anymore because it's emancipated itself from la familia tactics. They stocked their vending machines with bottles of holy water.
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  18. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I don't know shit,
    but I heard something on the lines of,
    Beyonce's father has lotsa control/influence over a big part of the cake/Industry..

    I was once offered to compose/produce stuff for a big online library/platform of sorts that apparently he controls,
    and I was like "naaah, I don't now how to do modern trap/urban music, or trendy/happy apple ad music, I work with Orchestra"..
    then they told me I would regret it.. :yes: (in a way it was kinda spooky)

    Oh well, I guess one cannot have a leg on every boat,
    cannot make everyone happy at the same time.. :wink:
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
  19. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Jay Z is no Quincy. American modern culture/music is as interesting and important as Mtv in 2021.
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  20. jonathanrodhes

    jonathanrodhes Kapellmeister

    Apr 17, 2015
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    I am sorry to say, the U.S seems to be getting more fucked up by the minute, also the west and also the whole ball floating in the sky

    We are at the end of an era and many things are decomposing so badly...corruption, moral degradation, stupidity, nonsensical ideas pushed into reality by force...

    If you like what I say, you are not well either (joke) :)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
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  21. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    N E G R O L A N D
    This isn't about musical tastes is it.

    FYI: The Decline of your western "civilization" was inevitable. Just look trough this thread, it's full of denial and aggression. Haha

    Negro always see's :winker:

    Check my record
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