TR Editor for TR-8S and TR-6S

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Nekz, Oct 20, 2021.

  1. Nekz

    Nekz Newbie

    Oct 3, 2014
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    Roland released an editor for the TR8S and TR6S drum machines... lovely!!

    But it requires the Roland Cloud Manager which I do not want to install, I am afraid it will check on the others Roland synths I have.....anyone knows if there will be any problem having it installed?
  3. Wisdom

    Wisdom Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2018
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    Yeah, I'm wondering about this too. What kind of spyware might there be in the official Roland Cloud Manager?(I don't call it the legit version because I question why official versions are more legitimate than free gifts from R2R, etc.) I can't find much information about this.

    I'm using the R2R Roland Cloud emulator (and all of the latest versions of the R2R Roland Cloud VST's) and have never used the official Cloud Manager one but this drum editor is a must have for me so I'm going to try it. Anyone else doing the same or with any thoughts on this please care to share some information. I'll do the same

    I guess it would be safe to uninstall the R2R emulator, (and all of the R2R Roland VSTs?), download the official editor, and then uninstall the official Cloud Manager (maybe use Revo and a deep clean?) and reinstall all of the R2R stuff?

    A copy of the editor does not require roland cloud connection BS I don't think. I mean, it is a locally installed program, iirc, and usable on its own. You just need to install Roland Cloud to get it afaict. I guess a request on the sister site for the editor might be in order thogh. (or someone could just post a link to a file of it. (Maybe I'll do that once I do the above plan) I'm currently setting up a new no-internet connection desktop atm anyway, so no online anything for me thank you very much.
  4. Wisdom

    Wisdom Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2018
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    So I uninstalled all of my Roland VSTs and the cloud emulator, (uninstall, Revo, and manual deletion) temporarily changed my hosts file, and downloaded the "legit" Roland Cloud manager. It wouldn't start properly so I'm not sure what happened (any advice is much appreciated) and I wasn't able to download the editor.

    I'm pretty fed up with Roland at the moment anyway, at least toward whoever is making some of the decisions there now, so I'm thinking of getting rid of my TR-8S. Subscription models, gear with less and less access to the complete spec, MIDI sysex or otherwise- at least as far as the TR-8S goes- these are things which are turning my interests away. I've bought two TR-8S's and both of them had issues which make them mostly unusable anyway.

    I loved the original AIRA range and loved most of all the integration between hardware and software that it provided which was a bit underappreciated by many IMO. The overlays for the System-1 plug-outs were one of my favorite touches, but almost never mentioned. The push now seems to be toward hardware, as it is across much of the market, perhaps because it's more profitable? I'm not sure. The original AIRA gear was, as I understand it, designed by some of the Roland engineers along with some feedback from some of the old time professionals (House music heroes, Acid House heroes, etc.) The new gear seems like they're trying to appeal to the largest market by collecting information about what people want, on forums such as gearslutz, etc., and the result seems to be more of a hodgepodge of features without as much of an overall creative vision. Thank you to the original designers of the AIRA line. I wish I still had my collection of it but lost it years ago.

    Hopefully the TR-8S editor is at least available somehow, but I'm stumped for now. I'm going to install the R2R emulator and the last versions of all of the R2R Roland Cloud VSTs that are available on a new offline desktop computer and just enjoy those for now.

    There are (free community written) Max4Live devices for the TR-8S main functions for you Ableton users.

  5. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    You can always use another card, create a new email and start a new trial. Then possibility “share” said application to the reverse Gods… Just a thought.
  6. Wisdom

    Wisdom Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2018
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    Sent you a pm. Thanks.
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