Kontakt and Lass 2

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by whitePhazer, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Kontakt 5.3 unlocked R2R

    Numerous libraries installed working without problems including Lass 1.5.
    Downloaded Lass 2, removed lass 1.5, and installed Lass 2 without problems into Kontakt.

    In Lass 2.I tried the multi's and played without problems.
    Then I load a patch from the instruments tab and moused the Kontakt keyboard and message "Kontakt has stopped working" appears.
    Reinstalled Lass 1.5 no problems. Removed it reinstall Lass 2 and same problem.

    Multi's are ok but every single patch under the instruments tab crashes Kontakt.
    Have no problems with any of my other libraries.

    Have been tearing my hair out over this for the last few days but cannot figure out what's wrong.
    Hoping someone can help.
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    There appears to be lots of peeps suffering from the latest kontakt causing problems. Personally I have not encountered any issues with regards to v5.3, all my libraries appear to be working ok, previous libraries and new ones installed after v5.3 installation, all are working. LASS v2 (installed pre v5.3) is working fine with me, multis and single patches. I do have all my libraries stored on external drives, my daws do not have access to the web when running, so I am a bit bemused as why there appears to be issues with many others :dunno:
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Like someone suggested in another thread, only upgrade your Kontakt if you need to do so for new libraries. Perhaps going back a version or two could resolve the issue. There are a lot of issues as of late so maybe it has something to do with R2R's new release.
  5. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Thanks for the replies.
    One thing is that the "LASS Ensemble Patches (Not ARCable) works ok, so it seems it's Arc that's the problem.
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I think there was a prob with ARC, there was an update, not sure if you downloaded that (just the ARC files) after the initial installation?
  7. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Jeez, sorry to hear that man. Troubleshooting to that degree is never fun. Just got your PM, I'll try to help if I can. It doesn't sound like an easy fix so I'll probably have to ask a few questions.

    First, this sounds like beginner stuff but it often is the culprit for the most tiny, odd, and random things: is Kontakt being run as an administrator? Make sure the .exe itself is set to run as an admin (by right clicking and hitting properties on the original file-- make sure it isn't to the shortcut). Just the sequencer being set to admin doesn't solve all problems.

    Check the sizes of your original .rar files from the download, if you still have them. Other than the very last rar part, they should be similar sizes. If one is much smaller than the others, but isn't the last number, you probably have a corrupt download.

    Okay, onto DAW specific solutions. When you load the multis, do they play completely normally? Meaning, when you play from a midi keyboard in Kontakt Standalone and from your DAW, do you hear sounds? If they don't play, it's probably your samples. The multis may be causing Kontakt to ignore whatever error (corruption, etc) is present. If that's the case, redownload.

    If the multis play fine and your samples are all good: are you loading the ARC script before loading the single patches? You don't need to, but if you are it may be relevant.

    If they still don't work without loading the ARC (or you never loaded it in the first place), try doing a batch resave. That might freeze it too, but if the error is the patch not finding the samples that could solve your problem. To Batch resave, go to File --> Batch Resave, and direct it to the folder that LASS 2 is in. If it asks you to find missing samples, MAKE SURE YOU DIRECT IT TO THE CORRECT FOLDER. If it is directed to the wrong folder at that point, it can be a real PITA later down the road (without you even realizing that something is wrong at first).

    It's a pain, but it's definitely worth trying an earlier version of Kontakt too. Being stuck on pre-5.3 would be a problem too, but right now you need to narrow down whether this is a Kontakt issue or a LASS issue. Since we're working with cracked software here, you really can't assume either way, despite Kontakt working fine with the other libraries.

    There are a few other possibilities, but let's take it a step at a time. Let me know how the above works for ya.
  8. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    allshallfade and all you other guy's who replied....

    Thank you so much for your reply and advice, really appreciate it.

    Batch resave no problems.
    All Multi's no problems.
    Using Arc starter no problems.
    Trying a earlier version of Kontakt....
    It won't let me install over it meaning I would have to first uninstall Kontakt.
    Forgive me if I am wrong but would that mean reinstalling all my libraries?

  9. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I'd say trying an earlier version/different cracked version is your next step. And it probably means you'll have to "Add library" again for all of your libraries, yeah. Sometimes that's saved after an uninstall, but not always.
  10. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Uninstalled Kontakt, installed 5.2 same problem
    Updated to 5.3 same problem.
    Good news, still had my libraries showing.
  11. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Ruled out Kontakt as the issue, at least.

    The oddest part of your problem is that the multis work fine. That means your samples are okay, and the patches themselves are okay in theory, it's just the loading process. Make sure that all of the files are not read only.

    You've probably tried it, but see what happens if you try different methods of loading: Loading the patches by double clicking them in windows explorer, as well as from the Files tab. As long as the library is added, it should let you use those loading methods.

    After that, see what happens if, after you load a multi, you manually add more lass patches (and test it with all of the methods above).
  12. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Also, under options --> handling, make sure that the midi channel assignment for loading channels is set to 1st free. Under Database, make sure Include samples in database scan is unchecked. Both probably are already that way, but I've heard of them causing problems in the past.
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's really nice of you to help out allshallfade, thanks a lot. :mates:
  14. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Sure thing. :mates:

    We'll see how the next few weeks go- if work slows down a bit I'll see if I can whip something orchestral up for the AudioSex album! Probably wouldn't be anything more than 3-5 min though, since posting it here would mean I can't share it elsewhere for obvious reasons haha.
  15. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Allshadefade: Stuck in the same dilemma, hahaha!
  16. whitePhazer

    whitePhazer Newbie

    Apr 15, 2012
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    allshallfade, thanks very much for all the time and trouble you spent on this, but your suggestions have not fixed this problem. If you have any more advice I would be glad to try them out. If not I will trash Lass 2, which would be a shame as it's got some quite good features, and stick with Lass 1.
    Again thank you so much.
  17. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Yeah sorry man, I'm at my wit's end, unfortunately. Lass 2 is by far my favorite string library, part of why I tried so hard to help. The only other thing to try would be just a complete redownload if you have an uploaded account, etc. It's very possible that the multis use a separate patch pool, since some are designed to work with Lass Lite as well. Otherwise, there's just something about the Lass 2 scripts that is causing your Kontakt to freeze up. :sad:
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