Cubase is moving to a new licensing system...and I don't want to be a part of it!

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Vincent Price, Nov 13, 2021.

  1. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    From others I have read there Music boxes are not connected to the internet so this would be an issue for those users.
  2. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I did care at some point that is why I moved to a new DAW. No issues with Dongle / internet. Free updates.
    It just works what a F'ing concept.
  3. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Producer

    Oct 26, 2020
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    I think that Support Cubase has already left. The comand has a regular nurse with a set of nipples in a plastic suitcase.
    Give you a warm milk for the night and tell a fairy tale about new features. You certainly stay!

    In general, take an example with Avid.
    They released Pro Tools Ultimatum:
    "Buy a subscription or go to ass!" :)
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2021
  4. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    the moment when you realize you bought a software license only because you like its dongle protection so much.
  5. spyki2000

    spyki2000 Newbie

    Aug 5, 2013
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    dont fall for the prey, they will discontinue the dongle soon no mater what they promise... start looking for alternatives so that the day they do that you have other option ready....
  6. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I just don’t get why people are complaining, I really don’t.

    One of the original reasons people said about not having your DAW connected to the internet was because of the fact that took precious resources away at a time when every CPU cycle needed to be maximised. Same with having an AV running, needing to disable all background services etc… Unless you are running an old or low spec machine, or trying to do have 100 VSTi’s running in a session, this just isn’t the issue it was.

    I get why pro studios would have a machine disconnected or configured so no updates automatically install, especially when you are in the middle of a massive session, but it’s simply not the issue it was, common sense and a tiny bit of computer management and it’s not an issue any more. Find out how to disable OS updates, and job done. Disable internet connection whilst recording or mixing, but don’t think that as soon as you connect it to a network that the thing is going to explode!
  7. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    And with this, we could close this rhread, but we won’t.

    AudioSex. We Know Drama.
  8. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Why is there even a need to connect to their servers, just make an ordinary serial based protection, since cloud based software gets cracked anyway.

    Anyway, you could tell Steinberg is lost since version 8-9, they have no clue what to do next, the updates they do are mostly trivial, substantial amount of bugs are unsolved, the DAW itself should have been a lot more optimized by now, it also looks like shit.

    Going with the cloud based protection just tells you they really have no clue what to do next, they think this will save their sales, it will not.
    Their sales are dropping because Steinberg wants to be Ableton, S1 and Fruity Loops instead of being Cubase.
    Also let us not forget about their previous arrogant attitude towards users which they are now desperately trying to fix by communicating in forums, too little to late.
  9. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I get the way people lost their shit with the bad customer service, I do think the DAW has improved though, and 10/11 has had a lot of good improvements. Frequency 2 on its own is a massive step.
  10. Djoezie

    Djoezie Newbie

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Sell it and stop crying
  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    Not yet. Maybe its a first step in this direction but Steinberg doesn't say they'll have a subscription model in the near future.

    Steinberg has high end (pricewise) products and I don't think its too easy to switch their userbase to a subscription model when they own their license now and won't own it with a subscription. On the other hand their update model was nearly a subscription with a new version ever 6 months. Thus they won't generate much more revenue with a subscription.
  12. Thank you, I am fed up of when I post anything online, regardless what it can even be a bit of music I have done...People come back being totally nasty and hateful. Sometimes it makes me not want to be a part of the music industry anymore. To me it is almost like a 'I'm better than you' kind of thing and that shows how some people are so immature.

    As for the Cubase licensing issue, I AM ALLOWED TO VOICE MY OPINON! Maybe next time someone voices an opinion on something on here, I will come back and say 'I DON'T GIVE A SH*T!

    How will that feel huh punk!

    But...I bet if I said I was giving away Cubase 11 Pro for free...those haters would be first in line!

    Just be nice to each other for f***s sake! We have enough sh*t going on in this world without you spreading bulls*t hatred around.

    (Moogerfooger I am not having a go at you by the way, just everyone else on here that it being nasty)
  13. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Apart from maybe the one person who came in with the “no-one cares” comment, there’s no-one being nasty to you here - disagreeing with you, yes, but not being “nasty” or “hateful”.

    Of course you’re allowed to voice an opinion, but if you choose to voice that opinion on a public discussion forum, then guess what: people are gonna discuss it.

    In your OP, you voiced some concerns about the online licensing system, which I directly addressed. As the conversation progressed, you yourself eventually told us that you wanted to move away from Cubase for other reasons, separate from the licensing issue.

    Given your threads title and OP, it seemed kinda odd that you were getting bent out of shape about a licensing system that isn’t even gonna affect you, given you’d made the decision to sell Cubase anyways - yea, we understand your point about some other (very small percentage of) users potentially being affected by this, but the main thrust of your post was “Steinberg are doing this awful thing and I don’t want to be a part of it”.

    When your specific concerns were addressed directly (I pointed you to the Steinberg faq) you eventually told us that you just “wanted it gone” anyways, which made your fairly sensationalistic thread title seem kinda OTT.

    There is more than a little irony in your sentence “Just be nice to each other for f***s sake”, especially when it’s almost directly preceeded by “How will that feel then, huh punk!” - it’s always best to lead by example, and be the change you wish to see.

    Your post I’ve quoted above comes across as fairly bitter and, tbh, more than a little immature; again, if you post on a public discussion forum, then you have to be prepared for a wide variety of people to voice their opinions on what you post.
    Of course, everyone needs to adhere to the particular forum's rules, and hopefully people will also try to keep it civil, friendly, and non-combative, but they are absolutely allowed to disagree with you, and express that disagreement.

    Personally speaking, from your reaction, it sorta feels like you’re annoyed that more people weren’t just like “Yeah, we totally agree with you, this is literally the worst thing to happen to music ever” - you didn’t seem to want to hear the solutions that existed for every issue you brought up, and when people started (mostly lightheartedly) questioning why you were getting so bent out of shape, you’ve essentially thrown your toys out of the pram.

    If you don’t want people to potentially disagree with you, don’t post on a public forum.

    If you don’t want people to respond in a tone that may rub you the wrong way, don’t post on a public forum.

    If your persecution complex is such that it's gonna immediately start telling you that everyone who disagrees with you is an immature hater, and that notion will send you spiralling into a ‘what’s wrong with this cruel world?’ nosedive…. you guessed it: don’t post on a public forum.

    (Also, if you find you are getting a very similar reaction to anything you post online, regardless of topic, location, or content, then there is a single common denominator in that particular equation).

    Part of me hopes you’ll take this post in the spirit it was intended, but a bigger part of me realises that you will quite likely get angry at it/me, and try and call me out as a ‘hater’, label it/me ‘immature’, etc. and use it as further evidence of how the world is going to hell in a hand basket .

    If that’ll help you feel better, then you’re welcome to go ahead and do so, but hopefully, given your previous post, you can maybe take a second, appreciate that someone has taken the time to read, digest, and respond thoughtfully to that post. Yes, they’ve expressed a opinion different to yours, and yes, that’s ok.

    If you do feel the need to post another reactionary, somewhat bitter-in-tone reply, maybe have a think while you’re drafting it - is that really the vibe you wanna put out into the forum/world? Like I said before, change begins at home, so let’s dispense with the knee jerk reactions and play nice with each other :)
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  14. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Steinberg have addressed this very thing in two ways - firstly, you will be able to use another online device to check out a license from them that is valid for a year, to use on the offline machine. They have said they’re also working on some form of totally-offline process, TBA at a later date
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  15. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I've been using Cubase since SX v1, and in that near 20 years of me using it with a dongle, the only time I ever had an issue with registration was last year during the whole auth server debacle. Was it an inconvenience? Yes. Am I going instill a scorched earth policy over it? Of course not.

    Companies make mistakes just like anyone else. Doing away with the dongle is trying to rectify this. Is it going to solve every authentication issue in the future? Who the fuck knows. What I do know is no ONE developer or daw is perfect. Sooner or later some issue is going to come up and that's just the reality. It's like complaining that water is wet.

    Sometimes I feel no matter what a developer does, some people are always going to take issue. It's amusing to me that people have complained about dongles for years and as soon as dongles get taken out of the picture, people still complain. At some point you have to ask yourself "What am I here for? Am I here to make music or am I here to complain?"
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
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  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Only if you rly look at every potential customer they lost because they still rely on a HW dongle.

    Plus not every copy ppl download on Z, equals one sale - I downloaded WAVES bundle release, would i ever have bought anything from waves? No.
    Or i downloaded Reason 11 & 12, would i have bought it no - no money lost for Reason Studios. (although i have used the reason VST with the trail a few times, it worked okay and it was free, Reason went from 30days to 7 days and i stopped using it.)

    This view pretty much resolves all the crying ...

    If ppl are happy with the new system Steinberg can maybe roll out more often feature updates and bugfixes and all this without a dongle.
    Its a win-win i think.

    On the plus note, i read alot about Roland synths in the last 2 years, since i use and love the cloud versions. I dont use their cloud stuff as legit user, but because of that i bought a master keyboard by Roland. (and also bcs quality is damn nice and stable). Win-Win for Roland.
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