eLicenser Server Closure

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Maduka, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Its probably baked in so hard iin the daw it would probably have to be rewritten.
  2. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    You say this NOW, you seem super satisfied with the new license system...but the day you're going to launch cubase, totally offline, and you will get a pop-up 'you have 3 days left before the software will no longer work.... '2 days left...'... '1 day left'.... you will then change your speech.
    No, in reality, each time we launch it, a splash screen will simply display ' you have xx days left before the mandatory login'

    1 month is ... nothing. In this crazy world and era, you blink your eyes a couple of times, you fart a couple of times, and you have 2 or 3 beers... and 1 MONTH has passed.
    I wonder how the multi- million$ studios will react, when they are going to have to turn the internet on, for all the facilities.
    Oh, one guy at the back of the classroom just said 'that multi million$ is probably using protools' !

    Cubase users will feel like a monthly subscriber... instead of a client/buyer.
    Just like netflix: you pay your 15 or 20 bucks for 30 days. You stop paying ? You no longer can watch movies.

    I don't think most cubase/ steinberg users have grasped the new system. Worse. I don't think they even realize what's coming up...

    This gotta be the WORST, MOST INTRUSIVE copy protection ever made.
    There is a Japanese company that sells vst plugins. Can't remember the name, but their plugin allow users to create custom guis and panels to control other plugins. They used a copy protection system that R2R absolutely hated: the plugin had to call home, each time the user would instantiate it.

    So, one thing is sure: R2R aren't going to like the new 30-days thing !

    The fun thing is... seeing how steinberg are full of shit.
    Cubase 11.5 was never supposed to be delayed to 2022. we can bet their shit is 100% ready to be deployed, and cubase 11.5 is 100% done. THE only reason why they are pushing the cubase 11.5 release to Q1 22 is... they WANT to see which apps R2R will be releasing, by Jan 2022(if they indeed release something..! )
    And instead of deploying everything in one go, they will be deploying the offline stuff 1 year later: enough time to see what the different warez groups will be able to do.
    'Let's deploy the new licensing system slowly... step by step.. and see what happens. If no group is capable of cracking the 'online' part, then, we will be able to proceed with the offline methods
    That's what I call INSECURITY.
    Steinberg, with 30 years of experience, with the latest cryptographic tools, with the best developers(really??), with at least 100 developers, are so INSECURE about their new copy protection/ licensing stuff..... that EVEN a petite, ultra thin 16yo girl wouldn't feel THAT INSECURE and AFRAID, if she was about to do a gangbang with 300 guys that haven't fuked anything in the last 6 months , with an average schlong from 10 to 12 inches !

    DEAR cubase owners, like myself: how good it feels, to have 'bought' all these 'full' and 'perpetual ' licenses, year after year !

    It's going to be funny, and weird, to see all these elicenser manager apps, STRANGELY stop working or bugging, after the new system is in place. Or all those elicenser dongles, suddenly, users will start getting some weird messages... or , 'strangely', cubase will randomly start saying 'your dongle didn't respond ! a severe hardware failure can happen at any time'.... and users will freak the hell out, and... will quickly transition to the new 30-day system, before the dongle dies !

    Believe me, just like the governments are willing to do anything, to force people to get the vaccine, steinberg will do ALL they can, to force all the dongle users who don't want to move to the new system...to finally abandoned the dongle, and move to the perpetual 30-day trial.
    When the new system will be effective, and the dongle servers will be disconnected, we should expect to watch our physical dongle, and the elicenser manager app, to start behaving super strangely.
    No, steinberg don't want cubase 11 owners to keep using cubase for another 5 or 10 years... without buying those juicy 110‐120€ yearly updates !
    All those who call me troll...a few months from now, when the elicenser servers are turned off, steinberg will release a bugged, unstable elicenser manager version, that might even corrupt or delete, turn full licenses into trials... incompatible with win11... or many other reasons... and when cubase starts saying 'the dongle was disconnected from your computer '... or any other strange behavior... and when users will call the steinberg support, all they will say is 'sorry, but we no longer support the dongle... we can only help you, if you move to the new 30-day system'....

    Anyone a bit serious believes steinberg will happily let cubase 9..10..11.. users USE their dongled apps until 2030, without taking some 'measures ' ? Lol...

    Advice: download the last elicenser manager, save it preciously on a usb drive, ssd, etc..perform a maintenance task, and NEVER AGAIN you let cubase, or the elicenser manager CONNECT to the internet. DOWNLOAD all the cubase/other full installers, and act as you were going to a distant island, until 2030, without internet.
    Remember: seeing how fast they are willing to shut down the elicenser servers, they want EVERY SINGLE USER to move to the new 30-day system, ASAP. IT IS SURE they will purposely kill the elicenser manager, the apps themselves, or even the dongle : they want users to start having issues, and not have other solutions than switching to the 30-day system. NO RULES.

    I won't be surprised, if, each time the 30 days expire, a file inside cubase deletes 10 or 20 important files, dlls, etc, from the cubase folder... and ONCE the user logs in, that mini agent will then download the missing 20 files from the server. Of course, those 20 files will be generated based on the user credentials.
    That way, if a Crack was created, and bypassed the 30-day check, cubase would be unusable, because those 20 important files weren't present !

    Shit, this was supposed to be a 50 words comment !
  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I didnt read a whole comment , but regarding Cubase 11.5 i can say that Cubase 11.5 was never meant to be released because you can see by Team VR license generator, there is just Cubase 12 license inside, and no 11.5.
    So 11.5 is not existing in eLD (elicenser database) otherwise Team VR would make license for it.
    What they actually changed is that they are releasing Cubase 12 on new licensing system instead with eLicenser on what was planned, but Team R2R broke their dreams because of crack for Reason 12 and the last pro tools.
    They know that version 12 will be cracked, but instead they have awaited for Team R2R move, and like i said earlier i heard that Cubase 11 is totally busted and eLicenser, so Steinberg didn't want to take their chances,because they promised to users ditching the dongle, which will give them some time until some team or group reverse their code.
    I mean Nexus 3 was busted with same licensing system and look we have it whole package.
    And in a meantime there was Team AiR who used old method for cracking eLicenser, that was the check mate for them killing their hope..
    We will see the upcoming saga...That will be a big benefit for legit users also...
    Like FXpansion license manager, like iLok, that is easily breakable.... For R2R of course.
  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    You're right. That may happen.

    As I said in my post, hope that R2R or Ret will take care of the issue. As I see it, online activations are quite easy to circumvent for R2R, so lets hope the best.
    And of course I didn't say that because I trust Steinberg so much :no:
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2021
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Let me guys to explain this to you in layman terms since, you know, I'm a guru in this topic:

    "Cubase has sample-accurate queries to the dongle in order to the iCock to screw your DAW ass performance very badly"

    Hmmm... it sounded better in my mind. Screw it, I'm leaving it
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