Synth or Workstation?

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Clandestine, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Hi am looking to buy a new synth or a workstation.

    Do not have very much experience with keyboards of any type apart from simple midi keyboards!

    Really like the sounds of the Access Virus TI2 Desktop Synthesizer and also have been impressed with the Korg KRONOS-X 61 Key Music Workstation.

    Was wondering what people thought with regards to which would be most useful in an all round kind of way?

    Does anyone have any other suggestions to any other alternatives as in good synths or workstations besides these two as like i said i not much experience at all in this area? Thanks *yes*
  3. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Lennar Digital Sylenth and NI Massive are kind of all around, everyday synths.

    If you want ones with more flavor and uniqueness, then go for copies like Arturia and Korg. As they make copies of actual synths. Although Arturia Analog Factory could have multiple uses for everyday as it is a collection of analog synths!

    Good Luck!
  4. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Thanks for the reply

    I Should have made myself a little clearer in that am looking for a hardware synth, workstation rather than a software one such as NI massive or sylenth.

    I have used both of these and love massive especially but am looking for something I can run independent of a computer e.c.t.

    I know korg do some good stuff and am not familiar with the hardware synths Arturia actually make or what they are like for the money.

    I know a lot of people dislike Arturia as in the Spark controller as there been reports of loads of problems allthough I never used it with the controller, would go for machine 2 i guess in that way. Obviously

    Arturia made some legendary hardware synths allthough i not familiar with any newer ones they have made :dunno:

    Would love to get some of the EMU hardware synths from the past & Proteus ect as I know alot of people rate these and i Like the sound I have heard from some of these modules. Pretty sure the sound would be better possibly from the module as opposed to the Kontakt versions you can get even though i like them also.
  5. CapnCrunch

    CapnCrunch Newbie

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I use an older Korg Triton 61 key workstation.By today's standards is very tiny on the RAM side(64Mb)so you wont be able to load large samples in it but in every other regard is one of the best IMO.I have had it since 2000 when I bought it new and still amazes me to this day at how good it sounds and it's capabilities in the sequencing dept.A very capable synth that I am sure you can find for $500 or less nowadays.
  6. bl33d

    bl33d Newbie

    Jul 3, 2013
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    I just sold my Korg Kronos and decided I'm done with hardware. The Korg was a bad investment for my studio and didn't even sound all that great. Also being that the value was rapidly going down I sold it and vowed not to let marketing or in store demos get inside my head again. I get what you are asking though, you could easily get great sounds out of any board you buy if you know what you are doing. Several people that I know have had great things to say about the Roland V-synth.
  7. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Not a fan of workstations, myself. The closest hardware to a workstation (but it's not) I have is Elektron's MD.
    Despite the TI2 being a beast, I don't really need 80 voices. So for it's price, I've put together;
    Mopho x4, Mopho desktop, Slim Phatty and Minitaur. The last 3 were 2ndhands. Mophos are poly-chained - 5 voices analog polymonster. :o)
    Not to mention it's astonishing sequencing and FX processing capabilities. Speaking of FX, this is when the Slim P.
    comes in. OMG! Need an edgy percussion or fancy a bit of droning (in combo w/ Mopho), no bother. If you'd like
    to have multitimbral possibilities, the Tetra could be considered as a part of chain.
    To cut a long story short, I wouldn't mind having a beast like TI2, Voyager, Prophet 12, Jupiter 8, V-Synth GT v2, etc.
    Having a few different synths connected that trigger and process each other is way more fun than getting everything out of one box. And all that w/o a computer. But each on his on own.
    Anyhow, if you are an EU resident, here's my 2ndhand gear joint;
  8. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    You did not mention your price range?
    Although you mention the TI2 so I guess it is quite high!
  9. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Thanks for all your replies, you have given me some more to think about. My price range can be quite high but would rather not spend loads on something in a field where I have little experience.

    From what you have all said I have kind of gone of the idea of the workstation and think possibly the way too go for me personally is the way 8-Bit has mentioned. You have a lot of nice gear!! Am thinking the way to go to maybe find a couple of units that I really want and build slowly.

    I have a lot of rackspace in my bedroom studio setup but not a lot of desktop space which is why I was considering buying some of the old rackmount gear like the EMU units ect. I know they are old but can possibly be still good and that. Think that definitely the way to go for me personally. I am not overly familiar with any modern up to date rack mounted stuff and probably need to look at a few reviews and stuff. Thanks for the list 8-Bit, will give it some serious consideration and think the sort of setup u explained sounds great. *yes*
  10. 8-bit

    8-bit Newbie

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Glad you like it, Sir. I was putting together some cash to get a Tempest as my first HW (before it's been released), and then realized;
    Jaysus, that doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't I go for a few boxes instead, to get variety of sound sources.
    Besides aforementioned yokes, I got myself an Evolver desktop (this guy is a real smile maker lol - have spent countless hours w/ it),
    and the PAiA 9700 Series modular synth (

    On a side note, this lad got my attention;

    Way too many mono synths, I know, but all of 'em are quite versatile - except Minitaur, which is one trick pony, but it does that one trick damn well.
    Don't dare to crank up my sub, could cause a short circuit in neighborhood. ^^

    Have fun!

    p.s. Didn't mention that I am not a fan of old gear, as you prolly noticed. Modern units usually offer a few connection possibilities, such as MIDI, CV, USB, etc.

    p.s.s. If you decide to go for any Phatty, have a look at Moogerfooger CP-251. I'm thinking of getting one - would make my Slim P. a semi-modular. :P

    Regarding the desktop space, all of my units, except Evolver and Mopho desktop, are rack mountable.
    So it shouldn't be a problem for you to get a modern setup and use available rack space. Especially if the rack space and money are not a problem.
    Here, for instance, to rack that tiny yoke one would need 3U 19" and 45 yoyos.
    Yeah, it does look sexy and stuff, but I wouldn't be able to finance that kind of little perversions, myself.
    Anyways, there are possibilities.

    Happy exploring =)