What Is Uncracked Version ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by justsomerandomdude, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Hi Everyone,

    Hope im posting in the right section.

    I recently came across a Post on the Sister Site, which says its UNCRACKED windows version. I didnt download it bcauz, I didnt need it. But gave an up vote anyway for their effort.

    I was wondering what is the point of uploading uncracked version. Is it just a trail version ?

    I dont know if im right, Maybe its done bcauz someone might get interested in cracking it.
    If that is the case, how can that be done, i mean upload an uncracked software/plugin.

    Im desperately looking for forward for the release of two plugins, i cannot mention what and which bcauz it might be considered as a Request.

    Any one with the knowledge please share ur thoughts.

    Thank you.

  3. mastertone

    mastertone Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Always B#
    I've seen it to. It's not posted to act as a request as requests are normal titled as REQ:

    my guess is some programs you need to fill in email or create a account and some even fill in card details just to be able to demo said program. So by uploading uncracked to the sister site is a way to skip those steps. I've downloaded a few of those. Some are also labeled as [FREE] so I'm somewhat sure that's what it's for. Wont receive updates for it of course but hope that helps. someone else might chime in with a better guess or even actual knowledge.
  4. hippopippo

    hippopippo Ultrasonic

    Sep 2, 2019
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    the uncracked versions are useful as they contain all the code and therefore through a reverse engineering process they can be made usable .. this in 90% of cases is not possible with the demo versions, so the retail versions are also welcome uncracked .. sooner or later you will always find someone who with a little free time and knowledge can do something good with it :)
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Uncracked = released for the teams to download and crack.
    It is of no use the normal user.

    It is useful if the setup files are behind the BUY before try Paywall.
    Like Sugar bytes NEST for example.
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  6. Gizmoz

    Gizmoz Producer

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Shit I'm not normal I guess
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  7. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Thank you @mastertone @hippopippo for the insight.

    So its not a demo version !
    To be sure Its 'BUY before TRY' not 'TRY before BUY' is it?
    Bcauz Nest has demo version which doesnt require any email stuff it seems.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Best Answer
    Some devs have turned around: They offer no demo/trail, etc - you only get an audio demo/video demo - to test the plugin, you have to buy it and often you have a return period of 30days. Therefore i call this BUY BEFORE TRY.

    Only for this plugins it makes sense to upload uncracked installers. Those can take a reverser/cracker and make them working for the public.

    Yeah Nest was a bad example, but the demo version does not have a save feature (you can simply leave this out, when you compile the plugin). It is in middle between Trail/demo and releasing no demo/trial at all, the demo is crippled - you cant make the product work by patching it or serial fish (or keygening).

    So NEST retail installer then was also supplied to R2R and reversers.

    So the uncracked stuff posted to sister page is of no use to ppl who are only users of the plugins.
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  9. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Thank you @ArticStorm for the detailed answer.
    lets just say there are two plugins (demo) Plugin A and B respectively

    A. Demo version has Save disabled and also will have to be restarted after 30mins while using as a trail
    B. Has no save functionality even if its a Paid/full version (to my knowledge), but it has to be restarted after 30mins while using as trail

    So both demos are crippled and cannot be patched, Did i get it right.
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