Any good symphonic brass library for Kontakt? HALL

Discussion in 'samples' started by Ambar, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. Meric

    Meric Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Sorry for late reply, but the gist is that SSB was originally multiple libraries that they smushed into one.

    Articulations and programming level vary among the instruments. Some instruments sound good, others have mistimed samples, no legato (Solo Trombone has no legato for some odd reason)

    The timing on the shorts is also pretty inconsistent in classic Spitfire fashion.

    Tuning is also not that consistent, and because it was recorded in AIR it is rather wet. Of course you're going for this sound, but sometimes the option to tone it back a little is nice, especially if you want to mix it with other libs.

    It's still a good lib though, just be aware that there will be some hurdles that you will need to address when you work with it. Spitfire is releasing their new Abbey Road Line later next year anyway so maybe it's best to hold off and see how that one is.
  2. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Big thanks for that info. I put aside that exquisite natural hall sound I love and I got MSB. I have a good reverb fx and I will use it (for now) maybe till I get that Abbey road or BBC.
  3. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    You did the right thing..

    CSB has some Great and effectist Legatos..
    But the other articulations are not quite at the same level,
    and it's quite a Reduced library in comparison to MSB, JXL or CineBrass..

    MSB is a very darn featured/complete library,
    and it's got many good aspects/features on its favor..

    Consistency across Articulation types, no unexpected changes, and very smooth articulations in themselves..
    Consistency across instruments, they sound like they belong to the same stack..
    Has an adjustable Sizzle control, to add that tasty Metallic Brightness/vibration when necessary..
    Instruments/number can be controlled from the Ensemble page, including Panning, and they sound Right all across the board,
    maybe the only library that does this consistently..
    Lookahead function is Great and helps a great deal with Precision and thus Expression, everything is nicely right in time..
    Auto-Divisi and optional humanization functions..
    Stage Simulation/Depth control can be useful and help you refine the sound, making it more distant and realist, similarly to LASS2..

    Super Massive, just like MSS it needs a LOT of memory, and takes a very considerable bite on the CPU..
    Vibrato is barely effective, it does "something", but even at Max it's hardly recognizable as a Vibrato..
    Trans Vol control changes the tone/timbre considerably, but it's not clear to me what's it doing, or what would be the most optimal value..
    Loudest Dynamics feel a bit weak/artificial, there's some subtle trickery going on, so you can feel it's not 100% "real" sample,
    however this allows for/can be alleviated with the unique Sizzle control.
    Stage Simulation is not 100% adjustable like in LASS..
    Stock EQ's and Reverbs could be better, but you can adjust it, and use any external reverb of your choice..

    For me the biggest problem is the lack of Super-mega Fortissimo,
    which older libraries like Cinebrass or Projectsam Brass do better,
    specially ProjectSam which is the library I used the most for the main melodic elements, and the one I would be replacing..

    However at least the Sizzle control can add some of that metallic brightness and make it be more like the real thing.

    As versatile and wide-ranged as this library is,
    I'd say it's perfect for a more orthodox type of sound..
    it can do some Epicness, but there's always like an elastic layer of Sober control..
    Hard to explain but hopefuly you know what I mean :wink:

    And a similar thing happens with MSS,
    the thing taken as a whole is like trying to be a balanced/middle term between all the possible approaches.

    Not too Big, not too small,
    not too distant (SFSymphS), not too close (LASS),
    not too Dry, not too Roomy..

    In some aspects that's good, and makes it more versatile/usable in different contexts,
    but in some aspects it can lack a bit of Definition..

    You just cannot be perfect with all articulations, Dynamics/levels of expression and Styles with a single library,
    that's why VSL has different types of modules/libraries that compliment each other..

    In contrast CineBrass:
    Has a very Natural tone, with its pros/cons,
    has some great Fortissimos, and some patches sound very effing Realist,
    great for stuff of low/middle intensity, and for the loudest Rips and Brhaams..

    However there's very little Consistency,
    some articulations sound better than other, it's a hit and miss..
    Some patches/instruments sound Great, while other are considerably lacking, even Poor..

    So yeah, all in all I think you did a good decision, it's the way to go,
    or at least one of the good ways to go in the Brass side of things..

    Better than CSB for sure, (although the legatos are awesome)
    more modern/organized/better than CineBrass in sum.. and apparently also better than Berlin Brass or Spitfire Brass..

    So what else is there to consider?
    VSL, JXL, BBCSO.. Abbey Road?

    It would be interesting to try BBCSO,
    but I don't think I will ever have the computer necessary to really use JXL..

    I mean being 600 foking GBs one will need to have like 128GB RAM minimum?
    So it's probably meant for those who are on higher level in the game.. :wink:
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2021
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    There are plenty - here are just some
    upload_2021-11-11_10-40-10.png upload_2021-11-11_10-40-34.png upload_2021-11-11_10-40-56.png upload_2021-11-11_10-41-32.png upload_2021-11-11_10-42-9.png
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