eLicenser Server Closure

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Maduka, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Okay thats Offtopic, but well here quickly: You can for sure bypass it with Group Policy like you can with everything.

    MS tried Driver Signing before and nobody gave a sh*t ...

    It is indeed cool, that Steinberg might drop any hardware based dongles. Cloud based models are fine as long as we have groups like RET/R2R - even VR, which invest time to make it useable for us without their cloud.
    Otherwise it is also crappy ...

    Groups we count on you!

    Has Steinberg anything good to offer besides Nuendo/Cubase? I tried their soundpacks, Expansions, most of it sounded dated and boring and not worth the HDD space. (that is not meant offensive ...) Im just curious ...
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  2. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool

    seems a pretty fair and reasonable system, and with multiple activations


    Dear Steinberg customers,

    I am writing today because I want you to be the first to know about the start of the transition to a new method of Steinberg product licensing. Earlier this year we announced our intention to migrate to a new ID-based licensing system — Steinberg Licensing — and I can now confirm that we will begin to roll it out early next year. While this announcement might not be news to all of you, I'm sure it comes as quite a surprise to many. But, in the way of all good surprises, this one brings new benefits and has inspired us to look at things in fresh, innovative ways.

    Steinberg Licensing is a big step forward, a huge milestone in further developing our vision to bring to you the best user experience. That experience includes sophisticated tools for creating music, premium content to work with, and various useful services that bring our global community together. Over time, Steinberg Licensing will be the key to unlocking enhanced opportunities and greater convenience in different areas, both within and beyond the world of Steinberg.

    You will soon be introduced to Steinberg Licensing, with the release of Dorico 4 early next year. I can also tell you that Cubase 12 has been moved to 2022, allowing it to be the next software after Dorico to harness the potential of the new system. As new versions of other products are released, they will use the new system, too.

    As with all new technology, the full potential will gradually unfold. Steinberg Licensing will be a work in progress for a while and, at first, features will be restricted. But as we move forward, more and more features will be introduced.

    We are excited to be opening this new chapter and we look forward to going ahead into the future together with you.

    I wish all of you the very best.

    Andreas Stelling – President of Steinberg

    Simply start your software, sign in with your Steinberg ID, and you’re up and running instantly — with no need for a hardware key or dongle. Steinberg Licensing is simple, quick, and flexible.

    We know that you value your creative tools highly, and that protecting your investment in those tools is important to you. It’s important to us, too, as minimizing usage of unlicensed, pirated or cracked software means that we are able to invest as much as possible in building new and improved creative tools for our customers.

    For many years, Steinberg products have used our eLicenser system, with its combination of the USB-eLicenser hardware key and the Soft-eLicenser software key, and it has served us and our customers well. But times change, and for many years now our customers have been asking us for extra freedom and flexibility.

    Today, many musicians are able to use a laptop or other portable computer as their main music-making computer: but more and more these devices have limited USB ports, and plugging in a hardware key is inconvenient or even impossible.

    Today, many musicians have two or more computers: but the eLicenser system only allows the software to be used on a single computer with a Soft-eLicenser, or on the computer to which the USB-eLicenser is connected.

    Today, many musicians expect to be able to try out a new software tool simply by downloading it from the web: but customers have had to buy a USB-eLicenser before they can try out Cubase Pro.

    These and other changes in the way musicians want to buy and use software mean that it is time to say goodbye to the eLicenser system and leave it behind.

    We are beginning the transition from eLicenser to the new Steinberg Licensing system. Over time, as new versions of our creative tools and instruments are introduced, our product line will use Steinberg Licensing — starting with Dorico 4 and Cubase 12 in 2022. We expect the overall transition will take between one and two years.

    Steinberg Licensing will provide greater convenience, more flexibility, and enable you to use your Steinberg software in new, more powerful ways. For example, single-user licenses can be activated on two computers, so you can easily run your software in your studio and on the road. You won’t need to remember your USB-eLicenser when you travel or need to work at a new location: you can simply download your software, sign in with your Steinberg ID, and you will be up and running right away.

    Later in 2022, we will also be introducing dedicated support for institutional and enterprise licensing, making it easier for schools, colleges, universities, and businesses to deploy, manage and use Steinberg software.

    Steinberg Licensing is an identity-based license management system, where your identity as our customer is at the heart of everything. Whether you are an individual customer, or you represent an organization, educational institution, or enterprise, your entitlement to use Steinberg products flows from your Steinberg ID.

    Signing up for a Steinberg ID is as simple as entering your email address, choosing a secure password, and verifying your new account. It only takes a couple of minutes — and if you are an existing Steinberg customer, you probably already have a Steinberg ID.

    Online activation
    With Steinberg Licensing, you can simply download your purchased software, run it, sign in with your Steinberg ID, and you’re up and running right away. When you sign in, your computer contacts Steinberg over the Internet to check your license, record some information that identifies the computer you’re signing in from, and activates your software.

    After activation, you can disconnect from the internet altogether if you need to, and run your software for 30 days without reconnecting. However, most of us have our computers connected to the Internet all or most of the time, and when you run your Steinberg software, if a connection is available it will periodically contact Steinberg in the background to update its activation. If you find yourself unexpectedly without an internet connection, your software should always have plenty of time remaining before its activation requires renewal.

    This online activation system also allows the flexibility to activate your software on two computers at once — and if you buy a new computer or temporarily need to use a different one, you can easily release your license from one computer to activate another.

    Offline activation (coming soon)
    We know that in some special circumstances, you might not be able to connect the computer on which you run your Steinberg software to the internet, and very soon we will provide the ability to check out a license for a period of one year. You will be able to do this either by temporarily connecting your computer to the Internet, checking out the license, and then disconnecting again, or if you prefer, you will be able to use the Internet connection on another computer to generate a check out license that you can install on the offline machine.

    Managing your licenses
    You can check the status of your licenses using the new Steinberg Activation Manager software, which will be automatically installed when you install software that uses Steinberg Licensing. Steinberg Activation Manager lists your licensed products and allows you to activate them on your computer, or release a license if you want to activate on another computer.

    If you are unable to run Steinberg Activation Manager on your computer, because for example you are working from a new location, you can sign in to the Steinberg web site using your Steinberg ID and release a license from there.
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  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Okay, this precaution measure has been taken because of R2R BIG GONG! As we could see AVID closed FIRST license, now Steinberg is announcing new protection scheme from nowhere even if the Cubase 12 was planned for eLicenser... WOW, R2R must done they job truly good, and started big fuzz all-around the scene and scare them shit of ... Did Steinberg said what about old apps like Cubase 5-6-7-8 users , would they get same treatment like others...
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  4. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    they announced back in March or May I think it was that they were leaving the dongle system. Obviously it’s something that users have been feverishly questioning the whys and how’s of it all. They had stated before that legacy products would still work, but again, who knows how.

    I am guessing this means no more VR stuff as for some reason the audio wares world has never really moved to solve the cloud licensing systems like with other warez ( the ilok apps are just bypassing the protection), and I’m guessing that the McFact protection in the current implementation will just be adapted and still be a beast to break.
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  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    yes i know that. Change was introduced in March but you can see in latest VR releases of elicenser there was Cubase Elements 12 license present, so Cubase 12 meant to be released on elicenser. But obviously plans has been changed just right when R2R break pro tools, and this is the consequence... Coincidence , i dont think so. I have thought that THE MCFACT was exclusively just for USB dongle, not for soft elicenser . Their plans have been changed because i dont remember when they released their app in early spring maybe last time was Cubase 5. All other apps were released about Fall\October-November...Now they are waiting R2R BIG GONG, because of that they postponed new licenser release, just to see if R2R have break USB dongle and how they did that. Greedy shitheads!
    1. Licensing system will be somethnig in between Nexus 3 iLOK and mybe FL Studio. I dunno why Nexus 3 has not been broken by R2R till now just some random group made a bypass but it is working anyways, and at the end of day that is what counts....
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2021
  6. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    That’s what I was meaning, why a cloud activation hasn’t been broken, but to be honest I don’t know enough of the reasons why. If it could be, they would have.
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Actually, this brings a lot of benefits to licensed users as well when the stupid dongle goes away. Finally! I can use my laptop even if I don't have my dongle with me.
    And I never really wanted to take that with me, because such a small thing likes to disappear.

    Also, now I automatically have two licenses instead of just one.

    Of course, if R2R or RET take care of the matter, it will be even more convenient :welcome:
  8. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I agree, as a legit user, it’s good news, as someone that uses some of the VR SoftE products, not so much :rofl:
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    They announced this after VR broke Cubase Trail scheme for the first time, have a half decent working Cubase 11 version out there.
    I think as this was released, Steinberg started considering dropping elic and later anounced it.
    I mean the trail idea, worked pretty much around the whole elic? (I didnt check it to deep - but maybe ...)
    And later it was finalized with AiR and VR ready to go license generators.

    Or everybody is going cloud and steinberg didnt wanted to hear the Gong as the Last manufacture of Audio stuff?!
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  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Haha i searched my 32GB pendrive for 2 weeks, turned out it was right on my desk under some papers and stuff ... i thought i lost it.
    And this thing is only worth 10€ - okay some important data on it, but still.

    I wouldnt ever take a dongle to somebody or to travel - when this thing gets lost, getting all the shit back and buy a new ones ... :snuffy:
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  11. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Steinberg will go the cloud route, which is even a bigger pita than the dongle.
    As a legit user id like to see R2R release all cubase pro versions from 8 to 11 because its not good to rely on dongles, clouds, servers or whatever.
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  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    My Arturia - Steinberg dongle was hanging on the back of the PC on the mainboard and at some point it fell apart into 2 parts. Looked to me as if it was processed so badly on purpose. Planned wear and tear as a source of money or inferior cheap raw materials.

    Attached Files:

  13. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Does anyone know when the new system will be available to install?
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    We are beginning the transition from eLicenser to the new Steinberg Licensing system. Over time, as new versions of our creative tools and instruments are introduced, our product line will use Steinberg Licensing — starting with Dorico 4 and Cubase 12 in 2022. We expect the overall transition will take between one and two years.
  15. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Nah. I don't think. It's just producing goods with no quality in mind but low prices.
    I've seen at least 4 different Steinberg dongles over time and my oldest is the most durable.
    BTW the plastic compartment has no real functionality. You can use the dongle even without the housing.
    I remember that I have ahd to glue two dongle parts together in the past but not sure it was Steinbergs. It worked flawless afterwards.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
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  16. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    A suggestion to all users of legit Steinberg plus Non-Steinberg products that use the Steinberg's dongle.

    It think it is best to have a separate dongle for each vendor and copy the licenses to the appropriate stick via the Service Center.

    As long as it works!

    If a stick breaks, not everything is gone at once.

    After Janaury (2022), no vendor can guarantee restoration of dongle after loss or damage!

    So I see the cost for the dongle hardware ($20 each?) for spreading licenses as insurance fee :)
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2021
  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    So, basically, translated to the average customer:

    "There's a problem, but it's all Steinberg's fault.
    But fret not, here's an easy workaround. Just buy Nexus 3 if you have Nexus 2. It's only 600€ plus a Ferrari more expensive.
    In other words: SHOW US THE FUCKING MONEY!!!!
    You're welcome.

    With love and greed,
    The ReFX staff"
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  18. MarekPRV

    MarekPRV Newbie

    Nov 14, 2021
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    I have sent a TICKET question on REFX -
    "When I bought a nexus 2 from your company I was sure that my license to use nexus2 would be a lifetime - if I lose my USB dongle I will lose my nexus2 - it's not fair, because by buying your product you promised help in case of losing my USB dongle.
    The product I purchased should be the same as at the beginning and I should always get support in case of lose my USB dongle.
    If you are not able to fulfill the contract, please refund my money for nexus2 plus all expansions I purchased or change to nexus3 for free"
    A ticket has been closed without reply and I have been banned from opening any more tickets.
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  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Nexus 2 is also a victim of Steinberg. Steinberg invented this copy protection.

    When you bought the Nexus 2 back then, did you have something like a terms and conditions or license, anything in writing that you can post here? The purchase contract has a legal basis and a right of liability.
  20. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    I am not sure that reFX ever covered for lost eLicenser (only broken ones) their motivation being that a lost eLicenser can very well be a malicious intent. Only if we knew how f-d up we were when we start buying into reFX :))

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