Would u recommend Nexus or Omnisphere to familiarise myself with

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by samsome, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    Would u recommend Nexus 3 or Omnisphere 2 to familiarise myself with all the sounds available to be used for EDM music...or any other plugin...

    i'm not interested in sound design right now i just need to familiarise myself with sounds
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2021
  3. ih8ms

    ih8ms Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Best Answer
    The genre, "EDM music" is a very broad definition of music styles, it really depends on what kind of music style you are producing.

    Nexus 3 does have a lot of quality sounds, and the library of Omnisphere is extremely huge, almost too big in my opinion, but also filled with quality sounds. If you just want to browse presets I would really look at some plugins that have a lot of presets, but also gives you the possibility to make your own sounds.

    If you want to look at some plugins that are used a lot in the "EDM industry" take a look at:
    - Sylenth1
    - Spire
    - Ana 2
    - U-He Diva
    - U-He Repro1/5
    - U-he Hive 2
    - U-he Zebra 2
    - Vengeance Avenger - in the same class as Nexus - requires to buy expansion packs, but the quality of this synth and the expansion is stellar.
    - Roland Cloud - a lot of classic and legendary synths that are used in the early days of "EDM" (Trance, Techno, Dance, House, and such) and still today.
    - Arturia V collection - covers a ton of genres.

    I would recommend you to take a look at these, test demos, and see which kind of sound you like the most. All of these plugins are used by the top "EDM producers" in the world
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  4. samsome

    samsome Guest

    hey can u please explain me again why not Nexus 3 or omnisphere? instead of those?

    don't they also have huge presets?

    i'm just trying to see whats best as they're very huge and no fun installing

    so its much easier to go with the ones you said i guess, but just checking to understand thanks!
  5. ptg

    ptg Newbie

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Omnisphere > state of the art
    Nexus > crappy wannabe EDM sounds from the zero years...
    nuff said ;-)
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  6. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    neither , use something like sylenth or spire or even dune , they have more presets focused on dance music + they dont consume alot of resources
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  7. ih8ms

    ih8ms Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2021
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    The entry price for Omnisphere 2 is huge (499 USD) and Nexus is 249 USD. These synths will cost a lot less and give you more flexibility in the future considering sound design and shape the presets to your wanted sound.
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  8. ih8ms

    ih8ms Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2021
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    You can say what you want about Nexus, but the sound quality is top-notch. That being said, the solution locks the user into buying expansion sets.
  9. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Let's assimilate...
    The question posed is.....Would you (random internet person) recommend Nexus or Omnisphere (binary choice) because...(no specific reason given) ????

    You say you just need to familiarise yourself with "sounds"?
    If random internet user recommends Nexus (or Omnisphere), which of the 12,000 presets do you need to familiarise yourself with.

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  10. samsome

    samsome Guest

    yes i need to see various categories of sounds, well organized...whats the issue? i'm seeing all opinions about this its helpful to see what you think about these
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2021
  11. samsome

    samsome Guest

    hm this will help get an idea for Nexus presets it seems this guy goes over lots of them

    but i will try check a lot of suggestions here thanks guys

    omnisphere 2 also presets

    and vengeance

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2021
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    If you're happy with the Nexus, it's fine.

    I tested the Nexus 3 and then deleted it again.

    - It's a rompler and not a synthesizer.
    - Too much reverb has been used in almost all presets.
    - The quality of the presets is more like bread and butter.
    - The nexus kills creativity.
    - Pulls the money out of your pocket with the extensions.

    There are many choices for EDM (Electronic Dance Music), here are just a few examples:

    Spectrasonics - Omnisphere 2, Native Instruments - Massive, Audiorealism - ABL3, Native Instruments - Massive X, Xfer Records -Serum, LennarDigital - Sylenth1, Reveal Sound - Spire, U-HE - Diva, Native Instruments - FM8, Native Instruments - Monark, Rob Papen - Blue II, Arturia Oberheim - SEM V - U-HE - Zebra, Vengeance Sound - Avenger, U-HE - Hive
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  13. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    For mainstream edm nexus will be more than enough

    Omnisphere wasting space on my hd since v1.0. Was never used.
  14. dr_after

    dr_after Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I like both Nexus and Omnisphere but rarely use any of them :)
    Nexus is more electronic-music oriented, it has EDM signature almost on every patch. It does not have to be something wrong, but it is rather limited rompler for the price and my taste. But when you want good, really "ready to mix" EDM patches, Nexus will get you covered.
    The big plus for Nexus is easy and fast patches navigation (patches load faster than in Omnisphere). I agree that Nexus does not seem too inspiring - it is a workhorse for fast composing from blocks of arrangements not a Stradivari violin. Sometimes it is just the thing you need, though. PS. it has really nice FX and risers library.

    Omnisphere is much more versatile, especially with expansions. You get many non-electronic and experimental sounds, a lot of high quality acoustic sounds, browsing is a PITA though, because almost each patch takes a significant amount of time to load a preview and that can kill the vibe when you are searching something for the melody that just played in your head. But I often browse this library, it's very interesting.

    I mostly use softsynths. I prefer faithful emulations, so I use Roland Cloud, Softube Model 84 (amazing recreation of Juno-106, the best on the planet in my opinion), Plogue chipsynths, etc. For pads and experimental sounds I go with Reaktor and Absynth - still unbeatable after all these years.

    When I use a rompler I go with quality retro samples from UVI Vintage Vault. It's BeatBox Anthology is also the must have - one of the best sampled analog and digital drum boxes out there.
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1.) Alternatively, you can also work with samples (* .WAV)
    Singles are popular. With samples you can then set and add the effects FX yourself.

    Here is a small example of what I just thought of:
    Many people here know Hans Zimmer, he makes film music, his way of working is interesting. Back then he had a mainboard made with 128 GB of RAM. So the film that he is supposed to make the score for is playing on the screen. On top of his monitor he has containers with violins, violins and other instruments, he then pulls the samples that suit him into a recording track.

    2.) Another thing about Omnisphere, this browser system is actually intended to help you find the right sound quickly using tags.
    Practical for sound designers who make commercials or film music professionally and have precise ideas about what they need. I need a pad. Enter in the search mask and play a few pads and use the appropriate preset.

    I would rather say that it is better to buy a sound bank with 128 presets and then only deal with the 128 presets. So choose carefully beforehand according to the style of music you are making. So you don't get tangled up and you are not confronted and overwhelmed with 60 GB or 14,000 presets.
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  16. mr maki

    mr maki Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    if i install Nexus again, i will probably use pads from it. N2 had some fantastic single layered pads, epic pads, used them all the time.

    But the only thing im using for years more often is Omnisphere, haha still remember the day, when AiRiSO released it. Since then i have used quite a lot of sounds.

    And you certainly have for almost everything a very high versaitle and HQ sound. (Nexus suffers here a bit from being not to versaitle imo).

    And Omnisphere just give so much potential to create new patches, while Nexus was just build to slam out out next XPs to make $$$.
    (Steinberg Xphraze, was it the predecessor to Nexus?! i cant remember, but it was similar build.)
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  18. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    At your level, using any plugins outside daw stock is like a 10yo kid asking what F1 car is better for him to drive between McLaren or Ferrari. The answer is neither. Not saying daw stock are simple, but they are the best and easiest way to familiarise with making music. Plugins are addition to your stock. The moment you feel that your music lacks, the moment you feel that you could do more than your daw stock allow you to do, that's the moment you start adding plugins. Until then, you're chasing ghosts ...since Apr 4, 2015
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  19. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    I would say omnisphere hands over... it's a rompers and a full fledged synthesizer.. you can start with presets then branch out into creating your own stuff
  20. cexcean

    cexcean Producer

    Jan 16, 2020
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  21. emax2

    emax2 Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Just get all the Vengeance samplepacks. Get all 47 of them and have sounds for days. Just load the samples in your favorite sampler and off you go