Can You Mix Dolby Atmos in Logic On Headphones?

Discussion in 'Logic' started by EdgarRothermich, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. EdgarRothermich

    EdgarRothermich Producer

    Feb 9, 2015
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    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    it's a good informative read. nice work :like:
  4. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I'd say it's a mediocre listicle, with 5x Yes.

    What you're forgetting is that what you do using speakers, WILL translate to headphones, but not vice-versa (like binaural modes).

    While 1% might have a dedicated 7.1.4 system, there's about 10%+ in total with a physical speakers system 51-916 so you need to account for that.

    You're also forgetting that your mixes (must) also be monitored on a 714 speaker system before it gets distributed according to the official DA Music specs:


    Conclusion: You can mix using headphones, but you must check on a 714 physical speaker system, and a not insignificant amount of people WILL listen on speakers (in configurations less & more than 714)

    ED: You are also using very old logos for Dolby Atmos, and that logo does not appear for Apple music.

    See current logos:
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
  5. EdgarRothermich

    EdgarRothermich Producer

    Feb 9, 2015
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    Actually, the 1% of listeners with a dedicated 7.1.4 or higher setup is more like 0.1%. Once you take away the professional studios, then it goes down readily towards a "rounding error". The fact is, more headphone listening consumers are added to the equation once Spotify and others join the Atmos party, while at the same time, there will be no significant home speaker setup visible. It is pure economics. Dolby Atmos for the home theater is available from streaming services for a few years now, but you won't find those home speaker systems in any Cosco yet. 5.1 is just a download, and smart speakers and soundbars are up for debate as the only real immersive alternative in the home.

    About the Dolby Atmos Specs.
    Yes, 7.1.4 speakers are requires but can't be enforced. Period. Dolby even stopped their studio certification requirement. They are more interested in quantity to get lots of content out to the masses. For the bedroom producers, they could care less about those requirements. They put their stuff together while mixing on headphones and up to DistroKid it goes. Is that good? Absolutely not. But that is the unfortunate reality.
  6. Freshand

    Freshand Newbie

    Feb 17, 2021
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    Working only in headphone don t work ,
    first you can t hear height and front to back positioning , and then you are mixing with blind eyes . Mixing with blind eyes is like mixing with a bad monitor setup and when you listen at home of a friend the bass is not good , the vocal is full of resonance etc etc , mixing on headphone don t translate well. Also crosstalk things and brain perception of space is lost so you can t make good use of dolby atmos and also you can t do a good mix.
    Dolby let you believe that you can , so the masses appreciate it , but you can t in the end.