Sonnox releases Claro EQ

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Sinus Well, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Sonnox has announced the release of Claro, the latest addition to their Toolbox range.

    Claro is a brand-new EQ Plug-in that comprehensively serves the production process from composition to final mix.

    Sonnox says:

    • Produce view keeps users focused on broad brushstroke tone and stereo field adjustments in the early stages of mixing or while still composing.
    • Tweak view, as its name suggests, allows for a deeper dive into the finer details when it suits you best.
    • Mix view allows for any of these adjustments to be seen and made in the context of the entire mix.

    Claro is designed to inform, inspire and to build confidence in producing and mixing better tracks; a key part of which being the understanding of how frequency masking and resonance contribute to bad and good sounding mixes. It lets users see and hear how this happens in context of their entire mix and, rather than applying black-box AI determined processing, encourages those users to take control, develop their own EQ intuition and to come to the right decisions, first time, every time.

    Introductory Price: £74.25 / $107 ($99 MAP). This 25% saving will last until midnight GMT Wednesday 1st December, 2021, after which it will revert to its full retail price of £99 / $142.50 ($134.00 MAP).

    As with all Sonnox products, fully functioning demos are available to try free for 15 days at:
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  3. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    its crazy how a company can make such amazing products so ahead of their time and basically stop doing anything new for a decade
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  4. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I don't know if they are really ahead of their time, but sonnox products are incredibly well thought out. The concept, layout and parameters provided are always designed for maximum productivity. I'm really looking forward to demoing Claro when I have some time. What a great concept! :)
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  5. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Bought Claro after 2 demo mixing sessions. First session was a bit fiddly, my muscle memory is trained for Pro-Q. Second session ran lightning fast. My Pro-Q3 license has now found a new owner.

    In short: Claro + Nova + LP10 = Killer combo !
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  6. J-Echo

    J-Echo Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Claro is an excellent eq, I bought it as well after using the trial for a few days. I was using pro Q3 another great eq with lots of functionality, but since I’ve started using Claro and I feel I’m making better mixing decisions with this one than Pro Q3, so that’s great! But then I started to wonder why? Before I used Claro I often thought of eq as a volume control for specific parts of the frequency spectrum, so I would eq as opposed to touching my volume fader. With Claro I think of eq in three different ways; Tone, shape and level.

    For instance, if I have a kick, I can now ask myself ‘what do I want to achieve by eqing?’ Am I trying to reshape my source so it sounds like a completely different kick? Or is it for a balanced mix? Or am I eqing for tone?

    If I am eqing for tone, I will turn on Claro’s autogain and then I can add or subtract tonal qualities from my source rather than subtract both tone and volume level.

    With Pro Q3 I often find myself making adjustments visually rather than listening. I can turn off the analyzer but then it feels incomplete, I can turn on autogain in fabfilter but then I don’t work the same as I would in Claro. I think this is because I use Claro like I would use a Pultec eq like Noble Q which is my favorite pultec emulation. It’s not visual but the knobs on it can be identified or labeled as functions that do a specific task; If I want more bass, than I tweak the low knob and listen until I like the result. I think what stops me from making good eq decisions in fabfilter is there is nothing to label the frequency ranges, Claro has these label identifier describing words like, mud, warmth, presence etc for specific frequency ranges. These are helpful in allowing me to identify what I may hear with a word. It’s not exact but it’s ballpark.

    Overall I’m really enjoying this eq, I think if you are like me and have a habit of looking rather than hearing, this eq may benefit you. If you can get both I recommend Pro Q3 and Claro and you’ll probably be set on equalizers.

    I know this probably isn’t right from a technical standpoint, but it works for me. Definitely try the demo and see how you get along with it.

    now I’m off to find new compressor that doesn’t have a click when pushed hard.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
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  7. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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  8. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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  9. J-Echo

    J-Echo Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    I thought the same. I’d like to try a demo of it before I spend 99 haha, I’m tempted cause eventide makes cool stuff in my opinion. I really liked their flanger emulation.
  10. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    I will demo it now.