Bitwig Studio 4

Discussion in 'BitWig' started by freefeet12, May 27, 2021.

  1. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    And you are one of that stupid people without opinioins, saying everything a company do is right and newbie producer that any daw should work for you. Even audacity.
    Every daw needs to improove. And some daws just focus on fancy things to sell to new producer, maybe like you
  2. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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    I come back to live. Even with a lot of things that will never be fixed, still the best option for me
  3. fuziohm

    fuziohm Ultrasonic

    Apr 18, 2015
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  4. poly

    poly Platinum Record

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Bitwig 4.1 Beta 2 out now...

    • Note input did not work for some controllers (e.g Ableton Push 2 from Driven by Moss)
    • Improved user experience when importing color palettes and allow the user palettes to be deleted
    • Random engine crash on Windows when mapping more than 2GB of RAM
  5. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Interesting. One of the reasons I use Bitwig is because of how easy it is to do drum work. Some of the new Note FXs will add to exactly that as I see it. In Bitwig you can make a beat with 1-5 (or more of you like) notes that infinitely varies if that's what you want. It's all about the devices and modulators and or automation. Or you can go with The Grid as well. That said, I would like a more traditional native step/grid style sequencer so I can go with that option when I'm going for that sort of thing, which is often. Right now I'm using a vst sequencer for that.

    As an aside, learning how to "finger drum" on pads (I've been doing thexpresspads technique for years now) is so worth it.
    • Like Like x 1
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  6. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Can import FLPs partially, good. I wish DAW vendors document their format or better open source the parser, conversion between projects of different DAWs (without hiccups, ideally) would make quite a good business.
  7. J-Echo

    J-Echo Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Hi everyone, long time lurker here, I just wanted to share my thoughts regarding Bitwig.
    I really want to love Bitwig, however one of the key features many people forget to mention is Bitwig doesn’t undo 3rd party VST changes. This is a key feature that many daws have, and I feel is detrimental to a productive workflow. I do not know why they haven’t added this feature. If Bitwig can show you the values of non native vst knobs in device view, automate the parameter of said knobs, than it should also be able to undo changes to those.

    For example, let’s say I am producing and I add in some distortion and compression; The odds are, I don’t know how much of each effect I’d like to dial in. However, I do know that if I make a mistake (or Bitwig makes the mistake for me via modulator glitches) and change occurs, I can’t get it back. Yes I can add a duplicate of the effect and then make my changes there, but then I am limited to only one change per instance, in which I would then have to a/b between these devices. Imagine typing a message on a phone or computer without an undo button. It’s slow and not conclusive to a intuitive or productive workflow. Depending on the plug-in used, it can be cpu intensive.
    I feel that this is a really important feature, and I hope more people make the request so that it can be added.
    Also just add,
    (I am aware that you can do undo in a vst itself if the developer added a physical undo button, however this is not a solution IMO)
  8. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    There is ALWAYS that 1 Guy in Forums
    with the "I really want to Love...... but it doesn't do"
    These people are as Bad as the "Give Meeee Moar Featurezzzzz, can't sit on Forums complaining about not making music"
  9. J-Echo

    J-Echo Member

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Hi there, I agree with your statement. I think it would be really great if Bitwig added a native step sequencer. Placing drum patterns in Bitwig can be a bit of a headache when on a ultra wide monitor because of how Bitwig scales the piano roll, it certainly better than how Ableton does it for me, there I often end up going across my entire screen when placing notes. In regards to the browser I think it would be amazing if bitwig were somehow able to collaborate with the people at Sononym but that’s a dream haha.
    I feel like you are being a bit dismissive towards me, I don’t know you. You act like I insulted you when I’m simply talking about Bitwig. I came here to share my opinion and hopefully have a productive conversation regarding the daw with other fellow music lovers. Maybe there is a easier way to undo that I am unaware of. You seem to have taken my comment as an attack on you, I’m not here to argue. If you don’t think the feature I suggested is needed, than say that, but don’t attack me and act like you know me. That’s not cool man. I am here to vibe and chat. Not having that feature doesn’t destroy the daw, I use it, as do many other people like Polarity or Jpegmafia. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have an undo that functions in a more intuitive manner. I hope you can understand.
  10. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I wonder if the inability to undo VST actions has anything to do with the sandboxing feature?
  11. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 4.1, Beta 3

    Multi-note device: New Inspector parameter for Live Note Updating, immediately causing output when any note unit's Enable or Pitch parameters change
    This is the same behavior as the previous one-way Upgrade switch
    New Note FX now have default remote control pages (and remotes for Multi-note were updated)
    MIDI-style note names (for example, C-1 or D#4) can now be typed in for integer parameters
    Steps modulator: Now has a bipolar toggle option

    Engine crashes when using some of the new note effects in some cases [27068]
    Color Palettes: "Transparent" color was not available for tracks; now available via the x icon to remove color [27052]
    Color Palettes: Import didn't moderate completely black pixels [27031]
    Color Palettes: Possible crash when importing an invalid image as a palette [27033]
    Color Palettes: Files were sometimes not imported [27020]
    Application crash when trying to save template [26997]
    Grid modules: Various modules with audio choosers (such as HW Out, CV Out, etc.) were sometimes not working after the audio engine reconnects to the project [26888]
    Projects or clips that had some missing file references could cause the app to crash [26945] [27047]
    Fixed some memory leaks, which could slow application performance when using certain controllers
    Crash when performing undo/redo in same cases [21926]
    Audio effects were inaudible on certain project with hybrid tracks [26867]
    Wavetable resources were missing icons in the Project Panel Files page
    App could still start with 8-Track permissions after upgrading to 16-Track [27051]
    Message was not clear when activation dialog gets shown because of no free activations in account [27060]
    Windows: Onset detection was not working (regression) [27071]
    Windows: Pop-up Browser was not showing correct filter when browsing presets for loaded device [26982]
    macOS 12: Pasting text wasn't working [26996]
    Linux: ALSA may fail because of different period size for input and output
    A generated Java controller extension (from the Dashboard) could not be compiled [27078]
  12. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 4.1, Beta 4

    Quantize device: Now has an Amount control, setting the distance toward the next grid line that each note is moved
    Quantize device: Now has a global Groove toggle
    Controller script added for Mackie Control (with support for up to three Extenders)

    Ricochet device: Smooths expression output better (via the Room Spatialization parameter), removing clicks
    Note Transpose device: Didn't initialize correctly [27070]
    Steps modulator: In unipolar mode, was clipping random values at zero [27150]
    Muted Tracks didn't grey out their meters when loading a project [27143]
    Loading a project that contains many plug-ins would sometimes incorrectly show a "Plug-in host not responding" notification [27133]
    VST 3 plug-ins: Sidechaining would become inactive after Export [27069]
    Linux: Fixed rare crash with a multi monitor setup [27125]
  13. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 4.1, Beta 5 (pre-release)

    Now includes the PDF manual for Bitwig Studio v4.1

    Windows: Fixed a compiler optimization bug that could break the audio engine, etc.
  14. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What's New in Bitwig Studio 4.1 [released 24 November 2021]

    New Note FX device: Bend
    • Bends to each note's pitch from a relative Starting Pitch
    • Bend Shape sets the curve for the pitch glide
    • Duration of the bend can set it either real time or tempo-relative 16ᵗʰ notes
    • A Pre-delay setting is also available, for postponing the pitch bend (the same as on most of the envelope modulators, etc.)
    • Useful for:
      • Adding glissando to any device
      • New sound design possibilities by adding a quick pitch envelope on any instrument
      • Many responsive possibilities, such as modulating bend amount or time with velocity, etc. etc.
      • Setting a pitch curve once before "stacked" instruments, such as with the Instrument Layer or Instrument Selector containers (or their Note FX brethren)
      • An alternate concept of "glide," starting relative to the new note (instead of from the pitch played previously)
    New Note FX device: Dribble
    • Bounces each note until gravity wins
    • First Bounce time (set in real time or tempo-relative 16ᵗʰ notes) is the time that the initial bounce will last if maximum velocity is played
    • Damping controls the speed/height loss for each successive bounce
      • With Damping set to 0 %, bounce height remains the same
    • Shortest Bounce time is a threshold for settings when bounces become too close together and should be discontinued
    • Hold Last Note optionally keeps the final bounce note held out (as long as the triggering note is still held)
    • Useful for:
      • Adding some trailing character to single-note lines
      • Giving per-note "delays" to chords, especially when each note has a slightly different velocity
      • Creating a decaying, "organic" note repeat effect
      • Modulating Damping to keep notes at fix repeat lengths, whenever anything happens (like the global Fill button is engaged)
    New Note FX device: Humanize
    • Randomizes chance, timing, or velocity of notes
    • Chance sets the likelihood that each arriving note will be sent on
    • Timing defines the maximum lateness that can be randomly selected for each note
      • If Allow Early Notes is on (±), then delay compensation is used to make the Timing range either late or early
    • Velocity sets a bipolar amount of randomization applied at each note on
    • Useful for:
      • Giving some life to the timing of any input
      • Lightly mutating any sequenced passage, making it is different with each repeat
      • Randomizing any triggered note clip, where the Allow Early Notes option can feel right
      • Loosening any predictable output, so that rigid rhythms or probability can be modulated or automated
      • Randomly spreading note timing for FX that care about note order (like Strum, or Arpeggiator using the Flow pattern, etc.)
    New Note FX device: Note Repeats
    • Retriggers each note, with Pattern options
    • Timebase for the repeat rate can be set in real time (seconds), tempo-relative units (bars, triplet eighths, etc.), or at the frequency of the played note
      • A Rate factor scales the Timebase unit, good for slight manipulations or multiples
    • Gate Length is set as a percentage of the repeat rate, or to Hold until Next Trigger ()
    • Velocity Decay sets the change amount of each successive repeat's velocity, either down or up
    • Chance sets the probability that each individual repeat occurs
    • Disable Repeats is a mappable "kill switch" that sustains each note after its next repeat starts (and passes new notes directly thru), allowing the repeat function itself to be disabled or modulated
    Note Pattern Options
    • Two additional modes are available for organizing note repeats into larger forms:
      • Burst lines up all note retriggers in a row
      • Euclid tries to evenly space the note repeats, which can be rhythmically satisfying
    • Length sets a pattern to be between 2 and 32 steps
    • Density is the percentage that the pattern gets filled
    • Rotate pushes the start of the pattern either forward or backward
    Accent Options within Patterns
    • "Accents" can be created by keeping a number of the repeats at their original velocity, and attenuating velocity of the "non-accented" repeats
    • Count / Strong Notes sets the number of current repeats that will be accented
      • Accents are distributed according to the mode used
    • Low Velocity (Non-accents) sets the attenuation applied to the non-accented notes
    • Opposite / Flip Accent Pattern inverts the placement of accented and non-accented notes
    • Keep Accents / Always Play Accents guarantees that each accented note will play every time, regarding of the Chance setting
    Useful for:
    • Repeating each incoming note at a set rate
    • A performance-ready note effect, particularly with mappings to Disable Repeats (for switching the entire effect on and back off) and Velocity Decay (so that retriggers can be ramped quieter and then louder)
    • Creating probabilistic repeats with the Chance parameter
    • Giving life to long chords with a low Chance setting but the Hold until Next Trigger () option on, keeping each note sustained until the eventual retrigger arrives
    • All manner of note pattern fun, for drum parts or anything else
    New Note FX device: Quantize
    • Pushes notes toward the next beat, with optional Forgiveness
    • Timing Interval selects the beat grid-interval that notes will be moved toward, with an option to follow the global Groove or not
    • Amount sets how far each note is moved toward the next grid line
    • Forgiveness is a threshold for how late notes can be before they are held until the next beat
    • Useful for:
      • A real-time performance quantizer, placing all incoming notes exactly on the next grid line
      • With an Amount of 100 % and Forgiveness at 0.00 %, a complete 'robot-izer'
      • Aligning incoming notes across a beat range (perhaps followed by Strum, etc.)
      • Creating new rhythmic patterns, particularly by feeding it a fast Arpeggiator or Note Repeats, etc. with a middle Forgiveness value
    New Note FX device: Randomize
    • Randomizes note pitch, velocity, and any automation expressions at note on
    • Each note in Bitwig Studio contains its own expressions
    • For each note that passes thru, this device can add a random amount of defined range to any expression, including:
      • Pitch, with additional parameters options for whether pitch is Quantized to semitones and whether its randomization is Bipolar
      • Velocity, randomized around the current value (taken from the note source and used wherever velocity is mapped, including from the Expressions modulator)
      • Timbre, randomized around the current value (used wherever mapped from the Expressions modulator)
      • Pressure, randomized around the current value (taken from the note source especially for MPE controllers, and used wherever mapped from the Expressions modulator)
      • Pan, randomized around the current value (mapped to the panning of each individual note, and available from the Pan In Grid module)
      • Gain, randomized around the current value (mapped to the gain of each individual note, and available from the Gain In Grid module)
    • Useful for:
      • Turning any note clip into an "anti-loop," with different parameters for each note that plays
      • Giving individual Pan positions to each note of a chord or arpeggio
      • Creating tiny pitch instability to the original notes, or on a second Instrument Layer for "analog" drift
      • Adding additional Timbre and Pressure variety to any MPE-friendly sound
      • Shifting drum notes to sometimes trigger different drum elements
    New Note FX device: Ricochet
    • Treats notes as bouncing balls in a room
    • When balls collide with each other (or with the room's walls), a new note is triggered at that velocity
    • Ball Speed scales the speed of each ball (relative to its velocity)
    • Ball Radius sets the size of the balls
    • Ball Damping is the amount of slowdown applied after each collision
    • Ball Launch Mode determines the direction in which new balls are fired:
      • Random picks a random direction each time
      • Bar Sync uses relative bar position, with bar start and end facing straight up (at 12 o'clock)
      • Manual gives control to the Ball Launch Angle parameter for manual setting or modulation, etc.
    • Room Sides can be set anywhere between 3.0 and 8.0, including decimal values for some asymmetry
    • Room Orientation turns the room position or spins it (modulators!)
    • Room Spatialization uses each ball's position to effect that note's panning (↔︎) and timbre (↕︎) expressions
    • Sound on Initial Notes sets whether the initial note being received triggers a note, or not (which can be nice on a second layer, etc.)
    • Useful for:
      • Creating an algorithmic variation of your note clip, which is either reproducible (Bar Sync) or new each time (Random)
      • Generating one-shot timbre/pan envelopes by using a big Room Spatialization and maximum Damping
      • Going "the full Eno" by setting a slow Speed, triggering a non-sustaining sound, and holding down the sustain pedal
      • Creating a 90s-style delay, but with… Note FX…
    New Note FX device: Strum
    • Fragments your chords, playing them one (or more) note at a time
    • Timebase for the strum speed can be set in real time (seconds) or tempo-relative units (bars, triplet eighths, etc.)
      • A Rate factor scales the Timebase unit, good for slight manipulations or multiples
    • Strum direction can be set to Strum Up (playing lowest note first, then upward) or down
    • Number of Steps allows sequencing a pattern of up to four steps, so that the next chord played can change strum direction
    • Stride sets the number of notes that are output at a time
    • Grace Period is the time window for each chord to be collected before strumming begins
    • Useful for:
      • Animating played chords at a steady rate
      • Slight speed-ups or slow-downs, by slowly modulating the strum rate
      • Alternating up–down strum patterns, to borrow some plucked/bowed patterns
      • A one-shot arpeggiator, running up or down the played notes once
      • "Smart" moving quantize, taking your playing and spreading each note to this beat or the next
    Updated Note FX device: Multi-note
    • As before: each note in triggers up to eight notes out
    • There is now a Chance parameter for each output note, setting the probability of that note at each note on
    • There is now a velocity Spread parameter for each output note, setting a randomize range for the velocity of that note at each note on
    • When Live Note Updating is enabled, the Pitch Offset and Enable parameters for each note are now updated throughout the life of a note
      • Gliding pitches can now be created, and notes can be (re)activated via each output note's Enable parameter
    Updated Instrument: Sampler
    • Now has a Release chain, which receives note triggers for each note off the Sampler gets
    • Includes parameters for:
      • Note Length used in the Release chain
      • Whether to Use Velocity from the initial note On message (can make for a more consistent sound), or from the note Off message (if your controller supports this well)
    • Improved SFZ file import:
      • Dragging a file containing both trigger and release samples onto a blank track or space will load a Sampler with the trigger regions, which has a Sampler nested in the Release chain with the release regions
      • Dragging a file containing both trigger and release samples onto an existing sampler provides various modifier keys for which sample set to either replace with or merge in
      • Any region using seq_position imports as Round-robin
    • As with all nested chains in Bitwig, the Release chain:
      • Can contain any Bitwig devices and VST plug-ins
      • Is available for modulation from any modulators (LFOs, sidechains, step sequencers, etc. etc.) that are used by the Sampler
      • Will save any inserted devices as part of your Sampler presets
      • Is also output to the audio FX chain that follows, and then the final Out level control
    Updated Note FX device: Note Length
    • As before: triggers fixed-length notes on initial press or release
    • There is now an option for notes triggered on Release to use either the original note On velocity, or the received note Off velocity
      • This is the same option available in the Release chain of Sampler, but can be coupled via Instrument Layer with any instrument/synth (read: not just for samples)
    Updated Note FX device: Note Filter
    • As before: filters notes by set Key and Velocity ranges
    • There are now two Mode options:
      • Keep only passes notes that are within the defined Key and Velocity ranges (this is the device's previous behavior)
      • Remove passes all the notes outside of the defined Key and Velocity ranges
    • Once a range is defined, just duplicate the device and flip the mode to get all the other notes
      • Place these on two layers within a Note FX Layer (when you want to process the notes separately, but send them to the same instrument)
      • Place these on two layers within an Instrument Layer (when you want different instruments to be triggered by the note streams)
    New Color Palettes
    • Different color palettes are now available for tracks, clips, layers, and Arranger cue markers, making more colors available for these elements
    • From the color selection area of the Inspector Panel or context menu, click the right-facing triangle (▶︎) to switch between the available palettes
    • To add a new color palette to your user library, simply drag a JPG or PNG file onto the Dashboard icon at the top of the Bitwig window
    New Features
    • Direct MIDI output is now available from all track choosers
      • All detected ports are shown in the Note Outputs section
      • The HW Instrument device is still available when you need delay compensation
    • Controller script added for Mackie Control (with support for up to three Extenders)
    • MIDI-style note names (for example, C-1 or D#4) can now be typed in for integer parameters
    • Steps modulator: Now has a bipolar toggle option
    • Better priorities and hit areas for Arranger clips mouse interactions [26816]
    • Arpeggiator device: Now has an Update Rate at Next Step option, to prevent going "out of grid" when changing the rate [26939]
    • Default presets for all Bitwig instruments have been updated:
      • All instruments that include some "velocity sensitivity" setting are now set somewhere in the middle
      • All polyphonic instruments now have a Vibrato modulator prewired to device pitch (and controlled by Modwheel), as well as an unwired Expressions modulator
    • Some Note FX devices have been renamed:
      • Echo (was previously Note Echo)
      • Harmonize (was previously Note Harmonizer)
      • Key Filter (was previously Diatonic Transposer)
      • Latch (was previously Note Latch)
      • Multi-note (was previously Multi-Note)
      • Note Transpose (was previously Note Pitch Shifter)
      • Transpose Map (was previously Transposition Map)
      • Velocity Curve (was previously Note Velocity)
    • If a plug-in host process hangs, the user now gets an option to kill the process
    • VST3: Added IMidiLearn support
    • Controller API improvements:
      • Provides access to Arranger loop range [26341]
      • Ability to add and remove cue markers [26340]
      • Option to expand/collapse group tracks [26342]
      • Added canUndo and canRedo [26343]
    • Linux: Now bundles ffmpeg
    • Consolidating a clip could lose various clip settings [26679]
    • Time selection did not snap to onsets when the Arranger clip start marker was not at zero position [26827]
    • Waveform of raw audio events could display with incorrect timing when tempo automation was present [26778]
    • Muted Tracks didn't grey out their meters when loading a project [27143]
    • Audio effects were inaudible on certain project with hybrid tracks [26867]
    • Comping did not work correctly in clips that contained audio starting before 1.1.1 [26865]
    • Regions could disappear when editing comping takes in stretch mode [26826]
    • Fixed crash when folding audio to comping takes [26879]
    • Drum Machine device: Choking settings would persist after loading a new preset [26612]
    • Note Transpose device: Didn't initialize correctly [27070]
    • Grid modules: Various modules with audio choosers (such as HW Out, CV Out, etc.) were sometimes not working after the audio engine reconnects to the project [26888]
    • Modulation indicator was the wrong color when modulation exceeded negative value range
    • Modulation source context menu did not show the name of the modulator
    • Fixed some memory leaks, which could slow application performance when using certain controllers
    • Crash when performing undo/redo in same cases [21926]
    • Wavetable resources were missing icons in the Project Panel Files page
    • VST 3 plug-ins: Sidechaining would become inactive after Export [27069]
    • On loop jumps, wrong sample and timing information could be sent to plug-ins, causing first notes to be skipped [22690]
    • A plug-in that hung or crashed while loading could lock up the audio engine [26934]
    • Fixed various random crashes when performing undo or redo
    • Automatically repair broken projects created with v4.0 beta versions [26830]
    • Message was not clear when activation dialog gets shown because of no free activations in account [27060]
    • Windows: Pop-up Browser was not showing correct filter when browsing presets for loaded device [26982]
    • macOS: Bitwig Studio jumps to foreground when connecting or disconnecting screen [25636]
    • Controller API: A clip's note step observer could sometimes report the wrong step index
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
  16. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
  17. DJMani

    DJMani Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Can anyone try this test?

    GUI always moves, The bottom never stays in place. switch between views Editor, Mixer, Clip a few times and bottom of Bitwig screen moves lower and lower until off the screen.

    I looked a some Bitwig youtube videos and found this English Taches guy had the GUI issue similar to me.

    Anyone else notice this?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
  18. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I wish there would be a better MCU Support with the same degree of integration and features Apple Logic or StudioOne offers. Under Bitwig it isn't even possible to control the channel of a drumracks
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2021
  19. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    When searching for new sounds, do you focus on the processors? Or is it the generators that make the difference? Bitwig Studio 4.3 is here, bringing space and tone, with a convolution device for real and imagined spaces, a new delay that loves the spotlight, and some downright electric components for our synths.

    Beta Testing of Bitwig Studio 4.3
    Bitwig Studio 4.3 is now in beta testing for users with an active Upgrade Plan. It features new spaces via Convolution and Delay+, and an analog tone bundle for Polymer/The Grid. Where would you like to go today?

    NOTE: Do not use a beta version to work on important projects! Project files created or saved with the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of Bitwig Studio. So if you are opening working projects, save copies of them for beta testing (instead of saving over your original files).

    If you think you have found a bug, please drop us a line at [email protected]. Please be sure to include:

    • steps to reproduce the issue
    • operating system
    • audio interface and any other hardware information
    • if this is a new issue in v4.3
    And if you get a crash report dialog from the program, please click Send Report. Adding a comment is most helpful, but this can still be useful to us regardless.

    Let's go places.

    System Requirements
    • Windows - Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11 (all in 64-bit)
    • Mac - macOS 10.14 ("Mojave") or above
    • Linux - any modern distribution with Flatpak installed (more information here)
    • a CPU capable of SSE 4.1
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 4.3, Beta 1
    New Device: Convolution
    • A straightforward device with quick adjustment controls for reverb, coloring, or anything else convolution can do
    • Supports loading 1-channel (mono), 2-channel (stereo), and 4-channel ("true stereo") impulses
    • An impulse browser visualizes all impulses in your library, along with their length, category, and channel count
    • Tune resamples the impulse, changing its pitch and length by the set amount
    • The Start and End Time positions within the impulse can be adjusted visually, similar to Sampler
    • A Volume Envelope sets a start, mid-point (time-adjustable), and end gain levels, that can be quieter or louder than the original impulse for effects or reshaping it altogether
    • Brightness offers a tilt EQ, which favors the high end when turned to the right, or the low end on the left
    • Pre-delay time, Wet Gain amount, and dry/wet Mix parameters are also available
    • The Wet FX chain allows any Bitwig devices and VST plug-ins to be added for processing only the wet output portion
    • Convolution supports any audio file:
      • Dropping a file from one of Bitwig's browsers or the OS's file manager onto the Convolution will load the first 45 seconds of it
      • If a file conversion is necessary, the impulse will be saved into the current project's Impulses folder as a BWIMPULSE file
      • Dragging any audio or note clip onto Convolution will bounce the clip, and then load it as an impulse
      • A folder Import… option is available via the impulse browser for bulk import
    • 270 impulses are available in the factory library, including real spaces, environmental captures, and generated impulses
    New Device: Delay+
    • A souped-up delay, with hardwired modulations and a pre-stocked feedback loop that eats the latency of other devices/plug-ins
    • Standard delay options for delay time (either in seconds, or beats plus offset for triplet, dotted, or things in between), Feedback amount, low- and high-pass filters for controlling feedback, and a dry/wet Mix control
    • For delay time changes/modulations, a Time Update Rate parameter is available, as well as two Time Update Model settings:
      • Repitch - Maintains audio output during delay time changes, making pitch effects audible
      • Fade - Hides pitch artifacts during delay time changes
    • Like oscillator detuning, a Detune parameter is available in milliseconds, along with a Stereo Detune toggle to invert the right channel's detuning
    • Four Pattern options for the channel configuration:
      • Mono - Flattens the incoming signal for processing, and offers a Pan control for direction within the effect
      • Stereo - With a Width control and optional Cross Feedback (for left → right channel feedback, and vice versa)
      • Ping L - Ping-pong, starting on the left side, and with Width control
      • Ping R - Ping-pong, starting on the right side, and with Width control
    • Around the feedback stage are several controls and effects:
      • Level Control keeps signal in the feedback loop from exploding, offer both a Threshold for when level control starts, and three Modes (Soft Clip, Hard Clip, and a Comp.[ressor] model)
        • The feedback (or cross feedback) icon illuminates red to show the amount of level control being applied
      • Width affects Feedback factors in the Width parameter (when available) before the feedback chain
      • Blur sets the amount of the selected Blur Character, whose choices are:
        • No Blur - Bypass option
        • Soft - Short diffusion network
        • Wide - Short diffusion network, with broader modulation and spread
        • Still - Long diffusion network
        • Space - Long diffusion network, with broader modulation and spread
        • Reverse - Time-offset diffusion system
      • The Forever toggle maintains the current feedback buffer, keeping it at unity gain and not passing in any new signal
      • Any other Bitwig devices or VST plug-ins can be inserted into the FB FX chain, becoming part of the churn
        • The FB FX chain uniquely provides delay compensation (for inserting devices that require it) by offsetting the delay time
    • Ducking automatically pulls down the dry/wet Mix setting and Feedback level when strong sounds arrive to help them be heard, even with high Feedback values or even the Forever option enabled
      • The arrow icon (→) leading from Ducking to Mix illuminates orange to show the amount of ducking being applied
    Polymer/Grid module updates
    • New Polymer/Grid oscillator: Union
      • A DC-drifting, analog-inspired oscillator that blends pulse, saw, and triangle waves
      • Level controls for each of the three waveforms
      • Clickable toggle to quickly switch to only one waveform
      • Pulse Width control for the pulse wave's shape and timbre
      • Anti-aliased waveshapes slide around as any of these controls are adjusted, making them ideal for modulation or automation
      • Union is now the default oscillator in Polymer for its immediate controls and warm sound
    • New Polymer/Grid filter: Low-pass MG
      • A Moog-inspired classic low-pass filter
      • Drive stage has similarly inspired mix buss character (try turning it up; we'll wait.)
      • Standard Cutoff Frequency and Resonance controls
      • Low-pass MG is now the default filter in Polymer because it sounds good and familiar
    • Updated Polymer/Grid envelopes: ADSR, AR, and AD
      • Each have three modes now:
        • Analog - Again, imitating Moog hardware's fixed curves nonlinearities
        • Relative - (previously the only mode) With adjustable rate-differential curves
        • Digital - Clean math with adjustable curves, for precise time segments
      • A simple one letter button in each envelope's top left indicates the mode; click the box to see all available modes
      • For its classic response and ease of use, the default Polymer envelopes (for AEG and FEG) are set to Analog
    • Updated Polymer/Grid filter: Sallen-Key (previously "Low-pass SK", with only three low-pass modes) now has 16 Filter Mode options, using various filter types
    • Updated Polymer/Grid filter revision: Comb now has a Dampening Frequency parameter (set relative to the primary Cutoff Frequency) for reining in the feedback segment
    • Updated Polymer/Grid filters: Low-pass LD, Low-pass MG, Sallen-Key, SVF, XP, and Comb
      • All filters now including a Resonance Limit (or Q Limit) control, setting the point where clipping begins within the filter's resonance
      • The Drive parameter sets the amount of gain (and clipping), and Resonance Limit sets the threshold when clipping/saturation begins
      • Together, these parameters can greatly adjust the color of any filter
      • Resonance Limit is available in Polymer by right-clicking on a empty area of any filter module
    • Updated Polymer/Grid oscillators: Pulse, Sawtooth, Sine, Triangle, Union, Wavetable, Phase-1, and Swarm
      • All oscillators Phase Modulation Amount knobs now go up to 800 % (with 100 % at the center)
      • These extended modulation index values provider a broader range of digital frequency/phase modulation sounds
    • Updated Polymer/Grid module: Sub (Oscillator) now includes a sawtooth option as an additional Waveform choice
    Comments Are Welcome
    • Comments can now be added to any track, layer (within one of our Layer devices), Launcher scene, or Arranger cue marker
    • Comments can be added/seen in the Inspector Panel for any item, and:
      • Track and layer comments can all be seen/edited together in either Mixer Panel
      • Launcher scene and Arranger cue markers can be seen/edited together in the Sections page of the Project Panel
    • Comments are good for whatever you what — recording settings, performance notes, lyrics, etc. — and can be written in any language that Bitwig can display
    FX Tracks Sends
    • FX tracks now have sends of their own, allowing FX tracks to be sent to any other effect track
    • An FX track sent to an FX track on its right (further down on the mixer) is sent immediately
    • An FX track sent to an FX track on its left (backward on the mixer) is sent with a delay of one audio buffer
      • This includes direct feedback routing, shown with the square feedback arrow icon
    • This also applies to the FX tracks of group tracks and within Drum Machine devices
    New Features
    • Updated FX device: Bit-8 now has an Anti-alias toggle, switching to different methods — and a different sound
    • Updated Grid module: Audio Out (I/O) now has higher-quality clipping algorithms, and the module icon glows to indicate how much clipping is being applied
    • Updated Grid module: ADSR (Envelope) now has a Bias Out port, sending a proportionate signal that outputs zero in the sustain segment (good for sliding pitches and much more)
    • Updated analysis device: Spectrum now has a toggle for the Frequency Range displayed:
      • Human Hearing - Displays the extended human hearing range
      • Sample Rate - Matches Bitwig's current sample rate
    • Updated Grid module: Oscilloscope (Display) now has display parameters to adjust the Y Maximum shown on screen and a Y Bipolar toggle
    • Updated tool device: Test Tone now has a Bipolar toggle for optional unipolar output, as well as Waveshape options:
      • Sine (previously the only waveform available)
      • Triangle
      • Square
      • Saw Up
      • Saw Down
      • Dirac - A series of one-sample impulses
      • White Noise
      • Pink Noise
    • When a group track is expanded and focus is within it, all Add Track functions now create tracks within the group
    • Operators: Note editor GUI updates (to show which events are playing on this loop pass) are now latency compensated [28277]
    • Controllers that target the Clip Launcher now use a rectangle to highlight the current targets from each active controller, and can optionally scroll Bitwig's GUI when the controller scrolls its targets
    • Modules now have a revision system, for managing updates and maintaining compatibility with previous use work
      • When an UPDATE button appears on the top right of a module, mouse over it for a tooltip of the changes that clicking UPDATE would bring
    • The top of the Inspector Panel for devices has been simplified and given a fuller range of icons
    • Nested device chains now show a little box for each device in the chain
    • Linux builds are now released as FLATPAK files (more information here)
    • Linux: now supports the PipeWire audio driver
    • Updated Grid module revision: Comb (Filter) now sets negative feedback to the same cutoff frequency/delay time as positive feedback
    • General modulator mapping improvements:
      • When setting a modulation range of a linear parameter, the unit will be shown while mapping
      • When setting a modulation range of a logarithmic parameter (such as the Rate scaler for the LFO modulator or Grid module), positive modulations will be shown with × and negative modulations with ÷, since the modulations are multiplicative of the current setting
      • When setting a modulation range of a cubic parameter (such as any envelope time setting, or module attenuator, etc. etc.), the modulation shows the maximum modulation value based on the parameter's current set value, along with an asterisk (*) since changing the set value will change the effective modulation range
    • Substantial memory optimizations for projects with a large number of tracks and/or scenes [28390]
    • Note FX Layer device: Notes were not playing correctly after transposing them in different layers [28479]
    • Note Out (I/O) Grid module: Properly clips note expressions, particularly for Note Grid uses
    • MPE expressions are now properly clipped for VST plug-ins [28477]
    • 192 kHz audio playback had sync issues [28486]
    Last edited: May 11, 2022
  20. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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