God is Good, All the Time. Also, Vice Versa, praise God.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by user1293435134, Nov 3, 2021.

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  1. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    You are watching ME, you silly twit!
    That's your bathroom window!


    Just don't ask why i am looking in your bathroom window ...
  2. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    You could just said that, i have that voice when am reading some book i like too to visualise like some movie.
  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Thats really mind blowing, reading this thread has made me realise that my "inner voice" has no actual sound attached to it, i just silently think things.

    It seems i'm even weirder than i always thought i was or just maybe i'm the only sane one here, lol.
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Man is a dark being. He does not know where he comes from or where he is going,
    he knows little about the world and least of all about himself.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Self-knowledge is the best and safest way to understand our fellow human beings.
    William McDougal

    For once, let your emotions speak out completely inside and listen to them and ask what they actually want!
    Jean Paul

    Concentration and subject matter is the way out the psychological terror.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021
  5. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    My thinking voice tends to be a lot more aggressive than my normal speaking voice due to constantly silently screaming at myself.

    @user1293435134 if you can recommend any drugs or alcohol that does silence the inner voice, please, please do. Or anyone else.
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @ Parasite-B, the best trick to turn off internal dialogue is the word STOP.
    You can of course hit the table and say STOP out loud.

    Repeat saying STOP every day and counter your inner voice with something, such as what kind of nonsense I am thinking again.

    The brain works all the time. At night, when you are dreaming, it moves large blocks of files to bring order back into the chaos.
    Drugs don't do anything, they concentrate on one thing, also known as mediation. Make more music ...!

    Concentration and subject matter is the way out the psychological terror.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2021
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Who called me? Oh, that... depends on the drug :rofl:
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  10. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Mine speaks a different language than my native language, sometimes its English. I can speak in 4 languages, so my inner voice has the luxury to choose between them
  11. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    I'm bilingual, but my inner voice can only speak English, despite Spanish being my first language. I don't think I've ever "heard" myself think in Spanish ever since I started paying more attention to my thoughts. I suppose it's a side effect of bilingual schools indoctrina- I mean, emphasizing how important and useful English is as a second language. But they really hammered it into us; we had to speak English during recess or else teachers would take points off of our grades.

    But I digress.
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  12. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
  13. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    you mean something like this ?


    so it is the inner voice, I thought it's just some asshole trying to tell me how to do stuff, I 100% ignore that shit.
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  14. GT33

    GT33 Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2019
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I don't think so, because animals don't do such nonsensical things as humans.
    It would not be wise for your organic survival to make dubious choices.

    With us it is as if the bad sits on the right shoulder and says:
    Yes, do that and on the left side of the shoulder sits the good and says: Let it be.
    We are constantly at odds with right and wrong.
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  16. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Best Answer
    What I can hear is a well deserved round of applause for all the people poking fun at this topic. :wink:
    But I'll be serious instead.

    Inner Audio and Inner Monologue/Dialogue are separate but related ideas.

    About Inner Audio
    Some basic facts about Inner Audio...
    (ignoring these means you might as well be discussing astrology instead)

    [1] ALL audio sensations are generated within brains.

    [2] Outside of brains is a silent universe.
    There are many varieties of oscillating phenomena in the universe but they are ALL SILENT.
    External vibrations only become audio sensations when a brain works with them.
    This is very old news! This has been well understood for many centuries, so it's surprising if it's news to anyone in 21st Century.
    It's just inconvenient that the word 'Sound' still gets used scruffily to refer to both the stuff happening outside your head and the stuff happening inside your head - but they are utterly different stuff!

    [3] Your brain can, in principle, generate full inner audio sensations whenever it chooses to do so with or without any stimulations to your ears. This is just a normal functional brain!

    If you doubt this (or are just bored reading this stuff) see the Audio Illusion in the spoiler at the end of this comment.

    [4] Normal and less normal times for your brain to generate audio
    It makes good evolutionary survival sense for your brain to limit generating inner audio sensations to whenever there is external stimulation to your ears, and to ensure that the inner audio sensations are appropriately modulated by external inputs.
    We think of that as normal hearing. But your brain can and does sometimes generate audio sensations in other circumstances (some good - some bad), e.g.,
    1. (1) in dreams which can sometimes be as vivid as in waking state (terrific if you can control it)
    2. (2) under various other hallucinatory conditions (some great - some inconvenient)
    3. (3) in some people who experience some forms of synesthesia (e.g., they can hear a smell)
    4. (4) in some people who are lucky enough to imagine music vividly instead of what most of us are stuck with, i.e., 'Auditory Imagery'. For muzos:- worth reading here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory_imagery
    5. (5) in unfortunate victims of schizophrenia - which is bad news - but even here it's NOT the generating inner audio that's the problem (that's just a normal capability); the problem lies in the medical inappropriateness of when and why the audio is being generated.
    Personally:- I have experienced (1) and (2) very many times (fun of being alive)
    Sadly, I have never experienced (3). I have experienced (4) but sadly only to the tiniest extent.
    I wish I could positively control (3) and especially (4) - but I can't.
    I'm lucky I've never experienced (5) but have past friends who were not that lucky.

    So your normal brain CAN go beyond 'Auditory Imagery' and 'hear vividly' without external stimulation to the ears. That's NOT an abnormal capability. The only thing to maybe have concern about is WHEN does your brain do it.

    About Inner Monologue/Dialogue
    The brain's capability to generate an inner monologue or dialogue within consciousness (with or without accompanying audio sensation) is actually a separate (but related) topic from all of the above.
    It's absolutely normal to have an inner monologue (or dialogue) ranting around in your mind. Being able to switch it off is regarded as a useful skill and leads to traditions of mindfulness and/or meditation.
    Even being able to switch it off while reading is a normal useful trick to cultivate. You can notice how, if you get tired while reading, that inner voice intrudes and starts to explicitly read out the words - more slowly than your normal reading; at which point you might as well give up reading and get some sleep.

    An audio illusion
    Take a look-listen to the illusion below (just a few minutes).
    Don't think of it as just a bit of entertainment.
    See it as a really useful insight into one aspect of how your brain works.

    McGurk effect - Auditory Illusion


    Recommended... Figure out the very important point that is being demonstrated here and allow this to overturn your previous ideas about what's actually happening when you see or hear.

    Old and incorrect idea...
    Sound comes into ear; your brain hears it; then you recognise a word.
    Incorrect because that's actually the wrong order of events!

    Better idea...
    - Information is received by the brain (via eyes and ears)
    - After your brain has decided how to interpret the info (including resolving any conflicts between info from eyes and info from ears) then it decides it has recognised a word.
    ONLY AFTER the above process does your brain finally generate an audio sensation
    (AFTER it has decided what it wants to hear!)
    which in this case means you literally hear the wrong word - an audio hallucination on demand!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
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  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thank you @Ad Heesive for your very informal contribution. Here's something else about the brain waves:

    The 4 brainwave types

    Our brainpower is based on electricity. Each of the billions of individual cells "fires" or discharges electrically at a certain frequency. These electrical activities can be shown using the EEG. The cerebral electrical signals are recorded in the same way as a seismograph registers movements in the earth. This device is called an electroencephalograph or EEG.

    The EEG does not measure the electrical signal of individual brain cells, but rather the cooperative or collective electrical pattern of the networks, the communities of many millions of cells that fire together. These collective energy impulses are called brain waves. Since the first EEG was developed in the 1920s, scientists have found that the brain produces 4 different types of brain waves. They are called beta, alpha, theta and delta waves. The following are the properties that have been researched in the individual brainwave areas:

    Beta waves:
    The fastest brain waves, they cover a frequency range from 14 cycles per second (= 14 Hertz, abbreviated to Hz) to well over 100 Hz. When we are in a normal, waking state, with our eyes open, the focus is on the outside world or with When dealing with specific problems, beta waves dominate (mostly between 14 and 40 Hz). The beta area is associated with:
    a) attention, alertness, concentration, cognition (positive) b) Concern, fears, stress, inner restlessness, lack of a)

    Alpha waves:
    They span a frequency range of 8 to 13 Hz. They occur when we close our eyes and become more relaxed, passive, and unfocused. They produce a calm and comfortable feeling. Similar to after a long walk in the forest, an afternoon in the sauna or a relaxing holiday. When people are healthy and without any stress, they produce a lot of these alpha activities. If this alpha activity is missing, it can be the first signal of worry, stress, brain damage and illness. We're very creative in Alpha. Alpha is ideal for learning new information, facts, or data. In other words, material that should be available in waking consciousness.

    Theta waves:
    They cover a frequency range of 4 to 8 Hz. When quiet and
    When relaxation turns into drowsiness, the slow, powerful theta waves occur. It is the "twilight state" between waking and sleeping and is often accompanied by imprecise, dream-like mental images. Often these images are associated with vivid memories, preferably with Childhood memories. Theta opens access to unconscious material, to daydreams, free associations, hidden knowledge and creative ideas.
    It is a mysterious state and long had scientists Difficulty examining this condition at rest, as it is usually difficult to maintain this condition for an extended period as most people fall asleep in this condition.

    The biofeedback researchers E. and A. Green found that theta waves are associated with a deep internalized state as well as a calming of the body, emotions and thoughts. They also discovered in a group that regularly trained theta states that vivid memories and long-forgotten childhood events were repeatedly reported. It was even more than a simple remembering, but rather a comprehensive experience, a reliving.

    The biofeedback researcher Dr. Budzynski of the University of Colorado found that people in theta are "hyper-influenceable". They are also able to learn enormous amounts of material in a very short time. Theta be the state in which "superlearning" is located. In theta, people are extremely willing and able to learn new languages. Furthermore, suggestions for changes in their behavior and theirs are received
    Attitudes go straight into the subconscious and are accepted as true as they are our mental and critical filters Bypassing defense mechanisms that would otherwise evaluate such sentences.

    Delta waves:
    They are in a frequency range of less than 4 Hz. When we sleep, the delta waves dominate, mainly in the deep sleep phase. There is growing evidence that people can remain conscious when in Delta.
    When we are in the Delta, high levels of healing growth hormones are released; this state has a lot to do with healing and self-regeneration. It is the prerequisite for a refreshing and regenerating sleep. It is a deep dreamless sleep (non-REM sleep).

    http://web.brainlight.de/content/download_files/4 Gehirnwellen-bL.pdf
  18. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    1. inner monologues come from the ego consciousness and have nothing to do with the innate instincts. It is true that one can be influenced or suppressed by the other (in both directions), but the presence of one does not exclude the other.
    2. in situations where the survival of the organism is at stake, instinct takes over - no room for ego decisions. This MAY be an advantage in some situations, but it does not have to be. Instinct control can have quite negative consequences, both for the human species and for all others.
    3. i have no idea if animals have internal monologues, but i am pretty sure that other species are not purely instinct-driven. I can't speak for wild animals, but my domesticated cats definitely have egos. Pretty complex egos... and sometimes they make pretty stupid decisions after much deliberation, which often makes me laugh.
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  19. Kromanoid

    Kromanoid Member

    Dec 11, 2019
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    Mine is Morgan Freeman
  20. .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2024
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