Output Arcade (Lines, Note Kits, and Samples) Master List

Discussion in 'Software' started by KnightMars, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. KnightMars

    KnightMars Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2021
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    Is there any chance we can have a "Master List" of Output Arcade (Lines, Note Kits, and Samples) for reference. This is for searching for the specific contents in the Arcade software itself.:rofl:

    **:no: I don't plan to work on the programming by editing the Sample ID, Name, etc., or running the Komplete Kontrol.
  3. KnightMars

    KnightMars Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2021
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    I managed to extract the information.
    Please find the attached document.
    • Like Like x 4
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  4. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Thanks. I have done a bit of screen recording as I try to go one line at a time through each bank. It lets me slowly examine the video and get the titles, and then I have been text searching and loading each library and then saving that in reason 12 with a brief description in the saved title. I did a capture of my saved folder for The 60s. It's a little over 20 megs. Wonder if i can upload that video here. Maybe I should just do photo captures. I will check this pdf out. Having the titles in text makes it easy to search and bring them up.

    Yes too large. I will work on some photos.
  5. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    The above attached PDF is very helpful! I am attaching a couple screen shots of saved reason files which goes one step further and adds some description in the titles. I have the same done for the the nashville sampler kit. This is The 60s Samplerkit screenshots. These titles are descriptive.

    The last title of pt 1 is the first title of pt. 2

    Gives short description. I will post more but just having the titles in that pdf will be very helpful.

    Attached Files:

  6. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ya know what would be great? If we all used this PDF he attached above and added descriptions after the titles, and then re-upped edited PDFs. If we did this as a group, this would go quicker. My screenshots give the idea. I added descriptions on the titles. Those could be edited into the PDF(s), and shared. The titles give text for search but the descriptions tells us what to expect once brought up.
  7. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Screen capture of Nashville with descriptions.

    Attached Files:

  8. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I came up empty when searching for "Bell Bottom Glow" in "The 70s". I found it on the abpve PDF. Anyone else have this problem?

    EDIT: Be sure to check both tabs (Sampler Kit, and Note Kit), when searching. THAT is why it came up empty at first. I only checked the sampler kit. When I clicked over to the note kit it showed.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2021
  9. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Maybe I didn't get all imported. Can't find Max Sax from The 70s one either tab with a search. It's listed in the PDF.
  10. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    The 70s descriptions

    Attached Files:

  11. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    The 80s descriptions

    Attached Files:

  12. jelatules

    jelatules Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    hey KOOPER, thanks those are very helpful, have you done any more than the 60s/70s/80s/nashville? would love to have them if you did
  13. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Yes I have. I just now finished the "Ingredients" bank. I will post them soon. I have found some very useful work arounds that have been posted in other "arcade" threads here. One showed us how to open the database files which actually include descriptions. There are so many going now I would have to search and search for them to find them. Some of these guys know a hell of a lot about how to use all the tools and such and they have been very forthcoming. A good amount of them have not been easy to achieve, mostly because they are talking over our heads with their knowledge, but I keep at it and re-read their posts and try to specifically follow what they are saying, and I have had some success, just because I have not given up. One member posted a PDF that has names to search. THAT has helped me develop what you saw me post. I was just trying to save people time with descriptions. Another showed where to find the database file (.db) and what to use to open it. I got that to work too with some trial and error, and lo and behold the database holds descriptions as well. There is some good help to be found in these arcade threads if you are persistant. I will upload more screen captures as well. Whatever helps. A lot of knowledge flying around in this group and I have seen quite a bit of sharing from them. What they need to remember is that a lot of us are at beginner level so we are not immediately aware of what they consider second nature. It is indeed worth keeping after and not giving up. Yes I will post for the Ingredients lib soon. I have a chore to get out of the way, and I will do that. I have been helped immensely by others, so I am only too glad to help in my small way.
  14. Pontius

    Pontius Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Los Angeles
    Thank you guys for doing this.
  15. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Ingredients sample kits.
    Please note: I have not been showing note kits. In general I have not found them to be as useful. I don't even describe them and have been saving them as note kits which is otherwise non descriptive.

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  16. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I won't be doing all of the lib/banks. Some of them I have seen right away are just crap, so I don't bother with them. This ingredients lib is full of good useful stuff so I went through it (using the titles in the PDF). I believe I have virtuoso done as well. That's another good one. Let me double check that.
  17. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Virtuoso sample kits described.

    Attached Files:

  18. jelatules

    jelatules Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Thanks so much, super helpful indeed with your descriptions.
    and yeah i have seen some people managed to rename the kits from within arcade, but only people on windows seem to do this ( quite scary) change to the files. and im on mac
    Are you on mac and managed succesfully to rename them and have them show with the new name onto arcade?

    I'm quite happy just building a list of the ones i love and search for them as I go for now so thanks for your help, I'll keep an eye out if you do more :)
  19. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    No I am not renaming them in arcade. Those are saved reason 12 project files. If I click them they open that kit in arcade from inside reason. You could do the same from any DAW, and it's not dependent on OS. They are specific for me to open but the way I saved the projects include descriptions which I knew would help you all. I could have added the descriptions on a PDF but this does two things at once.
  20. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    If you all don't know this by now, if you have the titles (like given in a pdf in this thread from another member) you can use the search on arcade, and bring up that title. Of course that depends on whether or not you have that particular library installed. When you do a search for a title using arcade's search it will find it and then give an error. If you then click search again it will bring it back up and it will be clickable, and open. Once open I listen real quick to what the timbre is and then save what I have open in reason as a reason file including the description. So assuming you have the libraries installed, just having the titles to use in arcade's search is super useful. I probably have previews via komplete because with help I was able to do that, but I have found it no more useful than the PDF given early on in this thread. Even knowing what is coming when I open it and having previews, I usually want to open something to see if it's useful or not. That PDF alone made my work so much easier. Let's face it folks. This is an extensive share that was given us. It's going to take some browsing and listening no matter what. These titles and descriptions just tend to help us zero in on what we think we'll like. I am happy to share because I have received so much already. It's cool the way we see people helping one another.
  21. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    These are titles and descriptions from the local.db for AFTER HOURS. This type of stuff is not real useful to me so I am just doing this type of catalog instead of actually loading and saving.

    Ok I know just enough about databases to be dangerous. I wanted to export just certain columns as text but I don't see anything like that (yet), so I did some screen captures.

    Attached Files:

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