SSL bus compressor nice demonstration

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by samsome, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. babuk

    babuk Producer

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Blasphemy. this forum is full of sht like this, and people to defend it. Unbelievable
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
  2. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    Not trying to be a douchebag, but I actually own a Dramasitc Obsidian (LOVE IT!), and I have worked with multiple SSL clones and OEM models. There is NO software plugin I have encountered that can emulate the depth, color, and punch that these hardware units can.

    That being said, I absolutely love DMG TrackComp2 and Multiplicity. I've never used hardware than can do what these software plugins can do.
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  3. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    This is a great demo for sure. I had the Steve Smart version (can't find a picture, unfortunately) and I can attest it's a beast. It was always a print on the drum buss and the last thing on the mix before my 2 track reel to reel. The Native version is really close and has similar characteristics for sure. The only mojo missing is the AD and hitting the trannies..
  4. decksound

    decksound Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Ahh.. Once again absolutely useless discussions taking the forums by storm.

    Whether a plugin compressor can reproduce what the SSL bus compressor can produce or not has no importance. None whatsoever. Null. Empty set. Who even discusses these things in 2021?

    Whether an SSL bus compressor is "better" (for whatever that means) than a plugin compressor, or the vice versa, has no relevance for music. Taking a strong position on matters like this and defending your position like your entire career depends on it is a convincing way of saying "I have no career". It is also a way of your precious time, in which you could instead be making great music where the compressor(s) you used were used transparently enough to the point that noone can tell what they are or even whether they exist, while the music still sounds great whatsoever.

    Wanna hear a secret? If your sound depends on your compressor, your sound sucks. Sorry. Period. Go ahead and grow up and learn the craft of which you claim mastery instead.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2021
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  5. I'll pass this on to Bob Katz.
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  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Just an observation and I'll leave you all to your discussions, debates and agreements/disagreements...
    Last I checked the sound of any artist can come from within, their instrument and tonal choices, or unique uses of an effect. This effect can theoretically be anything in order to get their trademark sound. With Hendrix it was a right-handed guitar turned the other way around in two Marshall stacks pushed to the limit. Ultimately, he ended up bending and doing the same things on acoustics... Jaco ripped out the frets of his 60s Fender jazz and filled them with epoxy creating a sound nobody had heard like that as well as his obvious skills which also like Hendrix are now commonplace and emulated even in vst's. jean Michael Jarre used synthesisers to gain his uniqueness and trademark but also can compose the shit out of them.,,,Vangelis....the list goes on.

    It does not matter whether it is an instrument, a pedal, a limiter used incorrectly, a compressor or anything with or without combination...imagination of use and of the mind and heart creates uniqueness. To discount anything... well no creative person should and most could not.
    As for this being generated from an SSL plugin versus the original...
    If I had the original hardware I'd use it every time. The only disadvantage is maintenance. Other than that, there is no disadvantage.

    As you were on SSL.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2021
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