What Happened to 'all' the Samplitude users?

Discussion in 'Samplitude' started by filtersweep, May 27, 2020.

  1. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I noticed that X5 is out and getting even less attention than X4 and that was not a lot either.
    I was thinking of getting back into it but info gets lest every version. Is anyone using it at all?
    Is there anything new?
  3. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    What is there to talk about?
    Those who use it (like myself) think it is a great DAW (obviously) although some users find it plagued with too many bugs.
    I have X5 and if you really want my opinion... some new features but not enough to call it X5.
    And the asking price for the update is not worth the extra you get compared to X4. This according to others too, not just me.
    I got it from sister site so I am far far from complaining. I've been using for 16 years and will continue to do so.
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  4. PlzNo

    PlzNo Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I started out my audio journey with Samplitude X Silver which came with my 70 Bucks USB Microphone back then, however I quickly figured out that there are alternatives that are just more convenient.

    If I had to choose a reason why I would not use Samplitude in 2020 it would probably be the design, which is just not intuitive at all.
    You really gotta think about what the hell is working which way, while Studio One, Cubase, hell even Bandlab by Cakewalk just explain themselves pretty much.

    Looks is not everything, but workflow is.
    And a good workflow starts with a good daw that is easily accessible for anyone.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    One of my good friends that introduced me to this site but has unfortunately passed away last year had been on Samplitude for as far back as I can remember and seemed quite happy with it but never talked much or seemed pushy about it. I know 2 others that got some version of it last year when it came in some deeply discounted bundle and they still seem happy with what they have.

    Sometimes no noise just means the people that like it are not complaining. They might not be raving about it to everyone but that doesn't mean they've moved on to something else. It takes a dedicated effort to get really good at DAW and when people really invest the time into deep discovery in a DAW they very rarely switch unless there stability issues or there is a new revolutionary paradigm in an other product.

    I've messed around on other's people's workstations with Samplitude and it seems like very complete solution but as they have no MacOS version it isn't something I've considered but it is a good value proposition and very complete package.
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  6. au38wzh

    au38wzh Platinum Record

    Mar 16, 2014
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    @peghead which Pro X5 do you use? P2P or R2R? I had trouble with R2R on a fresh Win10 install, so I de-installed and use P2P again, which worked on my old system. On my old system I had to close a project via task-manager. Have to check this again on the new system.
    I totally agree, it's not worth the asking price to upgrade. I had also this feeling when upgrading from X3 to X4, but I did after the upgrade price came down.

    I stopped using Studio One when they changed the GUI from v2 to v3 (if not mistaken). The workflow in Studio One is great, but I'm also happy with Samplitude, but well, I'm not a hardcore user. I know some people complain about Sam's GUI, but I like it and hopefully they won't change it and if they do, hopefully not drasticilly.

    @filtersweep I'm a happy X4 user and I won't change it (for the moment at least).
  7. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    This can be said for all older DAWs.
    It seems that only Reaper developers are crazy enough to release regular bugfixes, not wait for years before doing anything (or sometime never - like Steinberg).
    Considering all (or most) DAWs offer the same basic functionality these days, there is no point in not using only the DAW you know the best, imo.
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  8. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I believe they are in a committed and loving relationship now? #coronasilence #maybereaperslugs #specialityfetishporn
  9. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I have P2P installed.
    By the way I use Birdline skins which, although not yet updated for X5 still work just fine with it.
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
  10. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Even back when Samplitude was in it's mother's arms (SEKD), it was the main recording and editing tool for orchestral work due to it's advanced editing techniques. Compared to postpro, commercials, music for media and pop that always had been a niche. So I don't get the 'all those Samplitude users'. It's here, it's alive and strong and that's more one can wish for (digital performer, anyone?)
    But I'm not talking about the enthusiasts here that love this or that daw. Samplitude is an awesome tool, and might have a huge fanbase here and on on the sister site... But how many facilities out there have a Samplitude license beside it's protools / logic / cubendo installs
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
  11. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    You'd be surprised. :)
  12. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    I wasn't asking about the quality, just how their upgrades ( 4 and 5) do not seem like upgrades at all. I've done stuff with in the past and, yes, the sound quality is good. The object editing is still a great thing. When X4 came out I went to the forum because I didn't even know that x4 was out. there were like a few posts about it and they didn't say much. There was no criticism about the weaknesses, going up a whole number when all that was added were some GUI improvements and the automation. Other than a plugin browser not of its annoying interface 'idiosyncrasies' were addressed ( the zoom is still the worse and most annoying thing for me).
    Regardless of what I think, my opinion, it just seems X5 appears out of nowhere. There is hardly anything in it that I could say, wow that's an improvement or whatever... This time there was no fanfare at all and the upgrade is weaker than 4. So I don't blame people for not upgrading. I posted here because the last post before this goes way back. I don't know, maybe Magix has a solid customer base. They now own Acid Pro and Soundforge. Same kind of issues. Magix puts out a tonne of software that isn't so hot. And then they start scattering pieces all over them like there is a pro suite, a not pro suite, a really cheap not a suite. I don't understand having a genuinely fine and sophisticated software for which, to me, they couldn't really give a toss about. If they do, what's the secret? The help and info is still pitiable and another reason why I gave up on it. I want a DAW to make music with as smoothly as possible , not wasting hours at a time looking for some clear and cogent help.
  13. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Aside from all the features and tools it comes with (or not) a DAW is created with a workflow/usage philosophy. A way of thinking, if you like.
    This either connects or resembles with your logic/way of thinking or it doesnt.
    If it does, like Samplitude for me, then it is the DAW for you and you will hardly need to reach out for the manual. If it doesn't it obviously means it's not the DAW for you. No matter how hard you try or how advanced its features are.
    Mixbus C32 (Harrison) is a good example for me. I really love the features and the sound (yes, this DAW has it's own sound) yet I cannot work with it. I tried and tried several times.. I really wanted to "like" it yet every time I get lost in it.
    Samplitude for me is home. Everything works and everything (more or less) is where I expect it should be.
  14. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    i suspect some of them discovered gems with reaper.. like web interface feature (link below) which is very easy setup making transport control and track control panel navigation and stuff like who needs daw controller when you can just android (..something like that)

    just guessing.. anyway here's the link to web interface feature in reaper.. which might be one of the factor for the topic in question.. just guessing :shalom:

  15. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    One of my gripes with samp/sequoia is you can't resize the mixer window when it's undocked, I like to use a second monitor for the mixer
  16. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    I'm surprised we haven't seen a k'd version of sequoia 16 yet, and of course PT 2021
  17. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Moved on to just using Reaper & pro Tools on Windows PC. Logic Pro on MacOS/OSX.

    Will most likely move from Windows 10 to AV Linux using Reaper & Bitwig. Also testing Ardour & QTractor.
  18. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I am clueless about music production on linux. Can it run vstis?
  19. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    so bridging or wine/wrapper, but still case by case per plugin?
  21. Domo

    Domo Guest

    i moved to cubase then studio one.

    the samplitudeĀ“s box is rotting together with the cubase box in my basement somewhere
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