Jesus is Lord

Discussion in 'Education' started by user1293435134, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    That's a new one.. Music Theory is Cherrypicking :hahaha:
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  2. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Most of the music theory is based on the works of German musicians and theorists. We have all these countries in the world, but the Germans have owned the theory of music.:rofl:
  3. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I need a tutorial please.
    I want to know how to express rational and passionate and well-informed opinions about how to make music.
    See Lois's post above - this is what I need to achieve!

    I think I need one or more of these...
    1. Start with a good analysis of Lois's post. Please don't make your analyses too difficult for me to understand. Analysis needs to be just a few sentences and a pretty picture.
    2. Show me how to replicate Lois's quality. Please do not suggest living a life first, or learning how to think, I'm in a hurry!
    3. A simple flowchart that shows me how to throw words together - could be stolen from a 'thinking for dummies' book.
    4. A magic bullet trick, preferably in a 2-minute youtube video
    Or actually - forget all the above - that's all too much work for me.
    Just find me a cracked version of an appassionato plugin for my Word processor.
    I need the one that just has one button to press. I need it by end of today please.
    @Riviera I believe you have a very scruffy wonky prototype already being used, please share.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
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  4. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Please indulge me with a tonal melody that isn't intrinsically bound to a functional harmonic paradigm. I'll be waiting :)
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Just to clarify..
    1. Start with a good analysis of Lois's post above. Please don't make your answers too difficult for me to understand. Analysis needs to be just a few sentences and a pretty picture. Please do not suggest living a life first, or learning how to think, I'm in a hurry.
    - So a picture of a wombat on a mountain with a nursery rhyme like Jack and Jill went up the hill?
    - As for not living a life, does reincarnation count?

    1. A simple flowchart that shows me how to throw words together - could be stolen from a 'thinking for dummies book'
    - Does fingerpainting work while on LSD?
    1. A magic bullet trick, preferably in a 2-minute youtube video
    - So Snoop Doggy stoned and hanging upside down works?

    Just find me a cracked version of an appassionato plugin for my Word processor. I need the one that just has one button to press.
    - I have never met anyone that knows how to get C4 but with one button press you would definitely be in the company of those composers.

    P.S. Funniest moderator message in the very rare occasion I flagged a post.
    'While I understand, "FOSTER" is an insufficient explanation to remove it'. :rofl:

    That said, I would flag my own post.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2021
  6. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  7. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Talking about melody is not an easy task. I also said in the previous comment, the melody has more to do with each person's decision at any given moment. Everyone has their own decisions. Everyone expresses their imagination in melody.

    Melodies are like DNA strands. We have millions of millions of organisms on the planet and most of them have different DNA, but yet each organism counts and survives. It's true that there are commonalities in their DNA, but these commonalities are mostly about DNA raw materials, not their structures. The structure and order of the components in the DNA of organisms are different, which create different organisms with sometimes completely different characteristics.

    It's not right to imagine that the whole life leads to human beings and we just have to analyze human beings. Even in the case of human study, there are different perspectives that are sometimes not compatible at all.
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  8. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Listen to the ravishing melody of this track (kicks in 2':33"). Which theory would approve it? None...

    Theory only examines such melodies (beautiful too):
  9. Sopportalo, passerà...

  10. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    About the first video, it isn't tonal (as I asked for in my previous commentary) but, as with a big part of post-tonal music (music that developed after the establishment and "fall" of tonal music in the west) at the timestamp you cited...that's based on the E minor chord. That's based on ..............A HARMONIC PARADIGM.

    I don't think you have a really in-depth realistic idea of what HARMONY is in tonality and music theory, or, as a matter of fact, what MUSIC THEORY means (I'm assuming that based on your response (or really lack of understanding, apparently) of my previous question). Music theory isn't a SET OF RULES that APPROVES or DISAPPROVES music. That would be nonsense, that's the interpretation people often make (and even some old conservative authors to be honest) and I can't really understand why people would think that. But I would agree with you that TRADITIONAL/FUNCTIONAL TONAL HARMONY isn't really the proper tool to analyse contemporary music.

    Anyways, I asked you about tonal melodies (since OPs question regards tonal harmony) that aren't bound to a functional harmony paradigm and I'm still waiting for it.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
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  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    If you are going to make ambiguous statements at least have the decency to research music theory first. The first early examples of written music appeared between 800 BCE and the 1st century CE. Around 600 BCE, the Greek mathematician Pythagoras developed the general idea of octave scales and began to look at the science of music. He knew for example that the pitch of a note from a vibrating string was related to its length, and that simple ratios of length gave rise to harmonious notes (e.g. if you halve the length of a string, its note sounds an octave higher).

    These early Societies (e.g. Babylonians and Egyptians) used various forms of musical notation, such as indications about using particular strings on a lyre and how the lyres were tuned.However, our knowledge of these is based on surviving fragments and is therefore incomplete. The earliest known example of a complete notated musical composition (a song complete with lyrics) used a method of notation developed by the ancient Greeks. This piece of music is called the Seikilos Epitaph, it is carved on a tombstone in Turkey, and it most probably dates from the 1st century AD.

    The more commonly known music system as we have come to accept it today in Europe, which is where you are pointing, had what was called 'French notation' where the stems were backwards to what we accept as common theoretical notation and harmony today.
    Bach who is often called the father of modern harmony by some people was German.
    Mozart who is considered one of the greatest genius composers was born in Salzburg. Stravinsky, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Messiaen were not German either. There are a lot of great German composers but they never owned music theory. If anyone gets any credit for its creation and ownership, then it is Pythagoras but all he cared about was the science of it.

    So if you are going to spout generalisations, make sure it is rooted in research FOSTER - which by the way, proper documented research is regarded as theory too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2021
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  12. To begin with...

    Quintal melody for the Major cycle


    Quartal melody for the minor cycle




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    Attached Files:

  13. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    what the actual fuck are you talking about my man, hahaha

    all of those examples you attached are somewhat tonal melodies...built on (and also bound by) simple diatonic harmonic functions (like some authors would call it). That's part of the reason each bar has four chords noted on it (it's there even tho I disagree with that notation, but that's for another discussion).

    It should be obvious but I guess you didn't really get what I meant with harmony and harmonic function.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
  14. If I'd tell you that your interpretation over the content is quite imprecise, you'd get mad at me, so... you better ask bAsSdUdE... he knows that intimately for the past 100+ years.
  15. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Again, I don't think you get what I mean by TONAL MELODY and HARMONIC FUNCTION and how melody is a natural consequence of harmonic function in a tonal context so, whatever man, I was just trying to help OP, if I wanted to chat theory with bAsSDuDes I wouldn't have focused at uni and majored in music composition in the first place. No hard feelings ma man, Tom Jobim is a beast, cara era bom :winker:
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2021
  16. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    I don't insist much because if I insist, it's likely to be racist. Just know that most of the works explored in music theory is about German and Austrian composers. Even those woks are mostly examined based on the ideas of major German theorists.:winker:

    Why do you insist on this theory model? When today's music is not based on these theories at all.:winker:
    This kind of writing people's names is not the right thing to do. You're insulting that person. Please don't do it.:bow:
  17. So, what could sound more tonal over a Major chord other than its own Major pentatonic?

    That's why all the possible pentatonics (nothing but quintal chords = 6/9s) from the key of choice were chained diatonically, but in an arpeggiated fashion, also why the tonal sounding result.

    Would the same apply to the minor chords? That's why the Quintal chords were inverted, turned to Quartal chords (7/11s), to function as upper extensions e.g. EM7(11) ~ C#m7(9)(b13), etc...

    I hope you may realize that by doing so, modalism is injected in the melody (mildly), as so as there are better sounding, thus "more convincing to the ears" superimpositions to be chosen (different inversions), specially for the minor chords, other than the ones exemplified.

    That's why firstly put as : " to begin with... ". It's a raw/crude exemplification.

    Start the same arpeggios from different bass notes (inversions), change the timing, accentuation, octaves, etc, and you'll get the actual point.

    No hard feelings at all mate.


    PS.: Tom Jobim é o melhor... sempre.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2021
  18. upload_2021-10-20_15-42-10.png

    But actually...


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  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    It's only a handle. I do not concern myself about it and good people, as well as highly qualified people, have seen him do it to every person that has called him out and they all ignore him. In anything you have an interest in it pays to know its roots. An understanding of any other questions then makes the answers easier to find.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2021
  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It seems like yesterday when FosteViera was last banned...
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