SSL Native Fusion plugins releases and news

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Gyorgy Ligeti, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Even waves shitty s1 is better than this, the way the widner works is a bit dangerous for the mix, and it needs a lot of care and processing before inserting this plugin and using it to widen the stereo image... i wouldn't call it color thought, the drive might be yes...


    wouldn't bring as mush money...
  2. rikyjacho

    rikyjacho Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    well, if that's what they are claiming they did with their plugins, ppl just expect that the result is consistent with their claims, it's the bare minimum standard that ppl would expect. don't u think that that should be the normal state of affairs instead of the opposite?

    just as there have been good emulations and truthful claims made by some companies, and there have been bad emulations and false claims made, there will also be ppl criticising the latter and shaming them when they don't conform and cohere with the very standard they themselves have established in the first place. it's called social pressure, and it's effective in making positive changes in society.

    as far as focusing on utilizing what the tools does best, how can we establish that if tests like the ones paul third is doing aren't being carried out? we still need to analyze the plugins and make judgments according to the results. ppl who blindly trust that those plugins are a faithful emulation of the hardware may end up using them incorrectly, so it's important that these tests exists
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
  3. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    I'm not disputing the fact that these test shouldn't exist quite the opposite, those are indeed important and people should do them, they sometimes gives me an insight on how to use them and where and when , but it is pointless to ask a 150$ product (or 300 in this case) to do what a 2000$ does, and if it happens then hallelujah, if it does not then oh well it's just another day in the office...

    that would be a perfect world and i look forward to that...

    in my sole very limited experience the ones that do not claim anything do actually better and deliver better than the ones they do, quite a fun fact, the best company that has the best plugins (without a proprietary system such as uad) and at least to me, is IK Multimedia, their T-racks plugins are among the best emulation out there their api and neve emulation not to forget the opto one do sound incredible and i have yet to this day found a plugin that come close to the T-racks ones, we have a saying where i come from that is appropriate for this situation that roughly translate to something like this, "if they were gonna do it right, they would have already done it" good luck pressuring a company with such a backing and history as the ssl, it might work, yet it might not, and i don't think i have enough time to spare to go after a company to push it to do better, they offer a trial, so if you like it purshase it, if not just get on with your day.

    Ps SSL as a company have established a good reputation regarding their hardware, not their software, and to quote myself, they offer a trial, and 14 days is enough to decide if you're gonna purshase it or not.
  4. rikyjacho

    rikyjacho Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    well first of all, nobody is forcing u to run the tests and criticise accordingly, so no idea why u mentioned that, but remember that there are ppl out there who take the time to do it, and we should respect that, instead of discouraging them and giving suggestions like "just focus on utilizing what the tool actually does best and forget about the rest" "save yourself countless hours getting sucked into such arguments", that's bullshit. ppl should be able to criticise and test as much as they want, giving that sufficient evidence is provided.

    I'm sure if ppl wouldn't have tested and criticised these plugins before, u would have never known this:
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  5. rikyjacho

    rikyjacho Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    and also, appeals to futility fallacies like this one doesn't help at all. just because u personally think that doing that might work or might not work doesn't mean that actually doing it is pointless or is a waste of time. that's not for u to decide. on the contrary, it seems that u have benefited from this information to form ur opinion about the quality of the ssl's plugin emulations, lol.
  6. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Very wrong on both counts please read this again:

    now finish with this:

    That is my point right there, we as plugin consumers in general (not saying engineers so it includes pros and amateurs alike) count on these types of test all the time, either because we don't have the time to do so ourselves or to help us decide if we're gonna through with actually buying or not, even if someone ACTUALLY download the trial version and ACTUALLY gone through with buying, giving you extra insight on the plugins might be cool to say the least, and might help to know when to use the plugin and when to avoid, so pointless? NEVER said that so don't put word in my mouth...

    what i'm on about is one should stop being a karen, be the manager that gets things done and gets rid of the karen :mates::wink:

    that's not bullshit, that's being the manager and getting things done...

    still besides the point.

    again friend, besides the point,

    Let me summit up for you, SSL said that these plugins are the successor of their very popular hardware, even without going further than this it stinks "snake oil" so naturally people will test the plugins against their hardware counterpart and 8 out of 10 times they will be dissapointed, because they did actually believe a company statements about how their next best thing plugin is briging a 2k hardware quality to their laptop (or a desktop) that you can use as many as your computer allows... now you can do one of two things, did the plugin actually add something to your workflow, and does it actually adds something unique? then buy it, or you're gonna cry a river how the plugin didn't perfrom EQUALLY to their hardware counter part? if you liked the plugin because it has something usefull and not becase it has "SSL" again buy it, use it and enjoy it and make good mixes using it, and most importanly GET THINGS DONE.

    and after a while of ACTUALLY using it, you can report back how the plugin helped or f@cked your workflow and mixes, that's how you can be a positive member of the community, not being disappointed because a company didn't actually deliever, friend let me bring it to you, companies don't care about you, they care about their income and that's cool, but don't fall into their agenda...

    all i'm saying is don't get your hopes up everytime a company comes up with something like "Try our best new thing EVER" that's the game. :guru:
  7. rikyjacho

    rikyjacho Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    if u didn't talk about the legitimacy of the plugin emulation then 1) u are derailing from the topic that I'm discussing 2) u didn't track the convo at hand 3) u are just rambling
  8. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    People jump from plugin to plugin whenever something new gets released or cracked without fully getting to know the tool of yesterday.
    If you knew the pros and cons of these SSL plugins especially their sound signature and limitations you would not throw the SSL native plugins with the rest of them.
    Native plugins are in a different league, better that is.
  9. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    and the winner of the worst ssl vst is the imaging plugin without a doubt
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  10. rikyjacho

    rikyjacho Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    3:30 plugin developers and marketing claims
  11. Michael Myers

    Michael Myers Ultrasonic

    Feb 14, 2021
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    Paul Third did a great video on the Fusion Drive, sucks how it isn't as accurate with regards to the missing side harmonics that the Fusion hardware adds. Personally, I love how both these plugins sound despite the missing features or in accurate modeling.
  12. rikyjacho

    rikyjacho Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    as a saturator it really doesn't offer anything new or different. the plugin is actually very limited compared to what other plugins offer nowadays. u can get more interesting results and a wide variety of options with fabfilter saturn 2 instead
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  13. Michael Myers

    Michael Myers Ultrasonic

    Feb 14, 2021
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    That maybe true but personally, I find it useful despite it's limitations. I love how it sounds on samples and drums, funny enough I've never been drawn to Saturn 2 (not to bash, it simply has never sounded appealing to me).
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Does it sound good and not hog your resources regularly? Yes = Use it.
    Does it not sound as good as other plugins you use or hogs resources? Yes = Use something else.
    If it sounds good and does what it claims, if it has the name CRAP instead of SSL or NEVE it's not the name that matters, it's how good it sounds to you if it does its job. As you were.
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