"the pictures had the black friday date" I think maybe it meant R2R was releasing a whole bunch of awesome stuff. .... which they have done
Any DAW can do multi realtime audio track recording to disk. ProTools is good if you have the specific hardware related to it, but as a standalone DAW it's not that impressive.
having probably used 95% of all DAW's over the years i can honestly say that it makes no difference to your finished product. choose the one you know best and stick with it for ever.. Your productivity will be great and your DAW crushes will fade as you get deep into music creation.
Guys it is common for people to talk about the Pro Tools dream, because R2R has reached a stratospheric level in the domain of iLOK security, so that would be an extraordinary event for the enormous scope of the achievement. The "Release of the Century" without a doubt. But even if one day it becomes reality, each of us will continue to use our own DAW, because they are all identical and our personal workflow is the most important thing in our creative process.
Completely agree. I would love Pro Tools and Cubase Pro to be released by R2R, but I will still stick with my legit Cubase because that’s what I use and know, and have no intention of learning anything else (I don’t even install aax on the off-chance it is released). I want to see them released for 3 reasons:- 1. To show it can be done. 2. The nfo’s will be biblical. 3. People might finally realise they have all the tools they need out there already and might then focus on creating rather than assuming they can’t make what they want because they don’t have the DAW they think they need.
Call me skeptical, but I don't see a PT or Cubase release coming from R2R, although it would be epic, I don't see it happening, I think if it were possible, we would have already seen it....
I think I did when they started releasing the 10k stuff, but then there seems to be so much coming however some big hitters aren’t there (Sonnox, Slate Drums, Plug-in Alliance etc…, and I know, it maybe a case of they aren’t release YET), RET seems to have stopped when it looked like they were doing updates of older R2R stuff. Obviously we have no clue what they are working on, but we also need to be realistic and remember, there is a lot of stuff they have cracked, and maybe they simply cannot dedicate the time needed. I have no doubt they could, but the time taken to do it may be prohibitive. Either way, it’s a glorious time for the scene.
By reading the NFO of Flare and RET, we can know that R2R is very active. R2R updated some important releases for most people (Like Kush,Studio one,PSP etc.), and noticed some developers’ tricks. They are just waiting, the bell hasn't struck yet.
I believe R2R is truly the greatest ilok specialist in the world ever. And if you have noticed, its ilok releases are the best, never a problem, always perfect.
Seventh Heaven (and I think Illusion and Reverberate 3 as well, but not sure) had some issues that were never fixed. Reading that NFO gave me a glimpse of how excruciatingly difficult it must be to overcome these protections.
R2R 10K seems to be an all new group to me. At least their policy seems to be changing in some areas, such as communication. But also in relation to other groups. The focus now seems to be on helping by the old hands rather than on competition (FLARE, RET). I do like that. Co-operation is the future.
Strange they released the effects from D16 but not the instruments But who am I to complain they're doing a great job
Yesterday R2R only released products that needed to be updated. All the other D16 products were released by R2R some time ago at the latest version, and they work fantastic.
Yes, and this makes you realize how tremendously difficult it is to defeat ilok in 2021. And therefore how great R2R is.