chords from melody...any fast way?

Discussion in 'Software' started by samsome, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    there is nothing wrong with disliking rules and finding other ways.

    but what you originally wanted is to use the rules of which you think they exist, but instead of learning them, leave that ot a software.

    and that simply does not work.

    well, except you are restricting yourself to modern pop music, 4/4 beats an A-B-A-B-C-A-B scheme, the 8 most important chords in 12 tone music, and 4 instruments called lead, pad, bass and drum.

    but for such simple things why bother to use an algorithm? you can learn that in a week and then start improvising.

    the scaler plug-in does well what it should do, but i see no point using it when your ears know this type of music and ruleset already. it might be a great learning tool for farmers in central china who have never heard western music before.

    you can not even judge that in any way, if you dont know of any rules. only of you know a few, you will understand that there are not THE rules, but rather ANY rules.

    i.e. if you ignore anything which exists and make up your own ideas, this can be a working ruleset, too.

    but using an automated music making machine which is made by someone else without you undestanding what it does... well, this is no longer you making music, you know? the next step is to use winamp to compose something from the beatles by pressing start.

    when alexa tells siri to start itunes, this is not composing.
  2. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    that is exactly how i teach people to write press releases. just start. with ANYTHING. you can restart, reorder, correct, delete later. but if you dont start...
  3. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    hopefully that does not sound too respectless but you can not disqualify yourself more than that.
  4. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Who has said that? There are a lot wrong with disliking. Everyone must love rules.
    I don't think. There are rules in reality and we have to learn them.
    I never do that, because software developers don't have any clue about music, let alone do it.
    I never do it. It's a formula been formulated in the USA for simple music but I don't know why the USA did it. Formulas like this existed in the past, but America made them more simplified and market-friendly.
    Because the people who use these algorithms don't want to think about the rules. They just hear the generated sounds and select them and stick them together and name them EP#1..100.
    This is a bit vague.
    I never do it. People who have a simple view of music can never make rules. If they make things, they won't be the rules, but a number of techniques to implement their favorite styles.
  5. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Making errors and mistakes are the only way to evolve and indeed survive. It is the rule of the Universe (whatever that is) and it goes for everything - from RNA viruses replication to any construct of ideas.

    Only Chaos and Anarchy can save us :bow:, following the same rules over and over brings to stagnant state.

    I already asked in another thread and didn't get the answer - whose theory are we talking about/citing?

    ..because by definition a theory is made up by ONE individual. (e.g. Newton's, Darwin's,..theory)

    And if you are really a badass you will come up with one of your own (and maybe call it twelve-tone serialism or smth)

  6. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Rules are rules. They don't care about our genetics. The only way to survive is to find them and respect them. No matter who discovers them. And there's no otherwise.:bow::bow::bow:
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    The gift of nearly all true creatives is to the transend the familiar with fresh innovation to forge new form.

    It seems to me that your hidebound, rule-obsessed perspective can only lead to the regurgitation of other people's bygone innovation. So, for all your hi-brow aspiration, ultimately you're no different than any number of bland, by-the-numbers producers/composers... :bleh:
    No creative risk = no creative gain. :guru:
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  8. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Agree @Paul Pi 100%.
    In an arts context if someone proposes a fantasised suite of immaculate rules they are typically just struggling to overcome their insecurities.
    And trying to hide those insecurities behind a ridiculous superiority complex never helps - it just earns pity and contempt.
    I would have rated @Riviera's post as disagree
    but what I needed was a button that says "too stupid to bother disagreeing with"
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
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  9. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    these rules which are sometimes wrongly called "THE rules" can be either learned or you already have them in your blood.

    you dont know even these rules you want others to follow and that is why you asked for a software which does it for you.

    then you´re been told that you have to learn them on your own and now you are telling others to learn then on their own.

    i begin too lose you.

    then why you are asking for a software which does it?

    then why you are asking for a software which does it?

    then why you are asking for a software which does it?

    music theory is not "one formula", it is a collection of thousands of theories, and if you want to formulate rules you have to do that on your own.

    that doesnt make sense. you first have to know about theories, then you can make up some custom rules. after you have a ruleset you want to use, you can make it an algorithm.

    that is is the only logical order.

    people like me who compose music based on rules and custom software do it this way, people like the guy who wrote the scaler plugin did it that way.

    that is not vague, that is abstract. that is how theory works.

    you dont know what the word theory means, you dont know music theory, you dont know which software can help to compose so you ask for it, but you dont want to use it.

    you ask questions only to teach others about what you asked.

    now i am sure: i have lost you.

    something makes me think you already said that, but i might be wrong. :)
  10. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    i believe it is not different for arts than in a social context: reaching anarchy requiries a lot of rules.

    in the society, disorder only helps the capitalists, who want to keep dependencies and supression as it is. to remove it, you need install a lot of order.

    and btw, "chaos" is a form of order, not disorder.

    and it is one, which is fundamental to create interesting music or visual arts and one of the most common methods found in computer aided generation.
  11. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    You didn't get what I said but anyway thanks for your contribution.:bow::mates:
  12. Riviera

    Riviera Member

    Oct 4, 2021
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    In every job, there's a stage where one goes on adventures, but after several years, if he gets a chance, realizes that his thinking wasn't right in that time. That era of his life is called misspent youth. I think you're both in this muddled experimental situation. I hope this time passes for you as quickly as possible and you realize your mistakes.:winker:
  13. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Well, i can take issue with much that you say, but i can't fault you for inconsistancy... you, Sir, truly are an incorrigible pedant! :mates:
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