what made some beatle songs so unforgettable?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. So music is just a medium for them. For them to do what? And the music they make is irrelevant? So why do they even matter?
  2. God, it's me Lenny. Please give me the strength to cope with the small minds of those who possess no comprehension of the thing they purport to love. Music. See what you can do please.
  3. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    God just told me to tell you that He can't, because you don't want to listen to Him.
  4. Oh God, please not religion. I might be Pope but that doesn't mean I can't be an Atheist.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2021
  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    The only tracks I like from them:
    Strawberry Fields, Elanor Rigby, Blackbird, While My Guitar Gently Weeps :wink:

    The only ones I find musically interesting, or musically effective to me.
    (and the ones I remember by name..)

    -About Hendrix being a superior guitarist I completely agree.
    Not only Technically, but also Mentally/psychologically.. it's a whole different level, and also in Spiritual terms.

    Other guitarists were good at the time: Jeff Beck the best;
    Blackmore, great things to come; Santana quite alright for the time actually.. Holdsworth?

    But Jimmy was different,
    he could connect with the Essence of his being, and let it flourish musically while playing..
    more than almost anyone until I donno.. Steve Vai?

    But that's different, because Vai comes from a more academic/theoretical background, while jimmy was just the raw thing..
    he surely knew scales/chords tho, he knew dorian and mixolydian, and some folk/jazzy stuff..
    but his approach to music was much more simple and direct. :yes:

    -On the other hand you've got Harrison,
    who being an experienced "professional", couldn't manage to record a good solo on While My Guitar Gently Weeps..

    And so they call Clapton to do it, who probably did a good job,
    but you know what.. Clapton is also a pretty lout/clumsy guitarist imo.. :bleh:

    That alone doesn't speak so well of Harrison's technical abilities..

    But well, for the Times, and the Style of music they did,
    I guess it's OK :wink:
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
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  6. D____R

    D____R Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Paul McCartney's way with a melody was unparalleled. He knew why nursery rhymes and holiday songs stuck in your head and he applied a lot of the same techniques to his own music. A master of scales and just a phenomenal tunesmith. I think a lot of those same songwriting techniques would sound very old-fashioned nowadays. Someone like Buddy Holly was very similar. Nursery rhyme riffs as pop and rock songs.
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  7. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    That makes me wonder, what's the point talking to you, reverse Uroboros man?
    The Beatles' music will be completely irrelevant once your generation dies out, and it hasn't really been relevant to anybody but you guys for decades now. Yeah BTS aren't as musical, partly due to Korean culture, but that fact is irrelevant, because this is beside the point of discussion. The point being, popularity and cultural significance.
    And if you somehow imply that The Beatles' music have some musical significance, then well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Something tells me you would dismiss any evidence of the contrary I can throw at you, so I won't even bother. We've been there already. They really are only marginally more interesting than today's pop. Just enough for idiots to complain that music is degrading, ignoring the fact that it's only pop music that is degrading and they only ever listened to what was popular at the time.
  8. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Wild Horses & Beast Of Burden too.
  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You can pretty much match the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Beach Boys hits of the time pretty equally. They all wrote many great tunes. It was a great time for popular music.
  10. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Do you really believe that? Entire structures and formulas for a lot of popular music even today are based on many of their harmonic and melodic structures. They're already in the history books and music annals globally, every encyclopedia on the planet, noting their musical value, their cultural significance and more. The amount of current artists who claim some form of influence is astounding. In one hundred years some new artists will probably claim influence from the prior generation who claimed influence from the previous as well, which is how it has always been. Someone intelligent person without any personal agenda or opinion will track it back as sure as they did with Bach, Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Louis Armstrong, John Coltrane as sure as Bob Marley influenced Reggae musicians, Reggaeton and Dubstep. Don't confuse progression with musical significance and a lack of influence.

    I can say without one shadow of a doubt what is both musically and documented insignificance though.
    Your opinion, mine and every person who has written anything on this forum. Like anything of this kind, it has a limited lifespan.

    Most of everything here is completely culturally insignificant. I am not a pop musician but I would be an ignorant fool if I thought their contribution to pop music culture was insignificant. A real musician appreciates the value of any music, not just the music they like otherwise they are extremely limited.

    A taste of honey was done by artists from Latin Genres, Orchestral genres and more. They crossed many styles at different points. Sitars were in every Pop tune in the 60s and 70s? NOT (Norweigan Wood as one example only).
    If you said they used popular drugs of the time I'd agree but if anything, they tried to be more creative. People chose to buy their LP's no matter what outlandish acid trip music they did. The lyrics in Strawberry fields and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds are anything but commercial. They are bent. People made them popular. They started early doing popular music but they went way past that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2021
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I just read the story of BTS and listened to an album. Unfortunately, I don't like this music at all.
    If BTS is so successful, it suggests the stupidity of the listeners. Sorry for me this is all crap.

    Tell me who is doing the music, they only dance ...?

    BTS - Permission to Dance 2021

    Oh tell me
    Oh text me
    Your every picture
    Come be my teacher
    Your 1, your 2
    Listen my my baby
    Yeah you makin' me a boy with luv
    Oh my my my oh my my my
    I′ve waited all my life
    Oh my my my oh my my my
    Looking for something right
    I want something stronger
    Than a moment, than a moment, love
    I have waited longer
    For a boy with
    For a boy with luv
    (Oh nah)
    (Oh nah)
    (No way)
    (No way)
    (Boy with luv)
    Listen my my baby
    Yeah you makin' me a boy with luv
    Oh my my my oh my my my
    You got me fly so fast
    Oh my my my oh my my my
    You got me fly so fast
    Love is nothing stronger
    Than a boy with
    Than a boy with luv
    Love is nothing stronger
    Than a boy with
    Than a boy with luv
    Let me fly
    Oh my my my oh my my my
    I've waited all my life
    Oh my my my oh my my my
    Looking for something right
    I want something stronger
    Than a moment, than a moment, love
    Love is nothing stronger
    Than a boy with
    Than a boy with luv
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  12. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Toots & Maytals made the first Reggae track.
    (Probably influenced by Rocksteady, Calypso etc..)

    Lee Scratch Perry loved it, and focused on creating/developing the genre..
    Then in his words he "gave Reggae to Bob as a gift".

    Perry also pioneered Dub, (and maybe King Tubby took it further)
    and with his approach other related styles appeared like "toasting" (U-Roy or I-Roy).

    SKA also appeared at the time, influenced by Reagge and Rocksteady,
    and I wonder if also by Jewish Polka/Klezmer music.. or if its just convergent/coincident..
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    If you go back to the temptations, then next-generation Boyz to Men (followed by all the boy bands) then the next-gen again Take 6... you can hear where their music came from only MUCH worse and with horrible simple, triadic non-progressive harmonic structures.
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    In the context of the Beatles, most people would not know their names and historically even though you are correct, they're not credited with popularising it, Marley is. the same things you stated are quoted everywhere. even here...
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  15. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Some crazy pointless (and meaningless) comparisons have been made between The Beatles and BTS
    - The Beatles crazy celebrity worship game died ages ago - their music didn't.
    - The BTS crazy celebrity worship game will die at some fickle date in the not too distant future - and so will the soundtrack.

    When the fan bases are all dead - say a hundred years from now - it would be a fair bet to assume that someone somewhere will be playing Beatle's songs without having any idea about who the Beatles were. In contrast, music generated by the BTS music machine, during the BTS phenomenon, will almost certainly be long forgotten.

    So who really cares about the celebrity worship game? or the cultural conditions that enable it, prolong it, and then kill it.
    Personally, I care ONLY about the actual music that emerges from any era.
    When listening to modern stuff I rarely bother to find out who wrote it or who performed it, (I just don't care)
    and I regard music videos as a completely separate form of entertainment from actually listening to music.
    I'm pretty sure that if I was born in 2101 and someone in 2121 played me a jazz piano version of an obscure Beatles song - I would pay attention - to the composition - the composition is the only thing that would matter.
    It's no different to how I feel when I discover some obscure classical piece from the 18th Century.
    The culture that produced it is irrelevant to me - but the music might still be brilliant.
  16. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Longevity is acquired through a tune not only being popular but also musically well written and/or arranged - which is almost what you've said.
    BTS are the next decade post Justin Bieber. The entire music industry awarded Esperanza Spalding best new artist to pretty much say "You can leave now" to Bieber - Aside from the fact Spalding's music requires real musician skills to execute and perform well. The same will happen in one way or another with BTS. Even kids only tolerate candy-ass canned music for so long until they grow out of peer pressure.
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  17. BufferOverflow

    BufferOverflow Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    What made them so unforgettable? The fact that you heard their songs four thousand times when you were growing up.
  18. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I find this BTS thing quite triggering.. lol

    The music is OK..
    It doesn't particularly stand out, but it's harmonically correct, and correctly produced..
    just like any average pop band/artist from the 20th century.

    Certainly better pop music existed before, like I donno Backstreet boys..?

    What I don't see is what's appealing about having all this emasculated asian guys with blond decolored hair moving around.

    The whole aesthetic is almost like they're cherubs,
    or Women from the typical TV Spots that advertise facial Creams and Leg-Shaving machines..



    But it's like.. they look even more femenine/fragile and plasticky/irreal than the average women from those spots.. lol

    You take that blond Nivea girl and put her on a Mud Ring, make her Fight those BTS guys.. (by turns)
    and you know what, I'm not sure who will win.. she may kick all their asses and come out victorious afterall lol

    Jessica Alba might just need one scream lol
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    @Ŧยχøя that was hilarious :rofl:
    We should get back to the Beatles. You'll start a trend if you're not careful.
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Follow the money:

    That only works as long as you find people who cooperate and give themselves up for it.
    That only works until they no longer earn any money with it.
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