Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I could be wrong but for Full Bucket, I think what he is trying to say is that he isn't using SynthEdit (or equivalent app) for his plugins which has pretty bad reputations for soft-synth.

    Anyway what do you mean exactly by "u can use only c++ if you want performance" ?
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I myself am written in C++ and I'm one hellova performer. 'Nuff said.
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Momentum is a free plugin from Big Fish Audio that unlocks the potential of
    your loops and samples with the next generation of sound sculpting tools.
  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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  5. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    DODO BIRD - DODO MIDI 1.6 x64 VSTi [FREE] - (16SEP2021)


    What is Dodo MIDI?

    Dodo MIDI is a free voice to MIDI plugin, it detects the incoming audio, which can be voice or musical instruments, and controls the pitch and volume of any synthesizer or sampler you connect to it.

    What sets it apart from all the other audio to MIDI software packages available, is that it really works incredibly well and is extremely useful as a live musical instrument!

    For the first time, you can play (almost) any synthesizer or sampler just by using your voice, with imperceptible latency, and exceedingly accurate control over legato, slides and articulation.

    Dodo MIDI isn’t a gimmick or toy Audio to MIDI software, it is a state-of-the-art MIDI controller designed from the bottom up to be used by professional musicians in live performances, music producers and sound designers looking to expand their arsenal of creative tools.

    Dodo MIDI 1.6 – released September 16, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2021
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    A Backup Download Servive -->

    Thank you for downloading the Samploid2.0 VSTi!

    More tools are (or will be) available at There is no security as this is a freebie for now so just load up your DAW and fire up an instance or two of the Samploid and start making noise. Quick list of features and updates since 1.0 ::

    Powerful, Innovative, KISS rule to DSP, New Shiz!
    It's a sampler, it's a rompler, it's a synth, and it's about to take your music to the next level - even faster!

    What started out as a simple folder sampler to line up sounds along your midi keys/controllers - has now turned into a monster of a Multi-Sampler!

    Here's just a peak at what the Samploid offers ::

    * Import your own sounds (choose a folder with .wav samples in it, and it will line all the sounds up alphabetically on your keys).

    * Set your own root note where the sample bank will start. * Loop your samples as they are triggered

    * Span your samples across all the keys (simply choose a sample from the list, enable the [span] button, and riff away!

    * Reverse your sample(s), same as above just enable the REV button and you have backwards kits.

    * Start/End nodes draggable so you can zone in on a sample and cherry pick the best part.

    * Three different Pitch bends - one main one that you control with your midi/daw's - and two extras for the sampler portion - one of them acts as a scratch pad/timeshifter as well.

    * Full .wav ADSR module to shape your samples and sessions to perfection

    * Pan delay/popcorn delay - adjustable full flex stereo delay built with passsion

    * 100 step Sample Sequencer - We tweaked an LFO to act as a sequencer capable of up to 100 steps, adjustable tempo, beat/measure count sync, chromatic vs normal, full range vs absolute, and a range from one note up to 6 octaves! Adjustable rate, smoothness, shifting/transposing the
    keys down/up, playing in portamento mode, hold/retrigger/stolen note options, voices # changer, and an intuitive easy to use grid based drawable area.

    The sampler is beautifully thought out and leaves little to be desired. Simply turn it on, setup a string of notes/triggers, and start triggering your performance with more triggers. Amazing for EDM, dub, modern hard/progressive house etc. Best part is it's all writeable and even the
    drawable areas are automation enabled.

    * LFO filters with Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, Notch, Peak, 303 low/high and three adjustable settings to get thet wetness just right.

    * Secondary filters wired through a top level LFO so you can really tweak the crap out of the compositions you create/automate.

    * PAN LFO - Mix in a little bit of the stereo delay, add a pinch of reverb, and this panning lfo module simply explodes your sounds into totally new and unique processes with interesting delay loops and offsets.

    * Reverb module with clean and real sounding room reverb. Adjustable room size, width, and dampness, I tend to use it a lot it's got a warm pro sound to it.

    * Chorus - Simple chorus module that processes your signal just right.

    * Synth module and Sequencer :: Just like the sample loader and sequencer, this duplicates the grid and gives you access to a full blown snyth setup that is routed through all the modules above as well. Though untraditional to mix samplers with synths, I find there is a ton of uses and having two sequencers right up front gives you unlimited combinations of mixing your samples with some tones, bass, blips, grunge, noise, soft ambience, a sine wave sub bass to your kick, a sawtooth following your lead sample etc.

    You get a full multi-oscillator setup with adsr and a quick dropdown to choose from the various oscillators. Essentially you can use this as a synth only, a sampler only, a combo, a drum sample creator/shaper, an instrument creator etc.

    Upgrades From our last version?

    Yes, so many that it's barely recognizeable. Above and beyond the above ::

    * Now when you import your samples folder, and save your project in your DAW, then reopen it - it saves your file locations and preloads your sampler (finally, no more rerouting samples.

    * Fixed the 'realease' knob - now releases much more gradually on the latter half

    * Fixed Velocity so your controller/DAW recognizes sensitivity.

    * Fixed root key (added option for users to choose their own)

    * Fixed pitchbend recognition/preset. There's three pitchbends now, needed for the various ways we handle the different sound types (and wanted so we can experiment with time shifting and deep bends).

    * Fixed automation duplicates on a few knobs (most daw's nowadays seems to fix many of these on their own but still.

    * Removed big EQ - redundant with our other mastering tools and saves CPU.

    * Optimized denormals on all modules - much less clicks and pops and even then most are due to adsr settings (not enough attack, no release, too loud volume on bass tones, portamento settings without filters etc).

    * Workstation approach with a smart sound kit preloaded in our standalone version (only difference is no import). Over 100 samples lined up in groups and easy naming convention for all of them along with a ton of presets showcasing the various settings and room shaking results the samploid puts out. You can take one sample and make unlimited new sounds from it.

    Very robust, able to handle a lot of your audio production needs from beatmaking to sound design to fast trance/EDM arpegio creation to pretty much anything you come up with. We like the KISS rule so once the learning curve is out of the way you'll find this tool to be useful and dynamic with what it does and how fast it does it. I'm especially pleased with how performance is handled now on multiple instance loads

    Why is it free?

    A few reasons, I feel the last series didn't live up to par and I swore someday I would redo them, improve them, and release them free for the first x months/years? AND - we're in the mids of overhauling DubTurbo4 which is now going to be a real DAW and VST host so this is going to be used within our new version and you're getting a copy because we love good promo and we want you to check us out when we launch DT4!

    No email list to add yourself to, no tricks at facebook, just straight great free VSTi to say thank yo to the world for supporting dubturbo, to say sorry
    for the last versions not being up to snuff (even though they were also a freebie), and to hopefully get the industry talking about DT again once we've launched - enjoy!!

    Best practice :: If you have a hyped out machine, this might not matter that much (I actually imported a bunch of stress test folders - with full .wav songs in them, probably well over 500mbs of data and it still didn't cap out). If you want best performance, that makes sense, and you're using vst's which means you have a good understanding of audio/setups etc., then this shoulud be easy for you.

    If you already have a sample library/management of some kind and are familiar with samples - simply choose any folder/file and it will automatically line up all your samples for you on your keys. If you're new to this stuff - basically you'll want to create a folder first, and start compiling your samples (meaning actual one shot drum hits/snares/kicks or instruments on a C note so they can span up/down on the keyboard properly).

    In the example wav folder provided with the preloaded version you'll notice how we setup the names numerically so they show/play in groups on our midi keyboard and just so they are grouped nicely for quick access to drum/snare combo's or instrument sections to audition and play. This doesn't mean you can't import other sounds or even try full songs if you just want to zone in on a certain point and sample/span/sequence it.
    Enjoy this first release of the Samploid2 and have fun making music!

    The DT Team.

    DUBturbo4Samploid2 - Standalone (with Zoom function) 25 % - 200 % & Full Screen

    DUBturbo4Samploid2 VSTi
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2022
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    2Rule - 2RuleSynth v1.0 VST3 - 16.11.2021 - 4K Ready - Free

    2RuleSynth is a software synthesizer with classical synthesis techniques - subtraction, FM and Ring. It has LFOs and ADSR
    for every two independent oscillators. It has its own characteristic soundscape that can go as far as concrete music.
    Besides the familiar classical analog sounds, experimental sounds can be found using the randomize button:

    - 2 Independent Oscillators.
    - Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Triangle, Square, White Noise.
    - Controls: Waveform, Volume, Fine-Tune, Octave.
    - Each Oscillators has its own filter, amp and filter ADSR and LFOs.
    - ADSR Controls: Depth, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release.
    - LFOs for amp, filter and pitch syncable to tempo.
    - Ring algorithm Osc1 x Osc2.
    - FM modulator Oscillator 1 modulates Oscillator 2.
    - Self resonance Moog type filter Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass for each oscillator.
    - Mono/Polyphonic control.
    - Spectrum and Wave Windows.
    - Reverb.
    - Delay syncable to tempo.
    - Chorus.
    - Waveshape distortion.
    - 8 note polyphonic operation.
    - Preset randomize button.
    - 49 factory presets (some suitable for Musique concrète).
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    SoundObject by suzumushi is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST 3 Plugin.

    SoundObject creates a binaural sound with the senses of three-dimensional sound localization from a monaural acoustic source and its positional information.

    Conventional three-dimensional binaural sound processors implement sound localization with the convolution of an acoustic source and head-related impulse response (HRIR) that represents scattering by the head. Since the convolution consumes a large amount of computational resource, SoundObject assumes that scattering by a head consists of scattering by a rigid sphere and pinnae (earlobes), then enables sound localization with simplified sphere and pinna scattering effect filters.

    And in many cases, conventional convolution-based binaural sound rarely creates a sense of front distance, while SoundObject enables it by reflected waves in a reverberation room.

    Furthermore, Doppler effect inevitably results from a moving acoustic source. Generally, sine waves whose frequency difference is 0.3% are distinguishable as different sounds. This fact implies that the recognizable Doppler effect results from an acoustic source whose speed exceeds approximately 1m/s. Since it is never high speed, SoundObject constantly adds Doppler effect when an acoustic source is moving.

    SoundObject is provided as a VST 3 plug-in for digital audio workstations (DAW) and supports 44.1kHz, 48kHz, and 96kHz sampling rates. OS environment is 64-bit Windows 10.

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  9. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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  10. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Apisonic Labs - Transperc v1.0 VST VST3 - Free

    Transperc is a transient processor (shaper) created mainly for percussive material, but can be used on any type of sound.

    Standard transient shaper controls Attack and Sustain
    - Optional Filter section
    - Separate controls for Wet and Dry signal
    - Overall Gain control +/- 12 dB
    - Optional Hard Clipper
    - Resizable GUI (clicking on a name/logo)

    - Windows 7 or above - VST, VST3 - 64 bit
    - macOS 10.7 or above - VST, VST3, AU - 64 bit
    - Linux Ubuntu 18 or above - VST, VST3 - 64 bit

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  12. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Does it work in Win 7?
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Bootsy from VARIETY OF SOUND has recently updated a bunch of his fantastic free software units like epicVerb, FerricTDS, the Nasty twins and others.
    For those not in the know, these are high quality plugins that could go for good money.

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  15. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I casually stumbled with these on the last days..
    They're probably already linked/mentioned somewhere on the thread,
    but by all means.. here they are again :wink:
    (These seem to be very well regarded)
    (an entire Cornucopia with links to the original Devs too)
    (somebody else may have commented it, but I'm not the elephant man so I don't remember who/when/where..)

    And again the Best Tuna :wink:

    I swear, it's the Fastest most Precise tuner I've ever tried,
    (and that includes standalone plugs/or amplitube-type stuff, digital multi-fx gadgets,
    and even good hardware stuff like good old Seiko needle tuners.. I've been using it since what, 2003?)

    It's got all the usual Tuning/Stretching/Transposing features, and even includes an Harmonics Analyzer..

    So it's very handy if you're doing the Intonation of an instrument,
    and I'm telling you, it's so sensible you could literally tune the instrument from the other side of the room,
    and it would still give you a better result than regular stuff.. :yes:
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Fanan Team - AnyText v1.0 (Textual Comments generator Plugin) Windows 64-bit

    AnyText is a simple VST instrument plug-in that produces no sound but allows writing text comments, saving them and loading them back. Whenever you need textual comments (only english supported), you can simply drop this dude into your project and you're done. It has 6 text pages support, so you can also divide your comments into pages.

    - 6 text pages.
    - Resizable GUI.
    - Editable font and text size.
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  17. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    What does that mean? I can't type in Klingon? :unsure:
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    It's only made from the English language. The Klingon version and the Martian version are in the works.
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  19. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    My first thought exactly!

    Boring reason probably is that it only supports ASCII or ISO 8859-1 only instead of UTF-8.
  20. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I'm glad he's finally coming through on the VST3 promise. I'm still going to wait until all of them are VST3 so I can download them in one batch.