Beyerdynamic releases DT 700 & DT900 Pro X Headphones ;)

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by SpyFx ✪ ✓, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro X & DT 900 Pro X :
    New drivers : Newly developed STELLAR.45 drivers :winker:
    Detachable cables :winker:
    Frequency Response:5Hz-40kHz & Impedance:48 ohms :winker:
    * Priced $299

    Have a great day everyone ! :bow:
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    ANTIMONOS Producer

    Dec 16, 2018
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    Best Answer
    Thanks for the information !

    I have DT770 Pro & DT 990 Pro in my arsenal, I also bought a Senheiser HD600 one year ago but I almost always end up with my DT990 Pro, I may be used to the sound of Beyerdynamic but I feel the HD600 too thin and cold. Because of the price gap, I would definitely recommend the DT990 Pro over the HD600.

    All that, to say that I would be very curious to know how these new models sound :)
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
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  4. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    I'm getting both pairs & a Universal Audio Volt 276 audio interface these upcoming Holidays,cheers ! :cheers:
  5. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    I EQ my HD600 and they sound much better.

    ANTIMONOS Producer

    Dec 16, 2018
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    I agree with you they are much better with correction. I use them with Sienna from Acustica Audio and results are pretty good !
    But without correction I feel more comfortable with the Beyerdynamic ones.
  7. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    About the Drivers:
    Stronger Magnet, Lighter (improved transients/release) and Longer (extended/distortion-less SPL) Voice-Coil..

    Interesting and kinda unexpected revision.
    Looking good.. :wink:

    I wish Professional headphone manufacturing companies included a Frequency Response, and CSD graph on their products/spec sheet.

    All of the data included here,
    doesn't tell you a single thing about how these headphones Sound or Perform, none whatsoever.

    But well that's the Norm, and what almost all manufacturers in the planet do.

    (But yeah we know what would happen,
    manufacturers will choose the Target that made their FR graph better looking,
    or artificially modify said Target to make it look better...

    And since the Harman Target belongs to Harman (Samsung?),
    they wont use that as a standard, so there's no standard = there's no graph..)

    I guess wee will have to wait until proper reviewers like RTINGS analyze the headphones,
    and we can compare them with the usual line-up, 880Pro, 990Pro, T1, 1990Pro..

    On the bright side, this will probably make the good old 770/880/990 be even more affordable,
    so even more ppl will be able to hear stuff/music properly :wink:
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  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    A company has to bring something new to the market and earn money. What else should the salaries and bank loans be paid for?
    I also have Beyerdynamic headphones, certainly (almost) the best you can do with technology and engineering.

    Compared to the early years of the 70s / 80s, their product is already a quantum leap in quality. It is like television, with LED technology and the flat screen. Everyone wanted one and almost everyone has one.

    The internet has turned the whole world into a marketplace for every company. If you now have a product that is very good, you can earn a lot of money with it, but the competition never sleeps and the fight for market share goes into the next round.

    As @ Ŧ ย χøя already said, it does not reveal to me what is new about it, somehow you will market the new products and thanks to your high level of know-how, you will continue to sell these new headphones.

    Certainly these headphones are "high end", but I'm not going to switch. in short, I don't belong to the target group either.
  9. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I am a 770 and 990 guy too, love them! Not had a massive amount of experience with the other, but with the likes of Sonarworks and training the ears with reference material, they have managed to give me pretty damn repeatable results. Obviously they will never compare to a treated space and wonderful monitors, but if you get to know your cans and listens to references, they are superb. And very comfy! Must fit my massive head just right :rofl:
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  10. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well, I don't know how true that is..

    I mean, Beyer 770/880 came out at least in the mid 80's, 990 came a bit later,
    but I don't know how much the subsequent revisions changed/improved over the years..

    (So, are we listening to the same type of sound quality/delivery that ppl had on the mid 80's?
    I wish there was more info/comparisons available..)

    The new Tesla magnets on the T1/1990/1770 are definitely more powerful,
    and this has some theoretical advantages.. however this doesn't always translate to real world improvements.

    If you check this Rating I made on RTINGS, you can see that yes,
    DT1990 seems to outperform all other Beyers.
    (and the 30€ Superlux HD681, or 75€ Phillips 9500 outperform them all.. lol)

    But the theorically better T1 falls lower on the list,
    being behind the similar?, but older and much cheaper 880..

    While the DT1770 are even lower on the list,
    so in raw technical/performance terms they are worse than the 770/the rest..?

    Ofc technical analysis like this are not the end-all, definitive answer to the matter.
    (there's some important aspects that haven't been analyzed like CSD,
    or a real music performance test, not just FR sweeps..)

    For instance 990/770 are rated higher than the 880,
    but I've got them all three right here, and I'm telling you, I much prefer the 880's.

    990s are very similar to the 880s indeed, but they are considerably Brighter,
    so I find them to be kinda Harsh and Piercing in comparison..
    Whereas the 880 while still being Bright, have a more kinda Softer and Liquid presentation..

    990s have a very Slightly improved SubBass/Soundstage,
    but it's not that much of an improvement, while the compromise with the Highs is too much in contrast..
    so by all means, I prefer the 880's :wink:

    So yeah, Graphs and technical analysis is not the absolute end all of the matter,
    but they can give us a very good insight of how they perform in raw terms.

    In any case it's very interesting to have new Beyer models,
    can't wait to see the analysis on RTINGS.. :yes:
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2021
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    There was a time when the Loudness War began. People asked for more bass. As a result, manufacturers of headphones and listening monitors allowed more bass to flow into their products.

    I have a very old Sennheiser EH-350, where the frequency response was exactly what I had in mind. I bought a newer Sennheiser HD 200 Pro and it was praised everywhere, but when I used it, I couldn't handle the frequencies, so I sold In again. I've used the Beyerdynamic - DT-990 Pro for almost a decade and I've been very satisfied.

    I think listening habits are different from person to person, the audible range is also different, the heights also decrease noticeably with age. Some people are designed to be more bass-heavy. That is why you cannot judge across the board. Like you, I think that reviews from independent musicians are very important.
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  12. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yes that's true, Consumer audio has been favoring Bass ever more,
    just check the good old Beats Studio.. lol

    (Newer models might be better, but the originals were Bloated as Hell,
    still an interesting listen tho..)

    But also Professional panorama in a way,
    for instance, the reputed Harman Target has increased Bass on the newer revisions,
    so what could have been right on the spot years ago, could now be seen as lacking in those terms..

    And it also has to do with Technical improvements,
    Stax used to be considered the shiznit in terms of the amazing Detail and Soundstage they deliver..

    But modern Planar Magnetic headphones like the Hifiman Arya have apparently matched or even surpassed that,
    while also delivering a much fuller Bass-rich sound in comparison..
    and ofc without the complication of needing an Electrostatic Amp..

    So yeah, Tastes and Targets do change over time,
    so it's all a relative point of view at best.. personal experience will always be necessary in delicate/complex things like this. :yes:
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The new customers haven't even been born yet. Even if poorer countries get more money, these are the new customers.
    In a few years' time, these new customers will meet in a headphone market, I think Beyerdynamic and Sennheiser, will still be there. What does the customer do, he asks about the price / performance ratio.

    So if the new customers happen to get lost in Audiosex Pro in 10-20 years and then read our comments here,
    it will seem very old to you, what you once had bad headphones - yes 1980 - it was ages ago.

    Our life is just too short. We live in this digital world (ages 10 - 93), with all the achievements and inventions, whether the
    coming generations will be able to make music themselves and what they will then hear is written in the stars as always.

    Myself and many others here, in 20 or 30 years or more or less, will be buried underground in the cemetery. We were then part of the digital revolution or evolution, and yet had achieved very good sound quality. Musically everyone could do what they wanted.
  14. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I don't know much about impedance but I understood that higher impedance means better quality. My current Beyers are 250 ohm but these are listed at 48 ohm which seems a little low for pro phones. Is it low or doesn't it matter?
  15. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    ^ :bow: :

    ^ :bow: :
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  16. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Thanks SpyFx. :like:
  17. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Higher Impedance = More Control, specially on the Low freqs..

    Technically speaking it means the headphone coil offers more "resistance",
    and so it needs more current to be Moved..

    But more importantly the voice coil returns faster/more solidly to the resting position,
    so it should sound Cleaner and more Controlled, and that's more apparent on Low frequencies.

    However different brands/models or style of manufacture will have different electric requirements for a given Impedance..

    For instance my AKG K712 have 62-Ohm Impedance,
    but sound actually a bit Quieter than the 880s with the exact same cable.

    So I need to give them a smidget more volume than the Beyers even tho they're 250-Ohm..
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  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I know in the above video, the guy says you do not need to burn in the new models. but the same thing has been said of the 990s.
    many people complain about the high end of them being harsh, abrasive, or just making it hard to work with them for extended periods of time. I have always just stuck them into the console with the pink noise generator on anyway.