Professional Recording Studio Gear

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by hell666, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    Hey guys! So, this is my first post and maybe this could be a stupid question, but I thought it is better to ask anyway, hope you can help me with this :)

    So, I have been practicing and learning a lot for a few years recording, mixing and mastering in my small home studio, using a laptop and audient id4 interface.

    I haven been thinking a lot for the past few weeks and I decided that it is time to move on to the next level.

    I have been saving some money to finally build my dream business: a professional recording studio, and a friend of mine will also putting money to be my business partner.

    Before I start building the studio, I have so much questions and doubts, I hope you can help me please:

    I have been recording using Audient id4 interface and mixing / mastering with plugins only, and I want to mix and master using only plugins in the new studio too.

    So, I was thinking in buying the PreSonus StudioLive 32SX Digital Mixer to cover everything the customers needs.

    My questions are:

    -Do I need a Digital Mixer? Or do I need a really good interface with extra channels (I need 32), and a DAW Controller? Or what other thing do I need?
    -What other things do I need to build a professional recording studio in your opinion? I will mix and master mostly using plugins only.

    Thank you guys, I appreciate any help!

  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Question: Do the musicians come to your studio with their instruments? If so, you need a real mixer. If the musicians send you a WAV file, you don't need to buy a mixer.
  4. No Doz

    No Doz Producer

    May 15, 2021
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    my suggestion would just be a unit that has comfortable faders, whether that's a full mix board or just a DAW controller

    i started my mixing journey completely inside the box, and maybe the biggest breakthrough i ever had was learning the value of physical fader rides. digital plugins offer amazing possibilities for tone shaping and programmed automation is very useful, but once i learned to use a board as an instrument it brought a level of depth and dimension to my mixes that made everything i created prior sound overly static, flat, and amateur by comparison

    i think this is especially important if a majority of your projects are overdub based as opposed to live recordings. you gain the ability to synthesize the dynamic swell of a live performance, and you can have different sonic elements poke out or tuck into the mix as it's called for (in a really natural and spatially beautiful way that i've personally had trouble realizing inside the box). i tend to view the fader ride portion of a session as the actual art of mixing now, and that's a concept i was detached from for a long time due to getting my start 100% within the digital realm. i now view all the prior toying with plugins as a form of detailed and important prep work

    it might also be worth considering what will look visually impressive to your current / prospective clients. aesthetics carry an unfortunate amount of weight at times, and in a room that's lacking lots of shiny analog hardware and blinking lights that competing studios in your area may have, a big centerpiece unit might give you a professional appearance that will help land you clients (both in person and over social media). a somewhat annoying thing but perhaps worth some thought
  5. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    Musicians will come to my studio with their instruments. A digital mixer will do the job? Which one do your recommend? Thanks!!!
  6. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    If I choose to only use a DAW Controller, what other things do I need? I mean, I will record musicians who needs a lot of channels. Do I need a good interface and a device to connect extra channels? This is the subject where I have struggles :(

    Yeah, I thought of that aesthetics too. In these times of visual world, you are 100% right!
  7. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Drums as well? Otherwise, it's always good to have at least one house drumkit (with triggers for the shells, just in case).

    You would need a good set of converters and 32 pre-amps. Look up RME, Antelope, Burl, Dangerous, SSL for converters. I doubt that you would actually need 32 channels all at once though, unless you plan to record a huge drumkit and have several mics on several amps all at the same time. If you actually need 32 channels at the same time; the RME M-32 AD Pro (with a ADI-2 for DA) or Antelope Orion 32+ are solid pieces.
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The digital mixing consoles Presonus StudioLive 64S and 32S have everything on board to work professionally in the studio or in live operation. Period.
    Presonus StudioLive 64S - 3.999 € / Presonus StudioLive 32S - 3.299 €
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  9. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    if you really need that many channels then yeah, the 32SX sounds like a good option if you don't want to break the bank, audio interface+external converters will probably be even more expensive anyway. I used to have a presonus studiolive AR16 for a small podcast project, fairly decent sound, and good drivers too. 32 channels sounds a bit overkill, maybe buy something smaller? but anyway.

    Aside from that, you definetively need to get some acoustic treatment, unless you already have that covered. Also a headphone amp for multiple monitoring outputs (you can go cheap on this one) And enough monitoring headphones. Add a shit ton of mics and cables and i think you're good to go.

    I didn't mention studio monitors since i don't know what you have, but if you're on a really low budget setup right now, then maybe upgrade those too.

    In other things, maybe invest a bit on DI and reamp boxes, a stage box, mic stands, musical instruments, tools like soldering iron, screwdrivers and the like, measuring tape, lots of electrical and duct-tape, little things like that that nobody thinks about but you really want to have somewhere around in the studio.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
  10. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Most important are clients willing to pay for it. Recording music is no easy business. Most musicians that can afford to record in a professional studio will have a home studio themselves and will book you only if theres a reason to do so.
    Reasons may include:
    • Your great rooms, lots of space, perfect acoustics
    • Your skills as engineer or producer
    • A special "creative" atmosphere
    • Your reputation in the scene / industry connections
    • Your Grammys ;-) and other references
    • Some shiny toys
    If you can't provide most of the above and some more I wouldn't count on earning money from it very soon.
    No problem, if by "professional" you only mean "quality" studio.

    Hope not having been too negative, personally I think, every man should plant a tree and build a studio.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
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  11. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    DAW is Studio One? If so, stay within the Presonus system for AVB & Dante networking which will allow you to add modules & drop boxes as required/needed.
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  12. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    Honestly, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I would say that if you asking the questions you are asking, building a studio as a commercial project is not a good idea at this time, unless you have a lot of spare cash to spend on the endeavour and then a lot of time learning it with no return on the investment. It sound like it’s something that you want to do, but without understanding what is required for a commercial studio to run. I am not suggesting I do either btw, but I do know that what little money WAS in commercial studios has massively fallen away. Please, before you commit money to the venture, do a search for why recording studios are closing. Look for horror stories. And if you still want to proceed, do a fucking TON more research again, try and talk yourself out of it, read about the all the big studios that are still operating and what they use, and then see if the business plan is still viable.

    I am certainly not wanting to be negative for kicks, but it’s not the same as it was. Project studios rule for tracking because there simply isn’t the money in it, and most can now do production ready mixes at home too with the right gear and skills. I just worry it’s a money pit that you may not quite appreciate the extent of given what you have said.
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  13. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    Yeah, I have all things covered including drums. I have doubts only in the "digital mixer or interface + coverters" area :facepalm:
    I think I don't need all the 32 channels, but was thinking in the "aesthetic" for the customers. How many channels do you think is sufficient to cover a full band production? Thanks!
  14. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    I don't take your message as a negative thing :yes:
    I think we have to start from some point to grow up little by little.
    Thanks for your input though! :mates::mates::mates:
  15. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    I was using Cubase and recently switched to Reaper. Thinking in trying Studio One too.
  16. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    None taken! I know what you mean. I know I lack of expertise and experience in general. And believe me I spent days researching and researching, just don't know what is the best thing for the studio and our customers, that is why I asked all these questions.
    Me and my business partner are aware of the situation you just menctioned and we are still researching and learning a lot of things before we start the business.
    I appreciate all your inputs Ritchie! Thanks!!! :mates::mates::mates:
  17. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    I have all those things you just menctioned covered. Just can't decide between a digital mixer and interface/converters. What would be a great option for something smaller in digital mixers? Also, how many channels do you thinks a full band needs? Thanks
  18. hell666

    hell666 Member

    Oct 7, 2021
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    Yeah, now I just saw the Midas 32 and an Allen and Heath ones. Both seems to work pretty awesome.
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1 Base L
    2 Base R
    3 Snare
    4 Tom
    5 Tom
    6 Tom
    7 HiHat
    8 OverHead L
    9 OverHead R

    10 Bass

    11 Gitarre 1
    12 Gitarre 2

    13 Keyboard

    14 Vocals 1
    15 Vocals 2
  20. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    You are welcome for the inputs, and I know every person here would love to have their own studio, beyond a home / project one, that to be their job and life, I would just spend 6 months researching before committing anything to it.

    Forget the gear questions, look at the other side for now and ask yourself a few questions:-

    - who will come and record with you? Is there the market for it in your area? Active and well established music scene?
    - if there is an active scene, is there a genre, are there a lot of bands, or is it solo musicians?
    - are there other studios around? If not, why not?
    - have you had any feedback from anyone beyond friends about the music you have produced for yourself to date?
    - is the work you do at home paid, and if so would those clients then pay you again in a new facility?
    - if you go through with it, what price would you charge?
    - is this going to be a full-time venture / job? If no money comes in, can you afford to pay rent / pay bills for your home AND the business?
    - do you like food and want to consume it on a greater than fortnightly basis??

    I wish you well with it, but you have to go into it, both of, with eyes VERY wide open.
  21. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    2x BD (in/out)
    2x snare (top/bottom)
    3 (or 4)x toms
    1x HH
    1x ride
    2x overhead
    2x room

    2x bass (D.I./mic)

    2x guitar (1/2)

    2x (at least) keys (stereo), better stereo for each keyboard

    3x vocals (backings anyone?)

    If you want to make a proper recording for the whole band at once and they don't have additional instruments (brass, woodwinds, strings, percussions, ...).
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