Zebra pad bringing my Ryzen 5600x 32gigs to its knees?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Seckkksee, Oct 3, 2021.

  1. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    I have a decent system by specs, I've ran plenty of 150+ track projects using Zebra and DIVA, no problem. My interface is MOTU M4 with 64 ms buffer. I've never had an issue until this pad running in Ableton. It's crazy, one pad is bringing my cpu to 80-90%, and it's only three osc running dual\quad\dual, and a filter and a shaper, with a four-note chord. How is this possible?? It's crackling like someone throwing away wrapping paper. Can someone try out the chord and tell me if it doing the same for them? I can send the patch and the Ableton track, let me know.

    EDIT: Let me be more specific, in Live 11, the meter is saying AVG about 13%, with ONLY the pad loaded and playing its chords, but the CURRENT meter is flickering around like crazy from 70-90%. I wouldn't be so worried except in the actual track context (everything playing), my audio is crunching like crazy, and the culprit is this patch. I don't understand, I've made and played plenty of pads like this one, and they do nothing, this one is harrssshhhhhh.
    Also, I raised the buffer to 128 and that helped a lot, but the issue is still the same, meaning I've never raised my buffer before, again, playing plenty of Zebra pads more intense than this.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2021
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    What is the name of this "preset"? You can reduce the number of Voices in the zebra.


    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
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  4. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    and of course increase the latency
    in mixdown 1000 samples is fine (depending on your project)
    so you have still a lot of room to wiggle
  5. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Whay not? :yes: This would be the proper way to test.
    I find the Live 11 meter totally useless. I don't know what it is measuring, but it is off vs HWMonitor, system perf meter and other diagnostic tools..
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Best Answer
    More than 512 samples will give your CPU almost no boost to deal with audio DSP. 512 samples is the golden edge.

    Good practice is when tracking to change to 64 or 128 samples [both imperceptible really], and then change to 256 or 512 samples when mixing to give the CPU more room to "breathe".
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  7. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    Thanks for the replies, but I figured out my issue. It was my buffer at such a low setting (64 ms) I usually have my buffer at about 256 (even during mixdown), and I had refreshed my computer last month, set my buffer low, and didn't think anything of it. But I was amazed at one patch killing me like that, @ a low buffer, but still!
  8. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    I agree somewhat, but since there were actual audio faults happening along with the spiking, I'm pretty sure it was related.
  9. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    you are right i should have written "Even"
    BUT there are times, like if external DSP is involved, 1024 can be a stabilizer of your system
    at least works for me ;)
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