Earrly D/UR influenced track, hybridsetup , emu e4 and ITB tools - new fusion tested bits on drums

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by Unauthorised, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement
    Link to wav: dro.pm/m

    This is by no means finished, the muscial elements, ( if ican call them that!) and working on the compisition /some rough arrangement ideas haves been my main focus, but of course ive worked on the mix both ITB regarding the beats and for the emu utilizing the usual filters, envelopes, lfos yada yada yada, to tweak sounds to taste and fit on a whole as much as i could utilizing just the emu tools and fx .

    Sometimes i dig the idea and elements ( albeit everything needing refined.) Other times i feel quite the opposite, you know how it is, im starting to lose all objectivity heheh.

    Open to all critisism, I will take and implement what I can on board, here to improve in anyway I can.

    One of my weakest points is good writing and keeping things interesting, nailing that flow can take a lot of time for me (not in anyway nailed here, but was pushed to background as kinda in early stages trying to get composition right. ( the hardest parts for me )

    Too Long dont read:

    I have a motu 8a where the dsp mixer was used to sub mix the emu individual outs via the 8a's analogue line ins, using a stereo out for synths, another for the main out fx returns within the emu and one mono out for bass from emu (the mono bass channel from emu to the 8a mixer uses the dsp comp on the motu, it does the job ,when the time comes i would rather make stems for each emu part and mix it all ITB with some of my goto tools.

    This is the first time ive used the emu like this, using the motu mixer as i would an old mackie, using some of the basic dsp eq and dynamics in the onboard motu mixer and having only the drums utilizing abletons buses and master out. With the Emu routed directly to motu mixer bypassing abletons master bus, without any daw plugs or outboard used on it as yet.

    I had to reinstate this account under a dif email due to in activity , would hate to appear to have just spotted the place and jump in with a shitty feedback post!

    Link to wav: dro.pm/m
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    the first thing I would try is moving the kick down -12 semitones and adjusting eq, etc. I think some of the things you are concerned with are actually done pretty well already.
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  4. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement
    Thanks for the input Clone, are you hearing the kick a bit too pokey in the higher end and lacking that required roundness further down?

    I was finding the drums a bit fatiguing at times, depending on the time of day lol, my ears are probs done in.

    I'll dial that in and see how I go thanks again!

    With the long sessions I can easily fall into the trap of missing the optiimum attack release timings and also generaly overcooking that comp on the drum bus ;/
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    it just sounds like you are catching more of the bass drum beater, and that's just more of a rock thing for me than for house music. you might just take off some of the kick's attack. it's just on the clicky side for my taste. so much is just preferences.

    listen to your kick at 1 minute. the rest of your track is pretty much chilled out. But you can hear that kick "wanting" to accelerate and get more tech. with a more thud only kick you may get it more reverb/washed out like the rest of your track.

    like your snare. It's a little splashy to me, but there's nothing wrong with it.

    one house music trick I will tell you. you have a lot of very clean elements, but in house; a lot of times there are layers in there where you really can't even tell what they are. or what they are doing. usually it's shakers, but it can be anything. their only purpose is filling the mix out. one of the pads you have is like this, but alot of times they use almost random sounding percussion layers. (but not random)

    I think this one might be a good example of the mix style I think you are aiming for (kinda a bad vinyl rip):

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
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  6. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement
    Just about to have a listen to the example. I totally get what youre saying re that balance between snap and thud. Will try dial the att/rel timings better, and lower and enforce the fundamental and body of the kick more . Great to get others unbiased opinons, so much I am not hearing after a while !

    Yeah those little inconspicous layers that seemingly are nothing but add so much to the atmos/vibe . I'm now going to put much needed time into that on next visit.
    Really helpful tips thanks. :)

    Looking forward to hearing the youtube clip too,as soon as this one is done hehe


    Yeah on that deep dish number:

    Yeah on this the overall balance of the drums vs the more musical parts is much more my ball park and im missing those lovely characterful grity/texture/noise layers.

    Great got work to do !
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    yeah its not technical mistakes which is good. it's just mixing preferences. it sounds great overall. but you has me confused, it says you used an e4 but your avatar is a e6400 Ultra?

    which is it? I'm going to guess the ultra. it's too clean for a classic, and you wouldn't be posting the thread for another few weeks ;]
    is it e4xt or 6400?
  8. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement
    Yeah on this the overall balance of the drums vs the more musical parts is much more my ball park and im missing those lovely characterful grity/texture/noise layers.

    Great got work to do !
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  9. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement

    My bad too many jazz fags got me too lazy to type E6400 Ultra, so i typed E4 seen as its same gen but you are quite right, very different vibe on the classics vs the ultras. I love them both very much! The grit of the classic mmm
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    at 4:22 or so on "the dream", you use a similar pattern and patch at 5:48
    it's a famous old house bass/organ patch from the Korg m1?

    where'd you find that , assuming it's an old sample>
  11. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement
    Sorry missed that , it's an E6400 Ultra stock, mostly used E3 banks from the included lib ,vintage cd i think,and old rob pagen(sp) banks from emu cd's back in the day. I put them on the hdd in the emu years ago and had forgotten how good they sounded and worked as raw materials.

    I was pushed into this workflow recently as my main daw stpped booting so im using a dell ultra sff dual core i5 smelly box lol. But the change in workflow has been a bit of breath of fresh air too in many ways.

    I need to spend alot more time on modulations and filtering for movment!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  12. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement

    Believe it or not thats one of the simple sub bass patches but transposed up and played polyphonically ( i think sub bass 5) from the vintage cd from the 9 cd included E3 libray that came with the ultra (and classics I think), Ill load the bank to confirm what preset was used and if im wrong ill update this post.

    The way these old emus transpose ( transpose thats not the word im looking for, been a late night, i mean the way the samples are interpolated as they are pitched! )for me is somehow really musical and the transients are kept intact and strong.

    One thing that helped with a lot of those sounds, I embarrasingly only recently discovered this somewhere in the menus , but before writing this found I could set the envelope speed from legacy to fast, im loving the EMU even more now!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The way is to Report your own comment.
    Under comment to the left.
    Also, read the rules regards chain-posting. Supposed to merge.
    Multiples in a row responding to different people is alright.
    If to the same person, we have to merge them.
    If to nobody, merge them all.

    Just having a listen now...
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  14. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Sweaty Basement
    Sorry about that I was trying deperatley to work out how to delete my spams and double posts. I will read rules and your guide to delete and sort. cheers!

    Edit: reported and merged (I think) guessing mods have to delete after reporting!
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    No need to apologize to me! I'm nobody.
    Hopefully you wrote "please delete" when reported! Either way, they'll understand now. lol
    And it won't get deleted for another 3+ hours I approximate!

    Enjoying this vibe of yours!
    I understand what was already said about the kick.
    Sounds a bit more of a UK Garage kick than a trad House kick.
    But overall, the vibe is very Chicago mid-late 80s!
    Well done.
    Just wants some vocal samples now, imo.
    Love the perc. Seem slightly too up in the mix, but hey.
    On cans right now because it's AM. So maybe I'll eat my words in the morning when I listen on monitors!
    Good stuff. :wink:
  16. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Sweaty Basement
    Heheh I just typed spam in each report,should do it.

    Cheers, it's always nice when others enjoy the vibe! I'm mixing on cans myself and though i feel I can very much trust them when it comes to properly hearing the full spectrum which has helped massivlely with mix decicions, especially eq. Soundstage wise as good as it is on the 1990's. How things ultimatley translate in comparison when moving in the air and sat betwween L and R, can still still be a bit of guessing game for me.

    I long gaveup on my mackie hr 824 mk2's, just couldnt get things to translate at all personally!
    So if anything else jumps out on monitors if you trust your room, let me know if you can :)

    Disclaimer: I cheeklily edited the above to make more sense as pointed out by Smooth Grooves
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    ...yes, "and although"...?
    But where is the conclusion that would usually come after "although" in a sentence? lol
    Are you high, by any chance?
  18. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Sweaty Basement
    Off topic slightly but:

    For whats its worth if anyone is interested, the new fusion vintage drive plug in ( also used the stereo imager on this but both only on the drum mix), although im liking what it does, compared to my experience with the hardware ( my bro has one).

    Ive by no means got as intimate ( err) with it as Id like, but to my ears the plug in just cant touch the sheer agressiveness and weight the drive can impart on the hardware unit.

    Not sure if its more to do with the gain stages in and out , ive always fed the unit as close to 0 vu as poss , but still had to back off on that drive many times. In comparison you can go full pelt on the plug and can still be quite subtle.
  19. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Sweaty Basement

    I havent stopped being high in a long time lol

    l also didnt even see your post til lafter id rambled on again , my grammar is also appalling. Add typing and spelling to the list :)

    Im going think positivley and presume i meant 'though' and typod hah
  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Still wouldn't make any sense though! Only if you took out the "and" before "though" would it then make any sense, and I wouldn't be waiting for the non-existent pay-off!
    So, what does:
    Earrly D/UR influenced track
  21. Unauthorised

    Unauthorised Member

    Oct 1, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Sweaty Basement
    Told you my grammar was fucked lol

    My lazy devils cabbage induced typing again, I meant the early (ish) Detroit and Underground Resistance sound. Which I dont for a second think I am anywhere near close to!

    Theres is/was a soul to those tunes that is magical and unobtainable to anyone else imo.

    I saw the mis spelt earrly in the title but couldnt edit it for the life of me, the shame!
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