Kontakt 6.6 not supporting older libraries?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ted2020, Sep 30, 2021.

  1. _Parsa

    _Parsa Newbie

    Sep 30, 2021
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    What's the tricky part about enabling the use of older libraries?
  2. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Yes I am on MacOS. :)

    I have tried editing the SNIPD and the other changes but they still don't show in 6.6.1

    I think the easiest way for me would be to treat my 2x Kontakt plug ins as separate VST's, as both show and can be used in my Ableton Live, and use 5 for older East West, and 6.6.1 for the newer NI libraries that need it and won't work on any version previous :)
  3. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    the windows add library tool take the nicnt as it is writen in native access, and show it, load it in kontakt 6.6.1 full options.

    <Product version="6">
    <Application minVersion="5.6.8" nativeContent="true">Kontakt</Application>
    <Visibility type="Number">3</Visibility>
    <Company>East West</Company>

    the R2R Kontakt library manager say it need <HU><JDX> to take the nicnt.

    i checked the old kontakt 5 keygen, it only generate <SNO> & <MACHINEID> there is no HU and JDX data.
    it look it will play only with Kontakt 5 using serial and machine id with the standard mode.

    maybe it works only with windows full option & portable 6.6.1. & K5 for others.
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  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Epic fail by me... :rofl:
    Check out Bobdule's explanation above. Though if you're new to Kontakt protections and cracks it may be quite challenging to understand. I myself don't understand all of it, just the gist.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2021
  5. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Im not sure if this helps, has already been mentioned or indeed works, but for users of Kontakt 6.6+ I found that there's a
    KONTAKT Manager v1.1.0 R2R that looks like it 'is a :

    ''library installation / license generation tool for KONTAKT 6.6. You can easily add all your collection at once for known libraries. All nowand then formats, KOMPAKT, INTAKT, KONTAKT 1.X, NKX, NICNT libraries can be located like official Native- Access does, for the latest KONTAKT.

    This maybe could help with the older libraries and Kontakt? Not actually checked it out yet but saw a heads up for it?
  6. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    hi, is it possible to add old libs like vir2 acoustic legends hd or other nkx based libs to kontakt 6.6.1?
    I created a nict with a nice creator and use Kittys script to add it to my kontakt. Its shows up in the Tab Browser but when I try to load "This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded unless the respective Library is registered properly" pops up. All never libs works flawless.

    Iam on Big Sur / Mac Kontakt 6.6.1

    ps. on my old Maschine under high Sierra and Kontakt 5.6 they work also
    but it seems impossible to install a Kontakt 5.6.6 on a Big Sur Machine, or is it?
  7. xerxes_tg

    xerxes_tg Newbie

    Dec 26, 2016
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    Hi All,
    For older libraries I get the following error, I think it's the missing UPID numbers in the .xml files or?
    Any solution for older libraries?

  8. Roxyscandal

    Roxyscandal Newbie

    Nov 21, 2021
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    Am i doing something wrong? I keep getting a error when trying to run the patcher? When i open it in my DAW it says the aax is not a valid aax and the patcher says It says

    The system cannot find the path specified.
    'vst3.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    VST3 Done
  9. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Ok so I think I 'almost' have gotten round this.

    I open up my Colossus Library that only opens in K5 but not newer K6.
    Delete the .ninct file.
    Open Windows (Parallels on Mac) and use the KLC (Kontakt Library Creator) to create a new .ninct file for the Colossus Library folder.
    Open K5 and re-add this. (opens fine and works perfect)
    Open K6 and it now shows up! .....but it loads fine, but in DEMO mode only?

    How do I remove the DEMO part, whereby in K5 it opens fine?

    I have the Colossus Folder .ninct open in text editor side by side with the Colossus.xml file in text editor, and the numbers look like they match?
    (I am on a Mac so its in Library > Application Support > NI > Service Center)

    <AuthSystem>RAS2</AuthSystem> is same on both, and they both have the same SNIPD file number.

    Am I on the right track? if so, I could probably then do the same above to get all of my K5 East West Libraries now showing in K6 if we can work around DEMO mode?

    Hope this helps someone out, and if theres a Demo mode solution?

  10. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    all current libraries supported by kontakt 6 player use RAS3, not RAS2.

    if talking about east we st colossus, then you must change nicnt with info from nativve access db:
      <Product version="6">
          <Application minVersion="5.6.8" nativeContent="true">Kontakt</Application>
          <Visibility type="Number">3</Visibility>
        <Company>East West</Company>
  11. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Ok thank you. My fault yes, I meant to change to RAS3.

    So I did this again and made a new .NINCT for Colossus.
    Changed to RAS3 on both the .xml and .ninct and made sure the snipd numbers matched.
    Added in K5, all works fine
    Shows in K6 still as demo mode?

    I even copied and pasted the code above and pasted into the .ninct and .xml but it didn't show at all
    (Sorry, wasn't sure if you were giving me the code to copy and past the whole lot?)
  12. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    nicnt and xml should be called "Colossus" with ras3 mode (the regkey name)
    not "EWQL Colossus" to match with the actual NativeAccess.xml content.

    kontakt 6 will use it to check the content
    Kontakt 5 use ProductsHint.xml

    does the mac version 6 take home made libraries or unlisted products?
  13. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Yes both the .ninct and the xml are called ''Colossus' with RAS3 mode.
    Still opens in Demo mode on K 6.6.1
  14. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    If i can get this to work, which now does show up but unfortunately is still in 'demo mode', then i can go through my older EW libraries and some ZeroG (Nostalgia) that show up in K5 but not in K6.

    If its a simple instruction to get the .ninct and .xml on the same SNIPD and RAS3, then It would be good to get them all working in K6 eventually
  15. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    they must match with NativeAccess.xml (created and updated by native access)
    it can help the validation to install it.

    if you use it, it seems to come's from the mac unlock. maybe something more is missing.
  16. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    And where do I find the NativeAccess.xml? on a Mac
  17. BIB2022

    BIB2022 Newbie

    Jan 17, 2022
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    Bob new member here but wanted to say thanks to you and R2R for Kontakt. I'd been interested in checking it out for a while and was having no luck. Yours did the trick. so thank you!! Tons of posts helped me before but using your patch etc finally made it all work for me.
  18. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    some of the most common topics for questions are libraries for kontakt, their installation and unofficial nicnt files. it is strange that so far no one has written in more detail about where to get information and how to use it. I decided to correct this situation and explain everything in the most simple and understandable words, adding screenshots for clarity. here as an example - East West colossus, all the work has been done on macOS, but all the steps can be repeated on Windows.

    and I will immediately answer this recurring question
    this file is located here:
    /Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Center/NativeAccess.xml
    but let's be honest: you needed this file and, knowing its exact name, you did not guess that you can find this file in the Finder search by name?
    then you'd better not read further - you still won't understand anything, won't be able to repeat it, and will only add problems to your OS.

    Now let's start fixing the problem.

    to show what errors the file for the Colossus library contains, compare the data from this file with the data from the official nicnt file for the Bukhu library (Evolution Series).

    note: yes, I know that the first problem of this file is a mistake in the name of the library and the file name. information about the correct name of the libraries will follow.


    data for the nicnt file is in the NativeAccess.xml file
    it can be opened with any text editor, I use TextEdit. you can quickly find the data you need by searching for the SNPID code. I add one character to reduce the search results, on request
    there will be only 2 matches, which one is the right one and it is very easy to determine.
    select the required data, it starts with "<Product version="6">" and ends with "</Product>"
    you need to select only the necessary, without capturing something superfluous (a space at the beginning or a transition to another line at the end). I recommend placing the cursor at the beginning of the selected data, hold down Shift on the keyboard and use the cursor keys to reach the last character, then release Shift and copy the selected data to the clipboard (using a keyboard shortcut or select the desired item in the TextEdit menu).


    to edit the nicnt file you will need any hex editor, i use iHex.
    IMPORTANT! After opening the file, you must set the correct data editing mode. By default, hex editors use the overwrite mode - data is not added, but overwritten, while the file size in bytes does not change.
    in this situation, the mode of a classic text editor is needed - data is either added from the place where the cursor is located, or any amount of selected data will be replaced by any amount of other data. the file size in bytes will decrease or increase accordingly. in iHex this mode is called Insert.


    after selecting the desired mode, select the data that needs to be replaced in the hex editor. you can select them in the same way as the data from the NativeAccess.xml file - starting with "<Product version="1">" and ending with "</Product>"
    these data also need to be selected without capturing too much, how to do it simply and accurately, I have already said.
    if everything is selected correctly, then just paste the copied data from the clipboard and save the file.


    in order for the edited nicnt file to be really correct, install the library and after that no new problems and errors appear in the work of kontakt, it must have the correct name.
    if you look closely at the data of the nicnt file (official or bug-free) for any kontakt library, you will notice that the value in <RegKey> is always the same as the value in <Name> - this is the official name of the product, the nicnt file name must be the same.
    in this situation, this means that the name of this library is Colossus, and the name of the nicnt file should be:
    you can rename the nicnt file before editing. you can do this after editing the file. do what is easier and more convenient for you.
    It is IMPORTANT that the file name is correct by the time it is used to add the library.

    if everything is ready for use, then you can start adding the library. everything happens the same way as when adding other libraries.
    to add libraries I use kontakt v5.6.6 - this is the latest version of kontakt with "add library" button.
    it is also the only version of kontakt for macOS that correctly handles the RAS3 libraries installation data and creates an xml file with the SNPID value from the nicnt file!
    if there are no errors in the library files, after adding the library, no additional actions are required, including editing the xml file.
    I used v6.6.1 to test the functionality of the library in kontakt 6.
    to test the library in kontakt 5, I used v5.8.1.
    The current standard for the data format required for the library to work in kontakt 6 includes parameters that are not listed in the official list of required data in the NativeAccess.xml file

    I agree with bobdule's opinion:
    but this cannot be the exact reason for the absence in the list of installed libraries in kontakt 6 of those libraries for which this data is missing.
    experimenting with adding such libraries using random values may affect the further performance of other libraries and the performance of kontakt 6.
    it doesn't matter to me personally - I can load library tools from the Files tab. it satisfies me completely.

    therefore, I will not look for solutions to fix errors in the operation of such libraries.
    I also strongly recommend NOT to engage in similar experiments with other users, especially beginners without experience and without knowledge of the principles of kontakt 6.

    to my surprise, after specifying the library folder (with the corrected nicnt file), kontakt v5.6.6 did not create an xml file. it happened for the first time.
    so I made the xml file myself, I copied the data necessary for this from the NativeAccess.xml file


    I decided to check if adding libraries with kontakt v5.6.6 still works and installed the Ferrum - Free Edition library. everything worked without errors, all files were created and the library appeared in the tab with installed libraries. but the Colossus library was still not on the list.

    I have already written about the possible causes of the error with the addition of the Colossus library in the supplement a little higher.

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  19. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I decided to check if adding libraries with kontakt v5.6.6 still works and installed the Ferrum - Free Edition library. everything worked without errors, all files were created and the library appeared in the tab with installed libraries. but the Colossus library was still not on the list.

    I have already written about the possible causes of the error with the addition of the Colossus library in the supplement a little higher.


    I dragged one Colossus nki library file from Finder to kontakt 6 and it opened without any error messages. means the library is installed, but is not displayed in the list.


    I switched to the Files tab and opened several nki files one by one - they all opened without problems. As you can see, there are NO messages about working in DEMO mode.


    I opened the settings and looked at the list of installed libraries - Colossus is not in this list.


    then I opened kontakt 5. libraries for kontakt 6 were not displayed, but now there is Colossus in the list.


    In the kontakt 5 settings, there are no libraries in the list that work only with kontakt 6. The situation is exactly the same as with Colossus - the library is simply not in the list, as if it is not supported.


    Colossus and Ferrum - Free Edition are not registered in Native Access and are marked DEMO, but both libraries work in kontakt 6 without any restrictions.


    I think it's not worth writing and explaining something else. I believe that the termination of full support for some libraries by new versions of kontakt is not a mistake, not an accident, and not the year the library was released. because there are even older libraries that work in kontakt 6 and are displayed in the list of installed libraries.
    the termination of several libraries occurred with the approval of the manufacturers of these libraries, and maybe even at the request of the manufacturers. what did they do for? most likely in order to push the user to switch to other formats of these libraries, for which the user will have to pay again.

    This is where I end my post. draw your own conclusions.

    I hope that the information and step-by-step instructions for editing nicnt files will be useful and help you avoid problems when working with kontakt.

    good luck!
  20. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    P. S. just now I noticed that when I was in the list of installed libraries, when I selected any nki file of the Colossus library, in the brief information in the lower left part of the kontakt window, in the Library column, it says "none". and not only in kontakt 6 - this library is not in its list, but also in kontakt 5 - this library is in the list.
