Favourite Guitar Models?

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by tori, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Good neck, nice build, but heavy. Needs a better player than me, but I tweak the sound on the Helix Rack while others play.
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  2. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Thank you, I will make it my mission this year to test one
  3. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    I just love the Cort X-1, its similar to a Ibanez but cheaper.

  4. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    I highly recommend looking into used guitars. Back when I was first starting out, I bought several new guitars in the $300 range. Then I bought a few new guitars in the $1,000 range. Then I bought several used guitars in the $300-$400 range. And the used guitars were the same range of guitars I had spent around $1K for new. And they are in great condition. So now I never really play the guitars I bought new for $300-400 but I play the used ones I spent that much on ALL the time. You can get a Schecter hellraiser used for around the price of a new low end BC Rich but the hellraiser is of much higher quality. I recommend having an experienced guitarist help pick out a good used guitar for your first guitar. You can get a much better instrument for the price. You could also go to guitar center and try several guitars and look online for used models of the ones you like. There's nothing wrong with buying new guitars but, especially starting out, you can get a much better playing and better quality used guitar for the same price. I wish I had went that route
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    i have two Jackson.
    And they are my fav necks.
    Compound radius ...

    Side note : now jackson is more affordable than Ibanez with same features ...
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  6. No Doz

    No Doz Producer

    May 15, 2021
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    i'm a big fender guy, offsets in particular. i've been guitar teching for a really long time so all my mid-level fenders play and sound like an absolute dream. i have a mustang, a duo-sonic, and a cyclone that are all regulars in my recording rotation, along with a parts jazzmaster i built. my parts p bass is probably my single best instrument. i just bought a gibson explorer pro last week, really excited about that. going to use it for heavy stuff, alongside an old EVH wolfgang special i have.

    have had the itch to build a tele lately, will probably get on that soon. maybe an SG also if i'm feelin wild
  7. BufferOverflow

    BufferOverflow Member

    Sep 7, 2021
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    Hey, necro thread back from the dead.

    I own a lot of guitars. All my electrics are Ibanez and Jackson. I've played many other brands which didn't have nearly the same playability as these.
  8. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Things have changed. Since I've been playing the shit out of my Martin D-18 it has opened up really nicely this last year or so and is now my overall favorite. It's scorching.

  9. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    i play/record mostly heavy rock/metal and this is my current lineup of gtrs. they all handle both styles easily. not sure of your budget but based on the op i'm geussing it isn't crazy high. all of that considered, my suggestion (especially based on your preference for fender style axes) would be one of the '72 fender thinline reissues. you get the best of everything you're going for imo.. you get the tele shape that you like, but you get it loaded with the fender wide range high output buckers. they look awesome (mine looks different though bc i refinished/relic'd it) but more than that its an insanely versatile gtr. easily covers anything from indie to djent if you have a drop pedal. handles drop tunings ok. you'd really be shocked at how brutal you can make these things sound. not what you see everyday from T-style gtrs. and the best thing for your situation is they can be had secondhand pretty affordably and you dont have to do any modding (pup swaps etc). ready to go exactly how they come. also who doesnt love the openness and sustain you get from semi-hollow bodies...

    if your leaning more toward something way more metal focused my other suggestion would probably be the legator headless g6fs (mine is the g7fs bc i wanted a 7 string). this gtr is slept on imo. picked mine up off of fb marketplace for $280 and threw some fishman fluence tosin abasi signature pups in it and OMG.. DJENT FUCKING CITY :rofl:. its multiscale so it handles drop tunings like a champ and you get some nice features like fanned frets and just bc of the nature of the headless system you get essentialy locking tuners that makes the gtr very stable. it's def not comparable to my strandberg but obviously these are two very different price points. downsides of this guitar are that you HAVE to swap out the factory pups. they suck. and its probably not gonna be incredibly versatile ie: your "go-to" guitar like my thinline has pretty much become. just bc its more of a narrowly focused gtr. it does fewer things but the things it does do, it does really well, especially at its price point.

    sorry for the long post. its just how i do lol. hope it helped. looking for your next guitar is an awesome time. im jealous haha. good luck!

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  10. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    the epi thunderbird is the only bass i have and it does everything. i cant remember what model it is exactly but its the one that comes with the gibson thunderbird pups and neck thru body. its a gibson imo.. looks and sounds fucking stellar for anything rock /metal related.

    o.. and is actually very comfortable to play.
  11. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    also have the thunderbird. classic. and a gibson plays like butter anyway .... (using Fender guitar currently tho. it's a Kurt Trauma thing i guess ...)

    edit: oh i was already here :rofl:
  12. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    you're right, epiphone thunderbird classic IV. had to go back and look it up. probably best bang for your buck for a nice solid rock bass. pretty much a $300 gibson t bird, or at least you could occasionally find them secondhand for around that when i got mine. i looked a few months back though and since they stopped making them, their value on the used market had gone up considerably.
  13. Rockseller

    Rockseller Platinum Record

    Aug 2, 2019
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    i have the gibson bass. original. expensive. neck and body are one piece. bc i was a bass player. a black one was impossible to find. maybe i'll let that change some day. (in the garage where they paint cars) your white looks stunning too. wow. never trusted Epiphone. But never played one either... But i could never afford a Gibson Guitar at that time (as long as it mattered, academy) so i have that Fender Guitar... (was new, for sale. really cheap. but good)
    the stuff is so expensive. but it's really worth to invest in your instruments. they stick with you for a lifetime if they are well crafted. in the studio there was a Gibson Guitar as old as my grandpa. crazy. and it's still good to play. just protect it from temperatures and take care of the wood.

    a homie , a pro guitarist, he plays handcrafted guitars especially made for him. that's crazy. but beautiful. we have a man nearby. he also made a guitars for depeche mode and lenny kravitz. awesome stuff. awesome craftsman.

    the fender i pimped myself. nailed a cruzifix on it. with nails. just the jesus piece. i was a lil scared but it worked out and looks cool. the metal has the exact same color and fits well.

    unlocked the item. then upgraded. now it protects from stealin' (30%). Have to unlock more items...
    next i wanna mount a scope lol

    omg your guitars are so awesome. really wow. the gibson and the brown one. daaaamn i love those.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  14. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I don't have a lot of money to spend on guitars these days, but my fave that I own is a silverburst Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro.

    Exactly like this one here: [​IMG]
  15. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    to me, guitar is a very personal instrument, you have to try it instead just looking at the model, that is why every guitarists have their own signature custom guitar. I own Gibson, PRS, Ibanez, Fender etc .. all are different, and now i must say i love PRS .. they're just easy to play, Gibson too, but it's P90's pickup is soo noisy though :), Ibanez is too large for my hand but good for rhythm (Metal), Fender is all around i guess, but since the question is about model i must say i am a big fan of that PRS Silversky of John Mayer .. such a hybrid model.
  16. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    My suggestion is get a good used guitar with a shape you prefer, install a Freeway Ultimate Toggle switch (they have 2 types Fender 10 position Or Gibson 6 position style), add in a treble bleed, Fender TBX tone control and you will be amazed with all the sonic capabilities you will have with no routing or drilling to the guitar body. Some pickup wiring work or replacement may be needed, but well worth the additional cost.
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  17. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    I have played one of these and can attest that they are solid guitars for someone starting out! And if you consider doing a few upgrades, it might serve as a great backup guitar too.

    Damn man you've got a sweeeeet collection! That Legator does look really good. Since you own the Tosin Abasi set, what are your thoughts on it? I chose to go with them for a custom 8 string build that I'm getting done, but just wanted to know how happy you have been with them.
  18. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    Yeah mate, they sound good already with stock pickups also, but it feels great on the hand as well...
    One issue i had with it, is that when i put heavy string gauges (13-60) it buzzes a lot on the low E string.
    Maybe it needs proper adjustment, but not a major problem really, i started to setup guitars myself because "luthiers" know shit here haha... I wasted too much money on "luthiers" already.

    And i am always starting out, i am playing the same crap of always lol so i dont consider buying a more expensive one.
  19. Davidamores

    Davidamores Noisemaker

    Jul 11, 2020
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  20. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks man! i think at this point i may finally have all the ground i could ever need to cover in the studio handled between these 5 gtrs.

    more than happy with the tosin signatures. ive got a set of fluence moderns in the les paul studio in my photos and i must say, i almost wish i would have gotten the tosins in that rather than the moderns. the clarity of the tosins is second to none. and just sheer versatility sets them apart. they especially excel on 7-8 string axes. i can't imagine you being unhappy with them. the only complaint i could possibly have with them was the difficulty of the installs for both sets. but thats kindof on me as i'm one of those "i can repair/install/construct anything myself with the help of a youtube video" types. mostly bc im cheap:facepalm:. sounds like you're smart though and leaving it to a pro. smart man haha

    o.. sidenote. one of my favorite features of the fluence pups are how the volume pots work. its almost like less of a "master volume" and more like a "output" or "gain" knob. as it seems to focus and tighten the shape of your tone while also lowering volume. its hard to explain but you'll see exactly what i mean im sure. the manual does breifly make mention of this but i almost never hear anyone mention it in the marketing or in reviews for these things which really perplexes me given how useful i've found it. maybe it is simply bc of how hard it is to explain though.:dunno:

    anyway man, hope you enjoy them. i love mine.
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