Cubase Pro 11.0.10 taking too long to load on startup

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by brazytupac, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Does anyone have their cubase pro 11.0.10 taking a long time to finish loading after launch. Mine takes about 5 to 6 miinutes usually most of the time stuck on vst2 plugin scanning, but this has nothing to do with the plugins I have as all other daws that do a plugin scan on start up do not take this long. When i freshly install cubase for about the first three times I launch it its fast, but after that then the launch time really slows down. Any help?
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    can you not turn of the vst scan? (Ableton can do that, FL doesnt scan, etc).
    You dont need everytime to scan for new plugin when you didnt add any?!

    wait you cant do that? I will never get Cubase!

    I guess just remove vst plugins from folder?!
  4. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    If its a fresh install and you have a ton of plugins, thats to be expected. Once it does the scan, it should load right up the next time you launch it.
  5. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    I just realised they've released update 11.0.40 for Cubase 11 Pro so might improve things.
    Mine takes about 35 seconds unless I've just installed new plugins
    I used to have trouble with older version of Cubase 10/11 staying open in task manager even when I exited it and worked out that if I unticked 'Use Hub' in Edit>Preferences>General and Untick 'Use Hub' and 'Apply' it exited/closed Cubase properly so reported to Steinberg who fixed it since so could be not closing properly... I use Intel i7 3770k 32GB RAM and Samsung SSD C Drive.
    Also try disconnect internet wireless or LAN to see if it speeds things up.. Good luck!
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well said!
    Not always obvious to new-comers...:winker:
    All their plugins dialling out each time they boot up their daw! lol
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Unless you block the DAW in the firewall rules.
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  8. brazytupac

    brazytupac Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    haha just did this restarted windows 10 and tried cubase, it took 10 minutes, but right now i am suspecting waves plugins as when i placed my mouse on the startup screen, the waves icon was showing.
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  9. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    I also have Waves installed and once its scanned after first install then it should really be quicker next time you start up. Please do update your Cubase 11 Pro with the latest update I mentioned earlier as mine used to hang a while longer on older versions
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh right?
    So I was right?
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Speed up - This works - NOTE - Do not delete - Inside, create a folder something like "_unused" and move them into there.
    Deletion is silly unless it is corrupted or something equivalent. It does speed up. It should speed it up by a bit - This is an older version Cubase post but the same principle.
    This way if something fails, you have not deleted anything. :)

    Cubase normally starts with the last known configuration and does not auto rescan on start up - It also has the facility to create many, many loading profiles with choosing what you load - read up on it :)
    - If you want to start it up even after installing new plugins with no scan of anything and options to choose from, to bring up a dialogue of choices, launch Cubase, and hold down Ctrl-Shift-Alt or MAC Cmd-Shift-Alt immediately after opening/double-clicking app icon.

    Side-note for Cubase haters: It is worth noting for the people crapping on Cubase, that Ableton, Fruity Loops, Acid and every DAW except for Logic, Cubase and ProTools, were always slaves to those three via Rewire. That is FACT. Why is that? No need to answer, because it's opinion. The fact though is the Rewired 'DAW's all got better and copied the originals and added their own ideas into a COPY... However, major $100+ per hour studios and there are few left except by record label ownership for Orchestra's and Large ensembles and major artists, (EMI, SONY/BMG, Mixdown, etc etc) all use ProTools, Logic or Cubase. They have been around for well over 30 years, Logic and Cubase for nearly 40 years. The rest have not. The major studios may change in the future, but for now it has been that way and still is. Home studios PFFFT... every man and his dog...lSo going into those major studios assuming they have yours without checking, or if your DAW does not do OMF or AAF export for any other DAW's stems, they will laugh at you and get you to redo as pure unprocessed audio files.

    Properly coded vst's run better in Cubase than any other DAW because they were originally made for Cubase and invented by Steinberg unless made specifically for an individual DAW. Native wins every time. 99% of the time if a vst has issues with Cubase it is the plugin code that stepped outside of recommendations of the original creator - Steinberg.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2021
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  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    :wink: :mates: :bow:
    :yes: :like:
    Listen up, newbs!

    Thank you thank you.
    At last; someone else who knows!
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    To be 100% honest, I get no joy whatsoever in posts like I made and I only posted that because I avoid crapping on other DAW's - I got sick of everyone trying to do the mine is better - It is - For them, not the entire planet. Most lacked in any knowledge of why theirs became as good as it is now in the first place.
    No decent engineer should crap on any DAW if the DAW meets the specifications of audio recording and engineering quality. They all have something worthwhile to offer - It is like a car, a computer, a wife, a cat a dog - You choose what works in your life like anyone...

    I get sick of people saying Logic, ProTools and Cubase are crap. Without them, the rest would be something completely different to what they are now. Imagine if Cubase decided to be like ProTools and refuse to let anyone else use VST's in other DAW's? Or if the creators of various audio formats refused to allow conversion? Sheesh..... EMAGIC and Steinberg did the world a HUGE favour by sharing what they had. Without Notator, Sibelius and Finale may never have come as far as they have.... Without Cubase Audio, Logic Audio and on and so forth....You get it I can tell because you witnessed it as it developed too.

    If something truly is crap then everyone will know it, loyalty only goes as far as when it completely halts your workflow, so crapping on any of them to me is not only unnecessary, it has rarely been based on fact, historical knowledge or experience.

    EDIT Addition - P.S - Every pitch alteration dev around just about takes credit for their pitch machine being....(whatever).... Logic's Time and pitch machine was the first stable form of elastic audio. The rest developed from there (When EMAGIC owned it pre-sale to Apple). - I know you know this. You'd be surprised how many people do not. If not for their genius, or them sharing their pitch invention....lots of modulation, harmonisation, chord/note detections, autotuning and more may have been as much as a decade later and definitely not in the form it is now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2021
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