Do you believe in aliens? I am an alien ! We all are ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PersonneAudioZ, Sep 19, 2021.

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  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Can you please provide a detailed description of this visit? thanks
  2. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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  3. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Hey, I've been visited too.

    Then I learnt about sleep paralysis and foreign presences those might cause.

    So my subjective experience, no matter how profound and real, is probably not the best way to claim anything.
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  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    If they exist and read certain posts here and there they'll think twice before trying to make contact :rofl:
  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Absolutely about the DMT angle when I was meditating, those two experiences are even to me not definitive proof of concrete visitation. However, when I was 6 and my slipper disappeared and was never found, that is something that I could never find an argument to find fault in it never happening. It was happening and I wasn't sleeping.

    I've done my fair share of high grade DMT and have turned on 20 people to that experiential realm after being instructed to do so by the kind gnomes curating my first experience. I was told not to let those 20 even pay me for the cost, $200 for the 20 doses, only to facilitate. And to clarify, my meditation experience came years before I had smoked any DMT.

    Traveling to other dimensions is a maybe, though traveling implies some sort of leaving. I'd rather think of it as one frequency superimposing upon another to create an interval not unlike in music...but that is a stretch for a bunch of reasons too.
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    With people with a very special heart and love, a few things disappear and every now and then one of the good spirits drops by so that you don't lose your faith and love. They also tell you that you are not alone and we will not forget you. You have never forgotten the missing shoe and with it you have never forgotten your visit.


    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
  7. PersonneAudioZ

    PersonneAudioZ Kapellmeister

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Battery have always impressed me because it is an indisputable reality. They are real Battery .

    According to the discoverers, they date back to 250 years before Jesus Christ ...

    The question is, who taught them to create electricity? And why do ?

    Some say it was to galvanize ... let's face it. But where did they get this science from?

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  8. cryoloathe

    cryoloathe Noisemaker

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Hello guys, just wanted to share something regarding this thread.
    Most of us have a place of origin from another part of Universe. I was told, by a person of confidence, that my place of origin is the star ********** and that others come from different places. If you're a new soul then your origin would be Earth.
    This origin dictates the path you could take here on Earth with your life, if you want to be good as a person and do good things and keep yourself in that path in your life. Of course that all the choices you make will define what you'll turn in too.
    Well from what I was told, aliens do exist and they can contact you if you work in the right path. You must be a person with the capacity to achieve the communication, I believe it's not for everyone. Some of us are simply sensitives and just feel a lot of things that other normal people don't. But the people that have inside of them the hability to contact them and don't have the knowledge or the training to do it they won't be able to understand what is going on.

    Well this is just my experience about this subject. Hope it correlates in some way with you guys.
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  9. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Interesting what you mention about Freqs.. reminds me of FM radio,
    where channels may be very close but not interfere, so one would never suspect what's right next to your actual/known channel..

    Did the experience with the DMT Gnomes resemble or feel in any way similar to the Giraffe aliens?

    I've tried Salvia, Cubensis and LSD in my time, but I've never tried DMT..
    Well I did smoke a little bit mixed with "charas" once, but it wasn't enough to trigger any remarkable effect..

    But it's described as something so otherworldly/reality shaking,
    I may have to experience it some day. :yes:
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    We humans can learn and understand a lot and adapt. We learned a language based on 26 letters. We have numbers from 0 to 9 and + -: x, you can calculate with that. The earth has all the raw materials that we just need to know and we just have to find them - dig them up and convert them with a formula. We even have electricity that we use to power appliances.

    Now we have the computer age. Which in turn includes many possibilities. We even measure parts that cannot be seen with the eye. From a tree invented by nature we build houses and ships, with the ships we visit other cultures.

    Unfortunately, some people are belligerent and criminal, which leads to wars and destruction. We are part of the whole universe, every person has their own fingerprint and their own DNA, a copy of a copy. Who was the first person and where did he come from. How did this planet come into being. A riddle that can not be explained by sight. We each have a lifetime of time, which is a very short period of time, but you can still hear and see the books and the movies and the songs of the people who are no longer alive after you die. At the moment the entire knowledge is compressed and stored on the server.

    Let us be smart and use our brains to understand life and to love, we preserve our humanity and are nice to our fellow human beings and use raw materials carefully and sparingly. Many people have mental disorders, we help them get well again and we are committed to nature. Let's not cooperate with people who exploit us, are criminals, lie to us and deceive us.
  11. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    We are definitely not alone :bleh:
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    My experiences smoking DMT and my visitation experience were completely different, radically so. After the 2nd deep hit of the DMT nothing was the same and I was no longer connected to my body, the room that I was in or absolutely anything, and the music that I was hearing and the kind gnomes holding the energy informed me that I was no longer in a house or even on the same planet...all this in the span of perhaps 20 seconds. On the other hand in both of my visitation experiences I was conscious of my surroundings which were familiar to me.
  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'm very interested in your definition of "person of confidence".
    And positive is not the same as mine's :rofl:
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  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    If that happened I would go about my day pretending like this is my normal Monday morning stroll through this new place I live in so they wouldn't be able to figure out I've never been there before.

    I would go as far as drunk pissing on the top of one of those lawn gnomes like it's my buddies front porch decorations like we normally do on the weekends.
  15. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    DMT smells like shit stuffed sock. You also have to have weed so it has something to fall down on otherwise it's hard to smoke. Which means you need a special bowl just for that because it will smell like shit stuffed sock which you don't want to be tasting mid afternoon on a Wednesday.

    Plus you can catch whiffs of timeless dimensions when you trying to eat that afternoon panini with your lit bowl of stank ass brocolli. Which is also not what you want. You don't want unpredictability happening when you expect stoner giggles.

    Example, I was driving on acid and molly with my friend. He asked me if I was alright, as in am I there still by waving his hand in front of me because he said I had a blank stare and stopped responding to what he was saying apparently.

    I said "yeah" and when I said that, something scooped me up about 40 feet above my car and I was watching both of us through my sunroof controlling my car with my mind as in 3rd person.

    The thing is, it felt so incredibly intuitive that I wasn't so shocked after the initial realization of what is happening right now and I burst out in laughter. This lasted for a few minutes. My friend said I sat there looking like that then starting laughing really hard. He thought I was having an acid moment and didn't think we were unsafe cause I drove the car perfectly.

    You have to be expecting the unexpected and and be in a chill and safe setting. These substances aren't as strong as DMT but they at least invite and warm you up to experiences.

    DMT just waltzes right in without asking you anything so if you're not parked ass in that couch then it better be a bed or a mattress. Never had experiences with beings but millions of geometrical patterns where nothing is anything but shapes, yeaah.

    Shrooms though, tried to communicate with me using my own reflection in the mirror as an organic entity.

    It was there waiting me to ask it something. But I did nothing but stare back knowing that if I initiate this conversation first then it would be my fault for getting fucked since it didn't talk to me first. It was unbelievably interesting but also evenly as frightening.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
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  16. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Well, back in the day, nobody had any idea about how weather systems functioned, volcanism, plate-tectonics etc. Same with the stars etc, hence the projection of human-made gods etc etched in the heavens. So of course it seemed self-evident to everyone back then that that we on earth were at the centre of it all... fast forward to the 20/21st century and now we have scientific theory/proof that completely contradicts the simplistic 'angry gods' explanations hitherto provided by religious authority.

    Honestly, i'd never heard anybody ever promote/defend the flat-earth theory until relatively recently i.e 5-10 years. Imho the flat-eath's recent resurrection - courtesy of the internet/youtube - is a tacid rejection of carte-blanche scientific authority, that is also not as altruistic or incorruptable as is generally believed and also subject to the coersive leverage of financial diktat.

    I'm not saying people of faith are worthy of belittlement. I am merely suggesting that those who promote the flat-earth theory are exploiting many peoples disaffection with the dehumanising mechanics of an emergent technocratic fascism to promote their brand of reality - no doubt also for for (in)direct financial gain or status. Truly, earth is a zoo and we would all do well to be wary of cynical human predation above all others.

    Differences in worldview are often irreconcilable.
    Where there's brass, there's muck.
    Divide and rule works like a charm every time.
    Everone now can see the problems facing humanity. The battle now is to reach the correct solution.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
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  17. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I've met many who believe that don't believe in any gods or religion. Pool players largely believe it. Because they have parts that aren't the same working in one eco system on the pool table.

    So they believe that you don't need for the earth to be round like the planets appear to be in order for things to function much like their table is flat and the pool balls are round. That's your own assumption on the flat earth theory being a religious one or lol that it's some emotional reflection of their world view or whatever rinky dinky shit you mean.

    It's interesting once you actually look into it. You will find when they compare and debate legitimately that nobody actually knows what shape it is. Isn't that fucking alarming? I've seen so many things simply proven from both sides. Hmm..
  18. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    It's the comfort blanket of invisible higher authority in our chaotic, profoundly uncertain age.

    There's a old saying, generally attributed to Mark Twain: "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". I don't know whether he actually said it, but i certainly agree with the sentiment!
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
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  19. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    LOL wouldn't that be your own emotional reflection instead of looking into things and comparing why people thing what they think? Instead of labeling them idiots thus making your right because you labeled them. That's that profoundly uncertain and aging authoritah which is chaotic.

    I simply said it's interesting once you get into it and realize that nobody knows and everyone is clueless and said I've met people that aren't religious that believe it and gave an example of the type of nonreligious people I met who believe it.

    But this seemed to have flicked the bean on your giner lol today even if you say something neutral it sounds female sensitive to someone else
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
  20. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I don't really care about the Flat Earth movement, but there's one thing I don't like about it, and it's that,
    due to it's popularity it kinda goes in detriment of what I consider a most important topic: NASA/Space/Moon fakery

    Somehow F.E. has become the loudest alternative theory, (although in my view it's ridiculous/wrong..)
    but now all the YT channels, blogs and shit that used to talk about and Debunk Space/NASA, mix it with F.E.,
    and that takes attention and traction from it..

    In around 2016 YT was becoming an awesome archive of NASA screwups,
    lots of ppl analyzing the official videos/pictures, taking them apart and pointing out all the inconsistencies..

    Not every single one was right ofc, but some Incredible stuff surfaced at that time,
    telling yo :yes:

    But then F.E. came along, and after a while YT became ever more Censored,
    so now many of those Great findings and analysis of the Space/Moon material are gone..

    Most of the stuff can still be found if you dig for it, but it's much harder to find,
    also because the YT search/recommendation algos have been purposely capped/limited.

    It's possible on other online Video platforms some of that material can be found,
    but darn, it was right there for years.. now it's all Censored.

    So in a way I see the F.E. as some Disinfo movement that has taken traction from Space,
    and that's what I don't like about it.. :wink:

    (Everything has got a redeeming quality tho, and with the F.E. movement we learnt one thing:
    Modern Digital Cameras like the Nikon P900, have such a powerful Zoom, that manage to bring the limits of the visual Vanishing Point a little further than we previously thought was possible, that's how incredibly Detailed its vertical resolution is..

    So yeah, with a P900 you will see a Ship disappearing further away from what your Eyes or traditional Binoculars would show you,
    but there's still a a Real Horizon, and that's ofc due to Earth being a Sphere..

    Also btw, what all F.E. advocates fail to realize/mention is that:
    not only the Earth is Spherical, but also the Space we live in is equally Curved due to Gravitational effects,
    so everything is slightly bent, even light.. and that has an effect in the way we perceive our reality, and the spatial/physical properties of the world we inhabit..)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
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