Software issues on izotope rx8

Discussion in 'Software' started by pick-pocket, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. pick-pocket

    pick-pocket Noisemaker

    Dec 5, 2016
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    Hi, it's the first time I ask something on this page, so I hope I'm not at fault, but I need help.

    A bit of context, last week I decided to install 'izotope rx8' on my laptop, previously I had the rx7 version but I thought it would be a good idea to update the software, so I went to 'audioz' and downloaded version 8.1.0 R2R.
    At first it worked very well because I tried it with a couple of samples, then I opened the preferences panel to make the last adjustments, at that moment I got up from my seat to take a can and my headphones got stuck and fell on my keyboard.

    everything was very fast and some buttons were pressed, and my problem is that from that moment on, when I press the play button everything that is played sounds terribly strange, like a kind of distorted noise, even dialogues or music are not perceived clearly, with songs the percussions are the only thing that can be distinguished but it sounds very distorted and the voices sound extremely low.

    In the past I only used this program to make minor arrangements to simple samples, so I am not an expert in using this program either.

    By the way, my laptop is the huawei "Matebook D16" I don't know if my laptop has poor performance for the program, but with the rx 7 version it worked fine, and as I mentioned before, when I installed this rx8 version and did a couple of tests it worked great until the incident with the headphones.

    If anyone could help me I would be infinitely grateful.

  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    it sounds like you unintentionally selected some things in your preferences. Did you try to restore default yet? (instead of checking everything)
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Best Answer
    As @clone said, check the settings, for example, you can go from 512 to 256.
    You can also take a photo from the Preferences and post it here. Do you have an audio interface?
    You can also uninstall and reinstall RX8.

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  5. pick-pocket

    pick-pocket Noisemaker

    Dec 5, 2016
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    it seems to be that it happened just as you say, I guess because of the headphones on the keyboard, if I tried to reset the settings but everything was still the same, but finally I could get everything to work again, anyway thank you very much for answering :mates:

    thank you very much for posting a screenshot, it was what helped me to solve the problem, I appreciate it infinitely.
    I had the software configured differently and I put it as it is in your screenshot and everything went back to normal, I don't know how to post the image but it worked with the "asio->fl asio" configuration.
    thank you for your time to answer and for your help :wink:
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2021
  6. Gizmoz

    Gizmoz Producer

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Hi pick-pocket
    99% of the times this problem is related to ASIO driver.
    The fix is simple.
    When it happens; stop playback, open the preferences panel of your ASIO driver (see the 1 st pic posted by Beat 16)
    deactivate the driver by pressing on the adequate button (on the pic from Beat16, it's the upper leftmost button)
    reactivate the driver (button must be lit)
    Sound should return to normal.
    If it happens frequently, try another ASIO driver

  7. pick-pocket

    pick-pocket Noisemaker

    Dec 5, 2016
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    thanks for the advice, I will investigate more on this topic because I have not had a problem of this type until now. :yes:
  8. Gizmoz

    Gizmoz Producer

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Well I hope you're not lost in investigations, and your problem is fixed.

    How ironic: I reinstalled Win after a failing update, and this very same problem is harrasing me since. :wtf: