Samplitude Pro X6 vs Reaper 6 in 2021

Discussion in 'DAW' started by tzzsmk, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    :woot: Aww, man. I'm sorry.
    Mine dance and go crazy, and try and put their sweat on me after the gig.
    Of course.
    Maybe now it's overused in the wrong contexts and in advertising, yes!
    But I totally and whole-heartedly have to disagree with your generalised statment.
    It just isn't true. You talk of marketing.
    I talk of what the majority end up using in a professional environment.
    Thus the term is born, irrelevant of marketing.
    <cough> Harrison! <cough>
    Fact. Think of film or big orchestral work.
    Do-able, with 3rd party help, but not as easy as with Cubase, Logic, or PT, imo.
  2. Kabu

    Kabu Member

    Dec 3, 2015
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    If am not mistaken , reaper has an option to add fx on each clip / items indelendently on the same track. Though i dont know how this compars with object editing.
  3. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    For me it's also the stability, compatibility, small memory use,
    and the awesome Performance it offers.

    In that sense I don't think I could be working in the Massive scale I do with any other DAW,
    my computer is/was quite powerful, but I don't think I could even try on Cubase/Tools.. Reaper just makes the most out of it :yes:
    (we're talking more than a thousand tracks, dozens of VSTi/Kontakts, tons of FX..
    and being less constrained also means more options/freedom to expand..)

    And also a very big factor is Practicality/ease of use.
    I used to be a Sonar X3 and CoolEdit Pro user, and then I went to Cubase briefly..

    Cubase worked well, but I always found it to be very square-headed if you know what I mean,
    it's stable enough and Very Capable, one of the all time "industry standards" as they say..

    But in terms of Practicality and ease-of-use it always felt very Constrained/squared, and kinda bureaucratic..
    (although maybe less than ProTools..)

    Then I tried Reaper once, and it was so Handy I just bought it immediately..!

    In fact I never opened any other DAW ever again, :bleh:
    just CoolEdit for opening/editing old-ass raw audio files, or generating tones..
    and I've got it integrated in Reaper as the default audio Editor, although I very rarely need to use it..

    Integrating VE Pro could be my next step, as it could help me bring everything a notch further,
    but it's a very different program/approach, so I'm still getting hold of the idea..:wink:
  4. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    :rofl: Thanks for the laugh!
    But you know what I meant. :yes:
    That's what I'm talking about, too. It is not me who is generalizing here. Again: There is no such thing as an "industry standard". It depends on the environment. Film composition has different requirements than broadcast. Broadcast has different requirements than pop music production/mixing. Pop music production/mixing has different requirements than mastering. Mastering has different requirements than game audio. etc etc etc. There are standards in every single environment, yes. But not for the industry as a whole.
    I'm not a composer, but I know one thing for sure: if I were, I certainly wouldn't use PT for this, and I probably wouldn't use Reaper either. Logic would also be too limited in some places for this application, so I would probably go with cubase in this case.


    As far as I know, the following programs have gained acceptance in industry sectors:
    • Film Post: Sequoia & Media Composer / Pro Tools
    • Film Scoring: Cubase & Digital Performer
    • Trailer production: Pro Tools & Reaper
    • Pop music mixing: Pro Tools
    • Music production: Live, Logic Pro & Cubase
    • Game audio: Pro Tools & Reaper
    • Live recording: Pro Tools & Reaper
    • TV & Broadcast: all kinds of software
    At least that's what I see in my country. And Nuendo, for example, you can find across all areas.
    So which of these is "the industry standard"?
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  5. The cleanest prophet

    The cleanest prophet Ultrasonic

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Well I certainly think “industry standard” has become less and less of a thing over the past few years, at least in my experience

    When there was a more definitive industry standard for DAW’s in certain sectors, that was mostly down to the fact the options were more limited and DAW’s focused on specific areas a bit more than now. I find most DAW’s now are pretty well rounded and usable for almost any kind of work

    I mixing and producing mostly indie-rock/electronic stuff but also film composing and advertising sync’s, probably 50/50 in terms of split. In my experience, Digital Performer used to be a standard for film scoring or composing but that was mostly the older generation. Myself and others I know who are at the younger end of the spectrum work in Logic, Studio One, Cubase etc. Just whatever works best for them.

    Same as many commercial studios pretty much only used to use Pro Tools for their DAW, and many of the older ones still do because it’s what they know. But a lot of newer studios now use Logic or Studio One too, I’ve seen a lot migrate to those.

    So I do think the notion of things being industry standard is becoming less and less of a thing.

    I’d say in the past few years of jobs I’ve had for film composition or advertisement sync’s, pretty much nobody has asked me what software I’ll be using. Now most just expect that you know what you’re doing and have the tools you need to do the job.
  6. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    I have had the same experience. It really only matters when project sharing plays a role. When many different people need to have access to a project and its current status at any time. If not, who cares? I just need the files.
  7. vuldegger

    vuldegger Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2021
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    none has midi input filtering so it's studio1 for me
  8. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    It's not a point I want to argue against because I don't know what you mean. What features do you think are missing?
    Nah, I doubt that very much. Frankel is financially secure. None of Frankel's projects - even when nullsoft was part of AOL - were ever designed to maximize profits. Winamp was one of the best media players of its time before Frankel sold nullsoft to AOL and they screwed it up. Gnutella was meant to be a P2P file sharing network that would get music out to the world without being easily prosecuted for copyright infringement - the spiritual father of torrents. AOL shut it down. Then Frankel founded Cockos, brought us Reaper, and you can get it for an apple and an egg. See the line?
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    He sounds cool AF!
    That does sound promising, I admit. :like:
    Many daws, even Audacity, do this yet it may be destructive editing.
    But if you can actually allocate live FX plugins per clip ?...I will be blown away...

    Sorry mate, but I have already said above. Not "think"; but know as fact. Either way, I don't recall which of the 2 daws you are talking about now! lol
    Same. Pointless.
    Sorry, "THE" you say? Ah, so this is where you are at! I see now. Let me explain:
    Firstly, "industry standard" means of a standard fit for professionals in an industry. And thus, there is evidence of such tools.
    Especially if you have been on both film and music sides...
    Our general industry here is obviously recorded music, regardless of for which outlet uses the audio.
    When you say "THE" it smacks of misuse of the phrase "industry standard".
    So I couldn't answer properly anyway.
    To be grammatically correct, none. It is improper English. Sorry!
    Yet they are all (of) "industry standard" because they are used within the relevant industries.
    If you ask correctly "So which of these are/is an industry standard", I can answer "All"!
    Thus an item, or many, can become "an industry standard".

    This reminds me of the old classic "he's so professional!" "Professional mix!" Et cetera...
    Well, he is either paid for his skills and has a full time profession: a professional, or he isn't!
    Better to say "he sure acts so good, like he is a professional..., even though he isn't!"
    Or better yet, "he's skilled!".
    Most professionals sound really good; that's why they are professional at it.

    I proof-mark people's children's GCSE English exams in the UK.
    I'm the third person the papers pass through!
    And I still catch points incorrectly given or taken!
    And find points they failed to award!
    The future will be tidier! lol
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  10. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    what do you mean? in Reaper there's included JS plugins to handle MIDI event filtering, duplicate note filtering, note filtering, velocity filtering etc...
  11. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Yes, live FX. :winker:

    Think... fact... whatever. I am talking about Reaper.
    Not pointless... I meant that my question is honest and without ulterior motives and I would like to hear your opinion. Sometimes it is interesting to look over the edge of the plate. What is missing in Reaper?
    Thanks for the tip! Well, in my defense, english is not my native language, but my third language. But I'm sure you've already noticed that.
  12. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I am just a freelancer and not a big production company and I work with aaf many times. So I need aaf import and export on reaper. I surely prefer native. I dont have a problem spending money on a separate program but native is better.

    Also I have most of the instruments from steinberg. I dont think that they are that good, good enough so I can work only with those? No way. I am on pc so I cannot say anything about logic stock instruments.
  13. obi-juan

    obi-juan Member

    May 29, 2018
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    Reaper for stability and cpu efficiency. It also has ripple editing, which I think Samplitude has one as well. Anyway, imho I think that feature comes in handy when doing editing for podcasts.

    edit: PS -- Reaper is also non-destructive iirc. When dealing with clicks/pops/glitches in audio, it doesn't have a native pencil tool like in Pro Tools to redraw the waveform. Although there are other ways of fixing those problems, there is a script that you can use to get that "same" functionality for Reaper. It's outdated but still works with Reaper 6, just look for the lua script Simple SampleEditor by eugen2777. A little caveat though, you'll want to back up the raw files if you want to use this because it is source-editing and destructive. Thought I might add that in since it can also be a useful tool for editing podcasts (especially when you get subpar audio with clicks and pops from "guests" in an episode).
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
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  14. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    I have the answer to your question. On each and every plugin Reaper supplies a Mix knob that controls parallel Processing.

    It is built in and does not require any additional tracks. It is located in the upper right corner of the plug in, It saves so much time.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
  15. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Tried Reaper several times, at several moments of its evolution... and can't be used to it.

    I simply don't get it, everything seems anti-natural and anti-logical, to a point that I could ask if the developer is an E.T. or something.

    A very simple example: I wanna import a MIDI file. The natural, obvious way to do that is to go to the "File" menu, there should be a sub menu called "Import", then you choose "MIDI File" and that's all. Same for audio and/or aaf / xml files. Same for export / mixdown / print.

    ...But it's not, never the case in Reaper! I think to conceive this nightmare, the developer have asked himself only one question: how to do thing the most complicated, illogical and weirdly as possible? And he applied this philosophy as extensively as possible, in any corner of his Frankenstein-like creation.

    I simply don't understand a single thing, and can't adapt to it. Too weird. Too mysterious. Too out-of-this-world. :woot::dunno::woot:
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  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    :woot: Namaste. :bow:
    Once or twice, ever!, I may have picked up something of that. But hardly.*
    So eloquent! :mates:
    Which is not just due to understanding language, but to real understanding.
    And I'm high now for the first time since May. Coz @Donut Nyamer told me to. Also first time with coffee again.
    I'm sorry, it's best I get back to you laterz on some of the missing aspects of the daw!
    Everything is everyone.
    Don't forget to remember that.
    Love from Smoove. xxx

    *And the "the industry standard" mistake is made by everybody including native English speakers!
    Worry not, it's so common.
    People just say things without looking at what it means. And when they do, they see how obvious it is.
    Our breath is of The Word. But I'm not religious in any way.
    So words and spelling can be also be used against us...
    But as nice guy Andy Sheps says in the full interview on Gas on YT in July, there is an accepted lingo within the music industry for instance, and it is useful, but not critical, to know these terms correctly.
    So we can all communicate smoothly!
    I'm not a fan of the ways of any industry. But it's here anyway and we are all a part of it somehow.
    So then we are programmed from a template that is already flawed, with flawed terms and concepts that all relate back to materialism.
    "State Of The Art" is another one! :suicide:
    Gosh I'm so high now.
    I've only just realised I've come back in to edit and ramble.
    Love U. x
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
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  17. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    FYI simply drag and drop to bring in files, audio, MIDI or video. To get them out simply render.

    The thing about Reaper that a lot of people can't get their head into is that it is designed to be more efficient by not requiring you to switch tools, and keeping you out of the menus as much as possible. Also the mouse and right mouse button are context specific. The tool or menu will change based upon what you are hovering over. When you begin using it right click on everything just to see how it works.

    Drag and Drop is utilized to an extreme. Using this DAW requires a different approach. Once you grasp the concepts, It's simple to operate and makes so much sense.
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  18. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Thank you for this enlightening answer!
  19. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Rapid Environment for Audio Production, Engineering, and Recording or REAPER for short.

    We've debunked a lot of thoughts about what Reaper can't do. Why is it so good? They work on improving it constantly!

    What does the DAW you use do so well that reaper can't. Just wondering?
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  20. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    The problem is not that, I'm sure Reaper can do anything other DAWs do, and even more. The problem is, as you said yourself, it demands a very different approach. Perhaps I'm too old, but I never been able to be used to it.

    But with your explanation, it changes everything, perhaps I will consider one day to try to mix one of my compos. Working on a concrete, actual project is the only way, I think, to really learn something.

    ...But I can't help but think: it's so weird! :unsure: :woot: :bleh: :winker: :mates:
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
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