Samplitude Pro X6 vs Reaper 6 in 2021

Discussion in 'DAW' started by tzzsmk, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yea I know Dan, his YouTube channel isn't much known, but I like how he streamlines the Reaper stuff for voiceovers/podcasts specifically,
    also there's Arya with his IDDQD Sound YT channel, also not that known (for some reason YT algorithms push him back all the time)

    yea sure, there's JS: 5-Band Splitter in Reaper included if that's what you seek for :yes:
    also there's custom 3-rd party plugin JSFX: LT Transient Splitter which is really cool if you get howto use it actually

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2021
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    In a perfect world where every person with a DAW monitored everything they installed, they would monitor not just the regular things a DAW owner does in a recording/mixing/mastering environment or watching the SSD/HDD space, they would create multiple VST/ VSTi directories and have each at a maximum of 1GB with their DAW set to not scan plugins on load. I did not do that and I suppose someone has because it is easy enough to install vst's / aax and au (other than vst3) to custom directories on a custom installation.

    This thread when reading 'this DAW does this faster than..." inspired that logic I never thought about and the thing is if done like above, every DAW would load plugins equally quickly and with no scan other than when you install new ones, it should consistently load quickly enough to be comparable, no matter what DAW anyone uses. You'd have to disable scanning again after new plugins of course. Fresh installations of a DAW with no plugins whatsoever, whoever said Reaper loads the fastest is absolutely correct. I am not a Reaper user by default but they're correct because I tried it.
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    What do u mean by Lacks VSTi? it supports VST format, which includes VSTi as a subcategory.
  4. Pule

    Pule Producer

    Apr 29, 2016
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    It’s a funny comparison. Reaper is so much better....
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  5. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    You can process up to 32 stereo channels and 64 mono channels (or in whatever composition) in parallel per track.
    If the native pin connector or the track wiring diagram is too uncomfortable for you, there are many different scripts and jsfx that you can use to make routing and splitting more comfortable.

    Just to name a few:
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
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  6. 990

    990 Ultrasonic

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Come on guys who uses stock instruments anyway? Reaper is the best daw if you are willing to make it work the way you want to. I own cubase, studio one, reason and waveform and none of those can work like reaper. If you are doing music then all these daws are good. But if you are working with videos or multiple videos, sound fx etc, then good luck working with any of those. Powerful export options, 2pass rendering, multiple clips in the same place on one track, easiest implementation of clip fx, lightweight af, subprojects, can import any video you want any resolution you want, no dongle, install on all your machines, 60$ ...

    The only downside of reaper is that it cannot import and export aaf. You need a 200$ program for that.
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    One of the reasons that two of the most used daws since the 90s are good and still used by the same people plus more now!, is and was because of their stock instruments.
    No other daw had anything like the EVP88 or ES1 20+ years ago, and the EP still pees over other emus. As does the organ.
    And then ES2, and later they bought Absynth.
    So, yeah.
    Everybody uses stock plugins! Since forever!
    Wow. That's major! (But do you mean lossless AAC? AAF is a project type, yeah? I doubt it will ever do that.)
    So actually, it's weak there and with instruments.
    Not "the only downside" imo.
  8. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Oh, a lot of people do. And if you use Logic, Live, Cubase, etc., then you are hardly missing anything, with the exception of specialists.
    In Reaper it's different, because here you only get a basic package, but the really good stuff comes from the community. See sai'ke for example: Saike's workshop [ JSFX | Synth | Creative FX | Nonlinear Filters ] >> GitHub-JoepVanlier
  9. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well AAF exists,
    and it could be handy if you're hoping from one type of software to another for a given project..

    But since Reaper has basic Video functionalities, one could adapt the workflow..
    Like, importing the preliminary Video, and producing the Audio/Music fully in Reaper,
    then export the final Audio and bring it to your Video editor one way/another..

    No real need to have this direct type of functionality, unless you're a massive production company,
    or happen to be migrating the old multimedia projects to Reaper.
    (athough it's possible there may be third party AAF/RPP converters, now or in the future, who knows..)

    Another thing Reaper doesn't do well is importing OMF files,
    there's a rudimentary library that can do it sometimes, but it's basic and prone to fail,
    so you're better off opening the OMF in another DAW and exporting the tracks separately, etc..

    This are considerable omissions if you're into Audiovisual Production and happen to use this formats.

    However I can think of a worse offender:
    ProTools doesn't take VST natively,
    so a considerable amount of plugs/fx/instruments will be unusable without some kind of wrapper/bridge etc..

    That's a much bigger omission imo.

    And yet, there's another topic: MIDI Latency
    Reaper does not have a "MIDI thru" mode, so it's always trying to sync up MIDI with the Audio Latency.

    I'm not an expert in this, as I don't use external MIDI-controlled Hardware,
    but that's why I mentioned, if you're into this type of workflow and use a lot of Hardware,
    perhaps Cubase, Logic or even ProTools could be a more sensible option.. :yes:
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  10. peezy666

    peezy666 Ultrasonic

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Samplitude is a great daw. X6 really fixed alot of things I didn't like admit it. What keeps me staying with samplitude is object editing. Idk if reaper had object editing, but being able to insert a plugin on a single object is deal breaker for me.

    Also, their mixer setup makes so much sense to me it's so easy to route things. I switched from sonar which is what I used since the 90s.
  11. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    AAT! Well, I know... :bleh::disco:
    AAT+AATranslator Pack
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    :yes: :rofl:
    Opposite to Logic since forever!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    back in the day, Samplitude was the first including decent spectral editing capabilities,
    nowadays with incredible 3rd party plugins like iZotope RX, and Reaper having rather basic spectral editing functionality, I guess the comparison makes little sense, but still Reaper can't do everything on its own without using another plugins/scripts imo
  14. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yes it's possible, in Reaper, objects are called items - you can do all basically same way, there's even feature of "automation items" so you can move around automation objects, regardless of audio objects;
    interesting to see another former Sonar user, I switched from Sonar to Reaper because I needed that Windows-MacOS interoperability and Studio One (3) wasn't that polished years back, and since I knew Samplitude back in the day, I wanted to try something different and streamlined :)
  15. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Sure you can insert effects on items in Reaper. In fact, you could mix and master a complete song (if it has max 64 audio channels in sum) including aux fx on only one track by mixing items in parallel and using the track pin connector to prozess aux and do "mixbus processing". I wouldn't do it because it complicates things, but it could be done.
  16. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Lol.. I was not asking for frequency splitter.
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  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh! haha.
    No surprise Reaper can't output lossless AAC either, I just found.
    Oh well.
    Sorry, but from my pov it seems like lots of people joined the game and just wanted a cheap or free daw.
    Now it's growing, yet they still love it for those initial reasons; their easy way in.
    Yet aren't aware what the industry standard daws have had for 20+ years.
    Was the same with Ableton Live users back when it came out!
    Oh, the sights I've seen! lol

    Okay, I will leave it now.
    I'm sorry, but for the sake of music production and your futures, I feel I needed to point those weaknesses, of many!, out.
    Not anti any daw, but just amazed.
    A daw should have various certain utilities as standard, imo.
    Any daw that is considered of the standard fit for the industry does.

    What it is so far is stable, I've got it and tried it, but not a sold tool with standard features yet.
    A long way off.
    And when it gets there, you will be so stuck to it and they will charge you a normal rate eventually...
    Because they hooked you in via lack of wealth.
    So they got all the people who don't want to pay a lot, if anything, for a daw.
    Which is your main work tool...
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
  18. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Just for the record, I wasn't bashing Reaper tho..

    I'm actually a happy Reaper user since 2014,
    it suits my Composing/Producing and Mixing/Mastering workflow, so I don't see myself using another DAW any time soon.. :no:
    (although I'm considering incorporating/linking VE Pro in tandem for the biggest projects..)

    However is good to know/be aware of what's the pros/cons,
    what's the Benefits it offers, and the Limitations it has..

    There's no 100% perfect software,
    so one shall use one/another in relation to his needs/technical requirements, workflow, etc..

    For the most common/Basic things tho, all Daws just as good/capable,
    so is mostly a matter of Practicality or personal preference..

    It's only when you're working on more Specialized fields that the fundamental differences in workflow/capabilities will make a difference.
    Then the difference could really be Massive..

    For instance, If one is really into Electronic music, I'd say Reason,
    or even Ableton for Live use are hard to beat..
  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Moot because NOTHING at all in the world is perfect!
    The law of all engineering! lol Ask any type of engineer; electrical or otherwise.
    It's all a compromise!
    BUT there ARE daws more perfected than Reaper by a mile! For 20+ years!
    And they are of the industry standard.
    Again, moot if one is in a professional job where you work with clients from different paths of media.
    Reaper cannot cut it.
  20. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    You don't have to apologize for your opinion. It is valid to have one.
    But cheap DAW is not the point. May be some people use it for those reasons, but the real points (for me) are others:

    It's damn stable.
    It's fast as hell.
    It has a small memory footprint.
    It's not technically limited by artificial measures.

    If for whatever reason I need to record 512 audio channels (or more) at once, no problem! When I'm mixing at a concert, my fans stay quiet, while they rev up at the same track and fx load in other DAWs. I can work with projects without problems, where other DAWs already bring my machine to its knees at a third of the size.
    Even if I'm working with someone else's setup - and don't have my REAPER portable with me - I can download and install reaper, import my config from the cloud and be up and running in 2 minutes, as long as I have wifi access.
    I don't even need a powerful machine. If I need to, I can run Reaper on a Raspberry or a smart toaster. Well, maybe even a pregnancy test will do the trick, who knows...

    Let's be serious, the industry doesn't give a fuck about what the "industry standard" is. People in the industry either use what they are comfortable with or use the best tool for the job. There are areas where reaper is the best tool for the job (and is used a lot) and there are areas where other tools are better suited. "Industry standard" is and always has been nothing more than a marketing term.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2021
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